There are 118 projects that match your search.
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Climate Change Mitigation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/CC/12/05 |
The project "Cycling city - a model of modern urban mobility" aims at covering the target area of the Southeast planning region and its main objective is to reduce CO2 emissions by encouraging use of bicycles as an alternative means of transport in ( ... )
The administrative centers of the four areas within the Southeast region are towns with prominent metropolitan functions that face major problems in highly urbanized areas: dynamic processes of incorporation of the suburban areas and villages to urban compound nucleus, heavy traffic, lack of flexible and covering the needs of the population transport network that provides
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/BD/12/08 |
The biological diversity in Sofia region represents a large and still not sufficiently utilized resource for economic and educational activities. In order that to take place, detailed, knowledgeable and accessible information is necessary.
On the ( ... )
ry of the region, there are two reserves, two national parks, two natural parks, two sustained parks, 28 natural phenomena and 32 protected areas, which require special measures for preserving the biodiversity, as well as their presenting in a proper way. The lack of satisfactory knowledge and use of the natural resources, as well the slight interest to the issue by the young people, institutions
Climate Change Mitigation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/CC/12/10 |
The building process devotes 40% of carbon emissions and 40% gas which harms the ozone layer; it consumes 40% of the global energy and 40% of the raw materials. In response to this challenge, The European Commission adopted Regulation ? 305/2011 on ( ... )
th of March, 2011, it added and the seventh essential requirement for sustainable use of natural resources in the constructions. The new regulation allows the usage of products, produced on site and requires the usage in the buildings of innovative products.
Bulgaria ranks last in Europe in innovations in its economy and the building with natural materials is still on "taboo" for most teachers
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: BUL/SGP/OP4/Y3/CORE/2012/23 |
The building process devotes 40% of carbon emissions and 40% gas which harms the ozone layer; it consumes 40% of the global energy and 40% of the raw materials. In response to this challenge, The European Commission adopted Regulation ? 305/2011 on ( ... )
th of March, 2011, it added and the seventh essential requirement for sustainable use of natural resources in the constructions. The new regulation allows the usage of products, produced on site and requires the usage in the buildings of innovative products.
Bulgaria ranks last in Europe in innovations in its economy and the building with natural materials is still on "taboo" for most teachers
Climate Change Mitigation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/CC/12/11 |
The developed innovative conception for the construction of ?Demonstration project for developing of intelligent scheme to build ECO charging station with 2 (two) park spaces for charging of electric vehicles in the urban district with ?Green? ( ... )
provided by photovoltaic cells??. This conception gives innovative resolution to decrease gradually the problems in the urban district, which are caused by the motor transport, through stimulating the building of intelligent schemes for renewable energy and which generate incomes and contributing to decrease the harmful carbon dioxide emissions, nitric acid, non-methane carbon, dusty fractions
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/LD/12/17 |
Integrity restoration and efficiency improvement of the forest protection zones of the Balchik municipality in order to enlarge the cultivation areas and enhance soil fertility are the main objectives of this project. The subsequent environmental ( ... )
s would provide better ecosystems interaction and functioning. Proper forest management under the supervision of the local authorities outcomes with reduction of soil degradation and wood devastation. The carbon metabolism would be improved. Good forestry practice stabilizes wood degradation and improves agricultural activities. Restoration of fifty one dka of formerly destroyed protection
Land Degradation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/LD/12/04 |
Permanent pastures and commons are the second by significance land resource (next to forests) in Bulgaria, related to biodiversity conservation. During the past years two main threats related to the use of this resource are observed ? on one hand ( ... )
tensification and plough up and conversion into arable land, and on the other abandonment that leads to degradation and loss of valuable habitats. These trends are result of the drastic reduction of the number of farm animals, and the requirements imposed by the implementation of the Common agricultural policy (CAP) in Bulgaria concerning the way of their management.
The main project
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: BUL/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2011/43 |
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/LD/12/19 |
«Future for Rhodopean agriculture now» is a project creating environment for establishing of a beautiful natural farm which will serve as a model for the local communities in Rhodope Mountain and a spring for a new kind of education close to ( ... )
We want to achieve sustainable development in harmony with the people and the nature as well as create stable grounds for future prosperity of the people living in the mountain.
Our main goal is to contribute in long-term to the reduction of soil degradation in the Rhodope by introducing and actively popularizing organic farming. In such way we will address the problems of soil fertility and,
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/BD/12/13 |
Conservation of biodiversity from native breeds is global goal related to environmentally friendly management of natural resources, social well-being of local communities, cultural diversity and last but not least a variety of traditional flavors. ( ... )
of food is an extremely important factor to stimulate consumption. As a result stimulate breeding of those animals which provides the necessary raw materials. Traditional foods of animal origin are closely related to breeding and selection of specific old native (indigenous) breeds. The current conservation of rare breeds agrobiodiversity only through subsidies is unstable approach.
Climate Change Mitigation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/CC/12/09 |
In terms of decentralization and expanding the powers of local government, municipalities have more significant role in the energy management. Energy planning and rational use of energy resources, production and supply of energy is becoming a major ( ... )
ent of sustainable development policy of each municipality.
