There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: PAN/SGP/OP7/Y4/STAR/BD/23/11 |
Construir y consolidar una red comunitaria nacional de Viveristas que cumplan con los requisitos
necesarios para ofertar servicios ambientales forestales, generando conciencia ambiental y accionando economías
locales |
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: PAN/SGP/OP7/Y4/STAR/BD/23/08 |
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: MLI/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/BD/2023/02 |
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: MLI/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/BD/2023/03 |
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: MEX/SGP/OP7/Y1/STAR/BD/2022/53 |
fortalecer a las y los pequeños productores de cafe?, mediante el desarrollo de capacidades en prácticas agroecológicas y climáticamente inteligentes en la producción de café bajo sombra diversificada, que contribuya a la conservación de la ( ... )
ersidad en los cafetales de la Sierra Madre de
Land Degradation
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: ARG/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/LD/2023/27 |
The objectives of the project are the revaluation, appropriation and innovation for value addition and sustainable use of the carob bean, led by women producers/entrepreneurs of Colonia El Simbolar, to improve access to work and quality of life for ( ... )
nd their
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: GNB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/SIDS/2023/02 |
Co-benefit of access to low-carbon energy in the community of Mata de Uco, through the introduction of photovoltaic renewable energy.
Promote and provoke a change in behavior through awareness campaigns in beneficiary communities
Equip the ( ... )
ciary community with digital means and equipment and make them more aware and proactive through actions to reinforce technical skills in various areas so that they have more skills in terms of appropriation and management of their activities.
Equipping the community would benefit access to low-carbon
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: UZB/SGP/OP6/Y7/CORE/BD/2023/10 |
The project is aimed at growing seedlings of plants of local flora by middle school students under the guidance of biology teachers and involving the adult population in these activities. The project?s assistance contributes to the creation of a ( ... )
roduction for preparing plant seeds for distribution, and carrying out work to promote
Land Degradation
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: NAM/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/LD/2023/04 |
North Macedonia
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: MKD/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/2023/CH/04 |
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: BOT/SGP/OP7/Y4/STAR/CC/2023/13 |
Climate change driven by human-generated global warming poses significant problems to the globe. Individual human behavior adjustments towards more pro-environmental behaviors are therefore critical for mitigating climate change and promoting ( ... )
nmental sustainability (Clayton et al., 2015; Gifford, Kormos, & McIntyre, 2011). While many sponsors, companies, and individuals are concerned about climate change and its effects on the environment and sustainability, very few are involved in mitigating behavior to adequately limit environmental problems. Through this proposed project, KCS hopes to collaborate with the GEF/SGP-UNDP to be among
Land Degradation
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: SEN/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/LD/2023/09 |
Le projet intervient dans les régions de Louga et Kaolack, dans les villages de Keur Yoro Sy et Thiambène Till. Il va contribuer au renforcement de la résilience et à l?autonomisation des communautés à travers le développement de ( ... )
écologie et de l?agroforesterie. Les activités prévues sont : (i) la mise en place d?une pépinière communautaire pour la production de 25000 plants ; (ii) la valorisation agricole, pour 40 petits producteurs, des terres précédemment récupérées par des techniques de restauration des sols avec l?appui de SGP (iii) le renforcement de capacités des bénéficiaires en gouvernance des
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
OP6 Y8 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: SVG/SGP/OP6/Y8/CORE/CD/22/02 |
Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development for CBOs; To assist with the establishment of a training room dedicated to training and building the capacity of NGO?s in the southern grenadines; To distribute three (3) small grants to three (3) ( ... )
GOs in the amount of XCD5,000 each; To build the institutional capacity of three (3) local CBO or NGO and have them registered by 2023 and provide mentorship and training for these
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: IND/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/LD/2023/05 |
