There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/BD/18/01 |
Se impulsará el cultivo de cacao en la zona de San Javier del estado Yaracuy con la promoción de sistemas agroforestales. Para la conservación de la microcuenca media de la Quebrada La Valenciana, se fomentará la protección de los bosques ( ... )
ños. Se mejorará la calidad de vida de los pobladores. Un programa de capacitacion que servirá de impulsor al cambio de paradigma productivo. Se beneficiará a 150 personas. Entre los resultados que busca reimpulsar la actividad cacaotera en el municipio San Felipe destacan: banco de germoplasma de cacao con 5 cultivares, vivero de cacao con capacidad para 80000 plantas, cultivares híbridos
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 6
Project Number: BOL/SGP/OP6/Y2/FSP/CC-LD/18/36 |
Durante los últimos años en la región del Chaco y el país se han experimentado fenómenos climáticos, principalmente El Niño haciendo creciente y más visible los efectos ocasionados por la sequía que perjudican a las familias campesinas e ( ... )
enas de distintas maneras aumentado el nivel de riesgo y exposición a enfermedades y disminuyendo su capacidad productiva. Mejorar las capacidades de adaptación al cambio climático y fortalecer la capacidad de resiliencia de los pequeños productores/as es importante, ya que éstos sólo disponen de conocimientos con base en su experiencia, autogestión, prácticas y técnicas para la
Dominican republic
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: DOM/SGP/OP6Y3/CORE/BD/2018/03 |
El proyecto está orientado al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los habitantes y a reducir la vulnerabilidad ambiental en la zona baja y media alta de la Provincia de Dajabón, mediante la implementación de una estrategia para la conservación ( ... )
o sustentable de la biodiversidad, usando la apicultura como motor de
Land Degradation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: WSM/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/LD/2018/18 |
1. To restore health of the soil.
2. To improve food and nutrition security.
3. To improve waste management.
4. To improve awareness and education on project outputs.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 5
Project Number: THA/SGP/OP5/Y4/STAR/CC/2016/19 |
? Objectives:
a) To adjust production from monoculture to integrated agriculture that is not affected with environment for example, agricultural ecology, agroforestry, and integrated agriculture
b) To push forward the strategy and plan of the ( ... )
ity in local level to participate in managing environment ? forest, water, soil.
c) To solve poverty and develop quality of life for people in the community to be able to live with natural environment sustainable.
? Beneficial: 350 households
? Target area:
The targeted areas are 3 villages in Nam pang subdistrict, Mae Jarim district in Nan province. The three areas are Baan nam wa (moo 5),
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: NEP/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/BD/2018/06 |
The Rautes are the only surviving nomadic tribe of Nepal and are a symbol of living history of human evolution that connects the ancient with the modern culture. They are one of the distinguished nomadic tribes of the world. Perhaps this unique ( ... )
is the only complete nomadic community in Asia. The Rautes have been able to preserve their nomadic tradition despite vicissitudes.
They represent the early phase of the human and primitive civilization surviving in the 21st century.
The main objective of the proposal is to prepare participatory video proposal to conserve the vanishing mode of culture and the people.
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: TJK/SGP/OP6/Y3/BD/CORE/2017/11 |
Pamir |
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: BEN/ICCA-GSI/18/01 |
Phase 5
Project Number: MDV/SGP/OP5/CORE/BD/2018/08 - recoded |
To provide ideas on how seascape and landscapes can be designed in an environmentally beneficial way.
Facilitate livelihood opportunities for youth in designing, photography and literature. |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/CC/18/12 |
The project objective is to introduce innovative low-carbon energy solutions to enhance energy security of Talin community. It aims at utilizing the high solar energy potential in Aragatsotn region to create enabling conditions for diffusion and ( ... )
cialization of low-carbon technology in the community and beyond.
This initiative, developed by ?SEMANT? community-based NGO in cooperation with Talin community administration, plans to install micro PV systems in the community pre-school, sports school and cultural center, as well as implement EE measures in the community music school and upgrade the street lighting. It is expected that the
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: INS/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/BD/18/047 |
1. Expanding the use of organic fertilizers in group gardens of up to 25 hectares.
2. expanding sorghum production to 5 hectares supported by marketing sorghum
Objective 1
Expanding the use of ( ... )
c fertilizers in group farms of up to 25 hectares
1. The area of ??land that uses organic fertilizer
1. Purchase chopped tools
2. Production of 2 tons of organic fertilizer per month
3. Annual and 3-monthly planting plan meetings
4. training in the use of chopper machines
5. visioning training and business management to focus group efforts
Biodiversity Land Degradation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: JAM/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/BD/2018/01 |
Jamaica, a small island within the Caribbean, with its unique bio-geography has developed flora and fauna with a great level of biodiversity. In fact, several of the island?s species are endemic and of great conservation significance. Biodiversity ( ... )
is under a wide variety of threats, such as human persecution (illegal trafficking and hunting), loss of habitat through human development and agriculture and of course climate change.
