2010 Start Year
169 Number of GEF Projects
US$ 8,044,147 GEF Grant Amount
US$ 4,581,506 Co-Financing in Cash
US$ 13,038,174 Co-Financing in Kind
US$ 1,977,985 Non-GEF Grant Amount
41 Number of Non-GEF Projects
210 Total Number of Projects
Country Portfolio by Area of Work
Source: Quality assured data from SGP's annual monitoring process, 2024
Featured Story

Since 2010, more than 41,800 people belonging to ethnic minorities and living in China’s Community Conserved Areas have been supported by the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grant Programme, implemented by UNDP. These efforts include the Global Support Initiative to territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCA-GSI).
Today 9th August, SGP celebrates International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2022, with the theme: “The Role of Indigenous Women in the Preservation and Transmission of Traditional Knowledge”. Read more about this SGP initiative in China.

China mainstream media "China Weekly", dedicated the cover page of its December 2017 issue to GEF SGP China work to support ICCA. In addition this issue dedicated a special article highligting 5 case studies of the support SGP China provided to 5 ICCA communities in Qunan province, Laozhai village of Guizhou province, Mt. Laojunshan the core area of World Natural Heritage Site ‘The Three Parallel Rivers’, Bazhu village of Yunnan province in the ‘Three Parallel Rivers’ area, and in Yunshu prefecture of Qinghai province. Summary of the article in English can be found in this link.
By providing its valuable spirit, vision, methods and models, SGP acts as a kindling, or a seed of fire, to drive the dispersion of the idea of sustainable development and conservation of the nature.