Realizing the need to take measures to counter climate change and the following the European and national policy, the commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and the signing of the "Covenant of Mayors", Burgas municipality leads a purposeful policy of introducing energy efficiency measures in public buildings and promote the utilization
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/BD/12/06 |
The implementation of this project will be capitalized on the experience and efforts of the Small Grants Programme of the GEF and its partner organizations to solve specific problems for the conservation of globally significant biodiversity and ( ... )
nable use of natural resources in the municipalities of Devin and Borino .
Despite considerable efforts and resources aimed at reducing poaching, this negative phenomenon still occurs in the territory managed by ?Association of Hunters and Anglerers? Devin. Some of the poachers' activities are driven by old habits and attitudes among the representatives of the local inhabitants, formed in the
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/CD/12/20 |
The main objective of this project is to assess the impact of GEF SGP in Bulgaria in various subject areas according the strategic objectives of SGP Bulgaria and to promote the approach and good practices of SGP and its successful completion.
The ( ... )
c objectives set to be achieved by implementation of this project proposal are:
? Assessments and impact analysis of SGP in Bulgaria based on reliable feedback and active participation of interested stakeholders;
? To promote the program approach, best practices and results at national and European level, by presenting summary data from the entire period of the programme operation;
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/LD/12/18 |
The project aims at measures against the conversion of the land in waste and bush areas and against the erosion by means of sustainable management of uncultivated municipal and private territories, belonging to the protected area ?NOEVTZI?, within ( ... )
ropean Ecological Network NATURE 2000. Various protected plant and animal species are available in this area. The two types - Landrail (Crex crex) and Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) are well known by the local population. ?he territories in this area situated in the plain and in the high mountain area are low-yield fields and pastures abounding with bushes, resulting in loss of the
Chemicals Chemicals
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/CH/12/14 |
This information campaign about the pilot launch of a recycling centre in Sofia and Dimitrovgrad is aimed at the initiation of a change in the public awareness and the stimulation of an active civil behavior regarding the utilization of packaging ( ... )
through a demonstration of the advantages of the latest world technology ? Recycling Centre. This information campaign has been designed to support the local administrations in the application of an alternative approach in the decision making process related to the separate waste collection and utilization of household waste as well as to enhance their efforts in overcoming the public
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: BUL/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2011/44 |
This information campaign about the pilot launch of a recycling centre in Sofia and Dimitrovgrad is aimed at the initiation of a change in the public awareness and the stimulation of an active civil behavior regarding the utilization of packaging ( ... )
through a demonstration of the advantages of the latest world technology ? Recycling Centre. This information campaign has been designed to support the local administrations in the application of an alternative approach in the decision making process related to the separate waste collection and utilization of household waste as well as to enhance their efforts in overcoming the public
Climate Change Mitigation
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/CC/11/15 |
Bulgaria's national target defined in the first national action plan on energy efficiency, developed pursuant to Direktiva2006/32/EO amounted to 7291 GWh and represents 9% of the average final energy consumption for the period 2001-2005 To ( ... )
lish this goal by 2016, our country has undertaken to demonstrate the performance of 1% energy savings per year, which means 810 GWh per year. Balchik Municipality joined the European initiative "Covenant of Mayors», which shall go beyond 20/20/20 set by the EU for 2020 According to the energy efficiency plan of Balchik municipality, 20% of emissions are emitted from the
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/CD/12/16 |
The project ?Presentation of good environmental management practices in Bulgaria? is implemented by civil association ?Future? (?Budeshte?) and aims to present to the general public different approaches to managing the environmental aspects of a ( ... )
business in it aim towards sustainability. All project activities are focused towards delivering one single product ? producing a documentary film with working title ?The other Bulgaria through our eyes?.
The project team includes sustainable development experts and professionals from the film industry, who will be based in Sofia and will travel to the different destinations in Bulgaria to
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/BD/12/12 |
The project aims to contribute to the conservation of protected areas and species near Smolyan, through the application of specific conservation measures, development of different forms and degrees of difficulty botanical trails, empowering local ( ... )
for sustainable use of plant resources in crafts and art. Focus efforts to promote nature conservation and these resources will be organizing a festival of wild flowers in Smolyan, as part of a European chain of such festivals under the auspices of PlantLife International. A good example in this respect is similar Bohiny Festival, Slovenia, held for 5 years (
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP5- Y1 (Jul 11 - Jun 12)
Project Number: BGR/SGP/OP5/CORE/BD/12/07 |
The elaboration of the current project is initiated from the necessity of effective conservation of the Spur-Thigh and Spur-tailed tortoises and other globally threatened species and their habitats in the Eminska Mountain region. The region is very ( ... )
n biodiversity. It is the easternmost part of the 700-kilometre long Balkan Range, terminating at Cape Emine and the waters of the Black Sea. It is a significant ?stepping stone? biocorridor for the distribution of thermophilic reptilian and amphibian species. There are 17 species of global significance, included in IUCN Red list - 7 mammals: Grey hamster, Forest dormouse, Fat dormouse, Common