The endemic Jamaica Iguana (Cyclura collei) is one such species which came very close to extinction but through concerted efforts from local and overseas conservation partners has managed to combat the effects
Phase 5
Project Number: IRA/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/BD/2018(204) |
This is a project that will build on the experiences of a previous GEF/SGP/UNDP project that was implemented in the Qashqaie Heybatlou sub-tribe on community-based tourism. Community-based tourism has emerged as an alternative/additional form of ( ... )
hood for rural communities in Iran, however tribal communities have been less exposed to it so far. Considering the importance of tribal life and connectivity of the people and the land, there is a great potential to preserve the eco-cultural heritage through development of community-based tourism in tribal communities, both to reduce the pressure on natural resources as well as creating
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 6
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP6/Y2/STAR/CC/2017/33 |
It goes without saying that lack of access to clean, efficient and affordable energy sources limits socio-economic prospects among poor people in many rural parts of Tanzania and consequently development. It is alarming to see that energy ( ... )
ion is set to change very slowly over the next 2years a phenomenon that will likely to retard the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Though households require energy for various uses, cooking is one area that has received less attention by international and local communities. The proposed project therefore will enhance efficient energy efficient household cooking stoves and
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: LSO/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/CD/2018//21 |
The mountain communities are among the most disadvantaged of the world, while at the same time playing an important role in the sustainable development of our planet. The mountain ecosystems and communities are impacted by the effects of climate ( ... )
, while their traditional knowledge and biocultural heritage are critical for addressing climate change adaptation, mitigation and food security. Despite the importance of mountain peoples and environments, they are often overlooked in the national and international planning and negotiations processes and do not receive adequate support and resources to build resilience and ensure sustainable
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BOL/SGP/OP6/Y2/FSP/CC/18/11 |
Las comunidades de Azero Norte, Aguadillas y Los Pinos forman parte del área protegida, que abarca una superficie total de 2.630.9 Km2 y representa el 5.1% de superficie del departamento de Chuquisaca.
La dispersion de viviendas en las ( ... )
dades rurales; se constituye en una limitante para acceder a energia electrica y gas licuado, es ahi donde las necesidades de combustible condicionan a seguir haciendo uso de leña como principal fuente energética para cocción de alimentos. Asimismo, el uso de velas y mecheros es comun para veerse de iluminación y uso de pilas para poder utilizar algun equipo de radio y/o iluminacion (600
Land Degradation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: UKR/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/LD/2018/21 |
The main project goal is to promote effective agroecology methods for sustainable development of farmers households and raise their capacities and knowledge. Experimental field plots are determined to test the most applicable and effective ( ... )
ological techniques for the particular landscapes. The project experts conduct a scientific research and analysis of soil and vegetation on determined experimental plots for ecological monitoring in the context of land agrochemical characteristics, crop capacities and climate influence. One of the important components of the projects is to ensure a high level of public awareness on ecological
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 5
Project Number: WSM/SGP/OP5/CORE/CC/2018/15 - recoded |
1. Increased access from vulnerable locations to quality and sustainable agricultural lands.
2. Improved quality of soil and land for sustainable gardening and farming.
3. Improved quality of gardening/farming products for public and commercial ( ... )
. Strengthened knowledge and understanding of villagers and council on climate change issues and impacts including forest rehabilitation, forest protection and socio-economic functions linking to the key functions of the village
Biodiversity Land Degradation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: NAM/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/BD/2018/06 |
The project aimed to create a conducive environment for animals, plants and trees to live, multiply and co-exist with the other farming activities in the area. |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: BLR/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/CC/18/12 |
Project goal: 1. Establish a testing ground in Cherykau Utilities Company for adapting the latest energy efficient practices and technologies, reducing CO2 emissions, as well as adapting the principles of green city management. 2. Cut heat ( ... )
ption with the pilot heat supply facility by 20-25% of the current indicators
Project tasks:
- carry out a pilot upgrade of the individual heating substation of a 20-apartment building in Cherikov - draft a concept and program of adapting state-of-the-art green technologies enabling, after the project, cost effective automated control over utility engineering systems for improving fuel use