There are 115 projects that match your search.
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Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/LD/23/16 |
The project aims to generate additional source of income in Gndevaz settlement of Jermuk consolidated community for increasing the efficiency and productivity of farming through introducing smart management of natural resources. The population in ( ... )
z is mainly engaged in cattle breeding and farming. The overall agricultural lands make up 5677 hectares, of which cropland is 492 hectares, perennial plant land are 141.8 hectares, 180 hectares are arable, 120 hectares are not irrigated. The communal lands are prone to degradation, landslide areas need rehabilitation and smart cultivation.The community has sufficient water resources, that are
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/LD/23/17 |
Tegh community is located at the south-eastern border of Armenia. Local population used to cultivate neighboring arid lands for decades. However, as a result of the recent military crisis, most of the farmlands were lost that affected the living ( ... )
rds of the population. In addition, some 250 families were displaced and found refuge in the community who need more resources to ensure their subsistence. Now the community has to rely on limited land resources and look for irrigation to start high value crop production.
The project proposes the construction of a complete irrigation system for Tegh settlement of Tegh community, which
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CD/23/15 |
Designed to support government and other institutions during the transition towards banning single use plastic bags, the ?Say No Plastic Bag? project aims to promote the use of reusable bags, raise awareness among locals and contribute to behavior ( ... )
through identifying the most successful ways to promote a #noplasticbag lifestyle. As part of the project, the team will develop a large collection of reusable bags made of environmentally friendly and durable materials (23,000 bags with a design approved by the Ministry of Environment), organize awareness campaigns and develop a series of distribution channels to ensure that every citizen in
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CD/22/09 |
The Green Book project aims to create environmental modules for schoolchildren and integrate them with Information and communications technology (ICT) tools, which are an integral part of education nowadays, including teaching and learning. A ( ... )
d task force consisting of respective experts and teachers will design modules, covering from earth science basics to climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions and technologies. Web-based ICT multimedia tools will be used to communicate and connect environmental modules to teachers, schoolchildren, and other stakeholders and make it accessible even in an isolated village. By completing
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/22/11 |
As a result of the escalation of the armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in September 2022, the border communities and rural households of Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor and Syunik regions suffered losses and faced damages caused to the power ( ... )
systems, gas pipelines, irrigation systems resulting in decreased livelihoods and security. Consequently, the remote pastures in some communities became unsafe; some important infrastructures are damaged, and the local population is facing new challenges because of inaccessibility of infrastructures. Frequent electricity and gas supply disruptions result in increased pressure on already limited
Land Degradation
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/LD/22/07 |
A comprehensive program is offered to strengthen the capacity of Lernavan and Shenavan settlements, which is fighting against land degradation, climate change, rural poverty and for solving food security issues.
The project envisages the ( ... )
uction of a sustainable land-water management system through the introduction of high-value crop cultivation technologies, the construction of a gravity innovative irrigation system, and the restoration of community lands and industrial landscapes that were damaged.It is also planned to strengthen the local opportunities for the investment of smart agricultural practices. The project will
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/BD/22/13 |
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/CC/22/14 |
The policies and programs on climate change and energy in Armenia should have a balanced approach on expected benefits and risks, climate and social commitments, sustainable consumption of natural resources- land, water, biodiversity, forestry. It ( ... )
essary to consider community and population needs, introduce the culture of corporate social responsibility. In this process all the stakeholders, such as the state agencies, private sector, impacted communities, CSOs should have active engagement. As a result, a new culture of socially and environmentally responsible practice will be introduced in policies and programs on energy and climate
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/CC/22/12 |
The arable lands of Tsovak settlement constitute 645 hectares of arable lands, out of which 70% is not irrigated due to inaccessibility of water resources. The hydrotechnical systems of the settlement were built around 60-70 years ago and are not ( ... )
operated due to deterioration of the irrigation infrastructure.
The majority of the communal arable lands are not being cultivated and are mainly used as hay lands. In some places people cultivate cereals and perennial crops, that have a low productivity and profitability due to dry conditions. This results in land degradation of most of the arable lands.
Taking into account the applied
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/LD/22/10 |
In Armenia, more than 80 percent of land is exposed to degradation due to industrial agriculture, unsustainably designed human settlements and pollution. This has led to local food insecurity, higher food prices, contribution to climate change, ( ... )
nmental hazards, and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystems.
The project proposes permaculture approach as a simple, accessible and inexpensive approach to solve these issues. This approach is gaining popularity across the world, however, it remains virtually undiscovered by the people of Armenia. To start introducing the solutions offered by permaculture to Armenia, the project aims at
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CD/22/08 |
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/21/06 |
The project aims to promote cultivation of high-value crops (blueberry, barberry, raspberry, currant, blackberry) through application of innovative solutions in the context of agritourism development.
