Adapting to the Effects of Drought through increasing water storage capacity to address climate change on Union Island (Phase2)
Adapting to the Effects of Drought through increasing water storage capacity to address climate change on Union Island (Phase2)
Due to the steep topography and short distances between points of high elevation and the shoreline, there are no streams or significant bodies of freshwater on Union Island. Thus residents rely on rainwater collection as their only source of drinking water. Generally there is a lack of adequate water storage capacity, especially for low income residents of the island. This project entails the enhancement of water storage capacity on the island by providing 1000 gallon water tanks to selected households and public buildings. Each selected site will be responsible for providing a platform and other plumbing works for the collection and storage of water. In addition, residents will be educated on how to ensure high quality water and how to conserve water, given the high demand and limited supply of water available on the island.
Describe the change in the level of disaster risk in the community that will result from this project?
The last severe drought (2009-2010) resulted in water being brought to the Grenadine Islands including Union Island by boats. This limited water had to be rationed to the community with some people getting none at all. This project will ensure that the residents of Union Island are much better equipped to deal with drought conditions. Fifty to fifty five tanks will be provided, each with a capacity of 1000 gallons. Thus water storage capacity on the island will be increased by 55,000 gallons. Furthermore, the tanks will be allocated in a fashion that ensures that those least able to cope with drought conditions will receive assistance. The increased level of quality water storage equipment will also likely decrease the level of water borne illnesses
How will you measure this change to show that the project has been successful?
One of the final activities of the project will be a survey of all water storage tank recipients gauging how their water storage capacity has increased as a result of the project and how the increased capacity has impacted their daily lives.
What difference(s) will the community experience when the project is complete?
I. Water storage capacity increased by 55,000 gallons
II. Improved public health and personal hygiene
III. Decreased frequency of water borne illnesses
IV. Without having to buy water, recipient households would have more money to put towards food and other expenses
V. Community capacity to identify, plan and implement development projects enhanced
VI. Community capacity to participate in problem solving enhanced
VII. Greater awareness of the impacts of climate change

Project Snapshot

Union Island Environmental Attackers
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 24,444.45
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Notable Community Participation
? 100 household will be interviewed. ? Two meeting were held with the Executive members of the UIEA to plan project activities. two villages meetings to launch the project and to distribute application forms ? Three workshops will be implemented during the project life-span. Project finish ? House to house discussions about the project objectives and checking to see who will qualify. ? Members of UIEA contributed to the review of the project document.
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Community members provided with tanks and will become more informed about the effects of climate change, better water conservation and sanitation measures with improve livelihoods of residents.
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VRA1: Vulnerability to present climate change hazards 1

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Tasheka Haynes


P.O. Box 2338, SeaBreeze Bldg. Arnos Vale