Drought is one of the recurring features of Indian agriculture, especially in the rain-fed areas. It affects not only national food security but also causes miseries to human life and livestock. The study area, i.e., Ramanathapuram district of Tamil ( ... )
ndia (Latitude 9°40?and Longitude 78°70?) has been affected consecutively for the last decade by drought due to the failure of rainfall of northeast and southwest monsoons. So, the economic status of the area has declined due to the drought and the people from this district have migrated to other districts to improve their socio-economic status. This district has seven taluks, eleven blocks
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: GHA/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/CC/2023/27 |
This project seeks to empower smallholder women farmers with basic skills in solar irrigation, organic vegetable farming under climate smart agriculture technologies. Climate smart agriculture is not being viewed in isolation but part of the ( ... )
on; an integral part of a systemic and inclusive agenda to transform farming in rural communities. It will not be limited to food security alone, but also direct measures are taken to counter detrimental climate effects. Climate smart agriculture agricultural practice that reduces exposure, sensitivity or vulnerability to climate variability or change (for example, water harvesting, terracing,
Biodiversity Chemicals Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/BD/2023/01 |
1. Project Summary
The proposed project, Integrated Biodiversity Conservation (IBC) Strategy is going to be implemented under Manjolo ward (7) in Binga district. The District falls under ecological region 5, with maximum temperatures of 40oC ( ... )
= 28oC), with largely non-arable soils. The region is generally dry, rich in Wildlife, and predominantly inhabited by the BaTonga people. Manjolo is at home with four wetlands, rivers, diverse animals, and plants species. The lion (Panthera leo), African elephants (Loxodota Africana), Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer), and leopard (Panthera pardus), forage in the area, on their transit the
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: KHM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/2022/08 |
The main objective of Integrating Biodiversity Conservation and improving Community Livelihood (IBC-ICL) project of the Roleak Kang Cheung Community Protected Area (RKC CPA) is to ?Strengthen the sustainable natural resources management of this ( ... )
Kong Cheung Community Protected Area (RKCCPA) in order to be ready in the implementing the REDD+ program in the future?. There are two specific objectives i) Strengthen the sustainable natural resources management of this RKC CPAs with the 2,462ha forest cover and ii) Improve the local community members' livelihood of 98 households (399 people with 204 females). In order to achieve both specific
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: BOT/SGP/OP7/Y4/STAR/CC/2023/04 |
The Botswana Climate Change Network (BCCN) intends to implement a project that solves a chain of inter-related energy and climate induced development and access challenges in the Country.It will support women?s participation in green growth ( ... )
rising targeted at decentralized renewable energy products and services in support of the Country?s NDCs and transitioning to a low carbon and climate resilient economy. The project will support, at the grassroots level, disadvantaged women who still largely depend on fuelwood for cooking and lighting and have no means to economically improve their lives to access green skills by supporting
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: TGO/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/LD/2023/03 |
Au Togo, le rapport national sur la neutralité en matière de dégradation des terres (2018) estime la superficie totale des terres dégradées sur la période 2000-2010 à 2 349 Km2 soit 4,14% du territoire national. Ce qui équivaut à un taux de ( ... )
ation annuel des terres de 23 490 ha.
La dégradation et l?appauvrissement des sols représentent une menace au développement de la production agricole sur toute l?étendue du territoire national. Les principales causes sont la perte du couvert végétal, les feux de végétation, l?érosion par le vent, l?eau et le labour, le compactage, la perte de matière organique du sol et la pollution.
Burkina faso
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: BFA/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/BD/2023/17 |
Objectif global du projet : Contribuer à la préservation de la biodiversité et gestion durable des ressources naturelles biologiques dans la commune de Bama.
Objectifs spécifiques (3 objectifs au maximum)
OS1 : Récupérer de terres ( ... )
dées à des fins agropastorales afin de réduire la pression sur les berges et l?ensablement des eaux.
OS2 : Reconstituer le parc des espèces végétales et fauniques utilitaires menacées dans la zone du projet ;
OS 3 : Développer les moyens de subsistance de communautés locales, par l?adoption de pratiques agroécologiques qui intègrent les besoins de conservation