As a result of a double crisis in the ( ... )
y, several agroecological issues relating to biodiversity conservation and food security became particularly challenging, as for rural and bordering communities the land cultivation is the main source of income.
The innovative component of the project is the application of new cultivation methods of high-quality berry species, especially blueberries, implemented by the local women of Berd
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CH/21/05 |
The aim of ?Compost Academy? project is to increase public awareness about the importance of composting, create small scale composting stations and engage locals in day-to-day activities that can help reduce emission of chemicals and create ( ... )
izers with no chemicals. The overall objective is to increase public awareness about the proper organic waste management practices and create new business opportunities in composting for urban settlements. The Compost Academy project has three main components:
- Creating small composting workshops in 5 selected schools/educational institutions;
- Increase public awareness through promotional
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/21/03 |
Lake Sevan is the largest body of water in Armenia and the South Caucasus. The Lake is home to 6 species of fish, all of which are endangered, while there are more than 250 species of vertebrates (48 are protected), about 150 species of ( ... )
ebrates and about 1600 plants in the basin of the lake.
There are many abandoned fishing nets and traps at the bottom of Lake Sevan. Although these nets and traps are not in use, they continue to trap and kill fish, crawfish, etc. The decaying remnants of flora and fauna consume oxygen during decomposition, creating anaerobic conditions at the bottom of the lake. This is detrimental for endemic
Land Degradation
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/LD/21/04 |
The project aims at strengthening the capacities of Lusaghbyur community to address environmental challenges, such as land degradation and climate changes, as well as produce socio-economic benefits to tackle rural poverty and ensure food ( ... )
Within the project it is envisaged to introduce a sustainable land-water management system through demonstration of high-value crop cultivation technologies, construction of a gravity irrigation system for restoration of community lands and industrial landscapes, as well as operation of a cereal crops separating and sorting machinery for the community needs. The project will also support
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/20/01 |
COVID-19 has disrupted social and economic systems around the world, deepening existing vulnerabilities. The impact of the pandemic has an unequal, more severe impact on vulnerable groups, such as the urban and rural poor, women, children, disabled, ( ... )
ny families have experience a loss of income, education or access to social services.
An additional challenge for these communities is the winter season, which will increase the energy supply burden and utility costs in Armenian communities. Heating, hot water supply, adequate sanitation and improved hygiene in the cold months will be vital for the socially disadvantaged in different communities
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/20/02 |
The project aims at enhancing energy security of Vardenis community, Gegharkunik region through expanding the use of low-carbon energy solutions. The region is characterized with high solar energy potential that will create enabling conditions for ( ... )
ion and commercialization of low-carbon technology in the community and beyond.
Within the project activities it is planned to install solar PV stations in the community kindergarten, music school and municipality with a total capacity of 36.9 kW, as well as upgrade the street lighting system of the city through replacing 320 street lights with new LED lamps. Moreover, the project is planning to
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/YCC/2019/27 |
The relationship between environment and employment is evolving, from an initial focus on pollution control toward activities that transform the economy and avoid environmental damage. Investments in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures ( ... )
ossible without respective experts.
The project aims to raise interest of youth in green skills and specializations necessary for sustainable and green development of the country. The main objective of the project is to increase awareness and competences of youth about climate change issues, mitigation and adaptation measures, energy production and conservation, so they will get ?green?
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/BD/19/21 |
This project aims at contributing to the conservation of biodiversity of the Vanadzor Canyon through development of a sustainable economic model with the following components: education and awareness raising, and environmentally sound leisure and ( ... )
urism facilities.
Vanadzor Canyon is an area rich of wildlife biodiversity, including endangered species, such as the Bubo-Bubo eagle-owl. The canyon experiences degradation of ecosystems because of forest logging, illegal hunting of extinct species, pollution of air, water and land. These practices are generally a result of lack of control mechanisms, and abandonment by local authorities and
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/BD/19/18 |
Agriculture has been the chief source of income and main occupation for around 2,350 residents of Gargar and Vardablur communities of Lori region. Previously, these two communities used water from the same irrigation network, which was delivered by ( ... )
River. The main irrigation pipeline was made from big size of metallic pipes and is currently not used.
This resulted in very serious socio-economic consequences, as most of the community arable lands remained uncultivated: around 240 ha in Gargar and Vardablur communities.
The main goal of the project is to introduce climate-smart agro ecological practices in Gargar and Vardablur