There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: COL/SGP/OP7/Y4/STAR/BD/2023/16 |
ASOJOTER ofrece una variedad de actividades y servicios para los
visitantes. Estos incluyen recorridos por senderos ecoturísticos para realizar senderismo,
avistamiento de fauna y arte rupestre, servicios de alimentación, camping y acceso a un ( ... )
ario. En cuanto a la operación turística, ASOJOTER tiene una capacidad diaria de 66
personas y ha recibido 300 personas en promedio mensual. Su nivel de ventas se basa en
paquetes que incluyen alimentación, entrada, guianza, seguro, balneario y transporte. Los
precios de estos paquetes varían según los diferentes servicios. En términos de comercialización,
ASOJOTER utiliza
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: COL/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/BD/2022/01 |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: MLW/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CW/2022/04 |
The project responds to the climate change by addresing factors that underly Malawi's vulnerability ti to calimate change. Malawi is one of the most climate fragile countries in the world, this has had adverse impact on the majority of people ( ... )
ally youth who make up over half of the population. In recent years, low-income countries like Malawi have experienced serious and unprecedented floods and droughts on account of climate change which is exacerbated by poor solid waste management despite producing less waste than wealthier nations with consequent effects on key socio-economic sectors and consequently on the economy.
Malawi is
CapDev Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: BZE/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/2023/03 |
Objective#1: To build the capacity of Solar Power Board in Punta Negra to manage solar
photovoltaic systems and sustainability.
Objective#2: To install a renewable power source in households, small businesses, and school in
Punta ( ... )
Objective#3: To support active, positive roles for
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: BZE/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/CC/SIDS/2023/01 |
The three (3) remote communities of Lucky Strike, Yalbac, and San Lucas do not have access to electricity grid ? this project seeks to resolve this issue, providing clean, renewable photovoltaic energy to 14 families in Lucky Strike (5 who are ( ... )
ering using electricity for business), 24 families in Yalbac (2 who plan using the electricity for business, plus 1 system for the church), and 30 families in San Lucas (San Lucas has a retail business and an internet café in place already).
The three communities have already put in place an interim Power Board under the village council with 7 members. These Power Boards will have a key role in
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: CPR/SGP/OP7/Y4/STAR/BD/2023/01 |
1. Environment and Economic Situation
In 2018, Jintang Town achieved a regional GDP of 4.86 billion RMB, and its ranking in the 'Top 1000 Strong Towns in China' jumped from 552 in 2017 to 338. It also achieved a total fiscal revenue of ( ... )
llion RMB, making it one of the top three towns in Zhoushan City. In 2022, Jintang achieved a total fiscal revenue of 477 millionRMB, of which local tax revenue was 305 million RMB, an increase of 1% compared to last year, achieving a significant increase even compared to before the epidemic.
2. Background on the Endangered Species Eurasian Otter
The Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) is the most
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: BGD/SGP/OP7/Y3/CC/CORE/2022/3 |
Climate change is likely to impact the haor regions of northeast Bangladesh by the gradual onset of climatic stresses such as rising temperatures, losing aquifer of groundwater, as well as an increased occurrence of disasters? i.e. floods, cyclones, ( ... )
surges, and riverbank erosion. Disaster management , response and impact is highly gendered across diverse demands and settings. The needs and priorities in various stages of the disaster cycle are highly differentiated in a social and cultural context showing intersectionality with poverty, livelihoods, health gendered roles and age. Gendered and vulnerable groups often hold vital social
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/BD/2023/01 |
The objective of this project is to plant an area of about 200 hectares through the method of seed dispersal with intelligent drones. The project will experiment and compare the viability of seeds encapsulated with a special protective and ( ... )
ional layer against that of seeds in natural condition without special
Viet nam
OP6 Y8 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: VNM/SGP/OP6/Y8/CORE/2023/04/p |
The grant is to provide funding for formulation of a project, being ?Piloting durian production applied smart technology and combined with the construction of a durian garden model connected with tourism and agricultural experiences?; |
Viet nam
OP6 Y8 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: VNM/SGP/OP6/Y8/CORE/2023/04 |
Specific objectives to be implemented under the grants are as follows:
? Objective 1: Raising awareness of farmers from ethnic minority group about economic development through collectives and the application of digital transformation in ( ... )
ltural production.
? Objective 2: Piloting the application of smart technology to monitor durian care process and join e-commerce platform in Dak Lak province.
