Weaving the future of women’s empowerment: Female alpaca breeders in the Peruvian Andes promote a sustainable value chain that restores grasslands and water
At 4,000 metres above sea level and surrounded by mountains and vast meadows, the women of the Sumac Vicuñitas Artisans Association of Umpuco-Palca (ASVICUP), are promoting a sustainable value chain in the Peruvian department of Puno. Today, this allows them to transform alpaca fibres into competitive products replete with added value, opening the way for Quechua women to have better opportunities from the sustainable use of agrobiodiversity. Guardians of an Andean Tradition “I was born in the Andes mountains, my parents have always bred...
The Rider of the Giant Armadillo: Traditional Knowledge Meets Conservation Science to Protect Guyana’s Iconic Wildlife
“Years ago, our grandparents still lived in the forest and carried their children t...
From Soil to Strength: How Climate-Smart Agriculture is Empowering Persons with Disabilities
Gaynel Agustus likes to be on the ground, feeling the soil under her feet: “I love to get my hands dirty, and I love plants. Because I can’t see, I use my hands, nose and feet to ‘see’ wh...

Established in 1992, the year of the Rio Earth Summit, the GEF Small Grants Programme embodies the very essence of sustainable development by "thinking globally acting locally". By providing financial and technical support to projects that conserve and restore the environment while enhancing people's well-being and livelihoods, SGP demonstrates that community action can maintain the fine balance between human needs and environmental imperatives.

Where we work

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2011-2020 has been declared by the UN General Assembly as the 'International Decade for Biodiversity'. Biodiversity provides ...
Climate Change
Climate Change
The effects of climate change undermine development efforts and most severely impact the poor, who are relying on natural r ...
Land Degradation
Land Degradation
Land degradation focal area of the GEF SGP is informed by the previous activities of the millennium ecosystems assessments an ...
Sustainable Forest Management
Sustainable Forest Management
The focal area will endeavor to pursue SFM in the context of increasing forest and non timber forest resources, climate chang ...
International Waters
International Waters
The GEF International Waters (IW) focal area addresses sustainable development challenges faced by countries sharing transbou ...
The GEF-5 strategy for chemicals sets to consolidate the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and ozone layer depletion focal ...

Our stories

Weaving the future of women’s empowerment: Femal...
The Rider of the Giant Armadillo: Traditional Know...
In Liberia, renewable energy is empowering people ...
Wetlands, Waterfowl and Water Buffalos: Enhancing ...