? Objective 3: Building a pilot model of durian garden combined with agricultural and tourism
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: INS/SGP/OP7/Y1/STAR/BD/23/009 |
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 Y8 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: VNM/SGP/OP6/Y8/CORE/2023/03 |
The project is aimed at applying integrated solutions to effectively exploit the coastal saltwater - brackish water ecosystem, increasing the economic efficiency of the artemia model in the context of climate change, and contributing to sustainably ( ... )
ining the farming area of Artemia in Vinh Hau and Vinh Thinh communes, Hoa Binh district, Bac Lieu province.
Expected outcomes under the grants are as follows:
? Outcome 1: Improving farmers' ability to access and apply new scientific and technical advances; helping farmers to be proactive in identifying potential risks, difficulties, and obstacles in the production process; enhancing
Congo, dem. republic
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/BD/2023/12 |
Le projet prévoit de contribuer efficacement à la réduction des risques liés à la pollution du fleuve Congo sur le bief fluvial de Boma ; de lutter contre le non-respect de la règlementation et des normes d?exploitation de la pêche et ainsi y ( ... )
er la restauration de la biodiversité marine. De façon spécifique, 457 pêcheurs membres de l?APB et autres parties prenantes de la filière halieutique, seront renforcés en capacités organisationnelles. Ils mettront en place un plan de gestion intégré de pêche, et de lutte contre la pollution du fleuve. Ils mèneront des cations pour faire respecter la règlementation.
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: MEX/SGP/OP7/Y1/WRI/2022/67 |
Conocer los mecanismos más efectivos, ya sea químico, biológico o mecánico, para el control de la campanilla (Ipomoea rubens). El objetivo es maximizar los recursos humanos y económicos en el proyecto de restauración de 100 ha de manglar rojo ( ... )
comunidad de La Ventanilla,
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: COL/SGP/OP7/Y4/STAR/BD/2023/06 |
La Corporación de Pesca y Turismo GUARDIANES DEL YURUPARÍ, entidad sin ánimo de lucro, se creó con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de sus corporados mediante la unión de esfuerzos, capacidades, conocimientos, organización y trabajo en pro ( ... )
rar la calidad de vida de un sector que tiene problemáticas sociales, ambientales y económicas como lo es la vereda Bocas del Guayabero, pero también alternativas de crecimiento en general. En el artículo 4 Objetivos de la corporación define mejor el para que se crea la corporación:
·Recuperación y conservación de los ecosistemas pesqueros mediante el fomento de pesca deportiva y la
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: BDI/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/LD/2023/04 |
Le relief de la commune Kabezi est fait des montagnes à forte pente avec une faible couverture végétale. Ce qui favorise l?érosion du sol provoquant la création des rigoles se transformant progressivement en ravins et plus de 10 ravins sont ( ... )
és ayant des dimensions moyennes de 8m de profondeur, 5m de largeur et 5Km de longueur qui menacent sérieusement les cultures, la vie de la population les maisons d?habitation et autres infrastructures sociales surtout l?hôpital de Kabezi ainsi l?envasement des eaux du lac Tanganyika d?où baisse croissante de la production halieutique générant la malnutrition dans la zone. Pour
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: CMR/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CH/2023/07 |
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: MDV/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/PLA/2022/02 |
To provide an Open Data Management System (ODMS) at Fuvahmulak city to store and deliver readily
available historic data on how Fuvahmulak city waste is being consumed, collected and recycled at
the island. The statistics delivered from ODMS ( ... )
e a supporting tool for institutions to use during
their decision on island related any
OP6 Y8 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: NEP/SGP/OP6/Y8/CORE/PLA/2023/02 |
This project is based on overall plastic waste management action plan and its effective implementation in collaboration with all stakeholders. The study therefore aims at providing baseline information on the production and use of plastics in Nepal ( ... )
licit appropriate priority actions in developing plastic waste management action plan in Nepal. Conduct baseline study of plastic pollution, assess the existing policy landscape for management of plastics and recommend implementable solutions for policy formulation, highlight the ongoing solutions at institutional and programmatic level regarding plastic management and explore the possible
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: BRA/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/BD/2023/35/20 |
The project aims to encourage youth and the community in general to develop family farming with sustainable practices on the banks of the Parafuso River, with the use of clean energy and the strengthening of community social organization, directly ( ... )
ting 23 families in the Barra do Settlement. Rio, through the construction of the association?s headquarters; construction of a space next to the association's headquarters to store equipment and carry out collective activities in the settlement; Implement a solar energy generation system with capacity to generate 800kW/month; carry out replanting of vegetation in deforested areas around the