There are 263 projects that match your search.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/10/02 |
The project plans to carry out the rehabilitation of the local environment through integrated sustainable land management activities that enhance its service giving capacity thereby community?s livelihood potential is improved and biodiversity ( ... )
ces are conserved by building the capacity of the community to adapt climate change and its effects through training, awareness creation and experience sharing; enabling the rehabilitation of degraded hill sides, farmlands, grazing lands, and gullies and avail alternative source of food and feed; improving the service and production giving capacity of the environment through integrated
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/10/01 |
The project plans to carry out the rehabilitation of the local environment through integrated sustainable land management activities that enhance its service giving capacity thereby community?s livelihood potential is improved and biodiversity ( ... )
ces are conserved by building the capacity of the community to adapt climate change and its effects through training, awareness creation and experience sharing; enabling the rehabilitation of degraded hill sides, farmlands, grazing lands, and gullies and avail alternative source of food and feed; improving the service and production giving capacity of the environment through integrated
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/09/01 |
The project is planning to reduce land degradation within the intervention area through controlling soil erosion, increasing soil fertility and adopting more sustainable farming systems. The project will contribute to conservation of famous ( ... )
nous trees of the region which are also the major natural resources in Ethiopia. It is anticipated that the increase in vegetation cover due to the establishment of wood lot and plantation of multipurpose Agro forestry trees, together with decreasing pressures on forest wood since the introduction of fuel wood saving stoves, will contribute to the global struggle against climate change, reducing
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/10 |
The project aims to minimize environmental degradation, particularly land degradation of the village through biological and physical soil-water conservation measures, and restoring and enriching the vegetation cover of the area through ( ... )
station, and introducing the application of energy saving technology and area closure; enhancing the income of the households specially those who are poor members of the community through on/off-farm income generating schemes, and enhancing awareness of the community and the level of their understanding on natural resource conservation & wise use of it through training. It also aims to improve
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/11 |
The project works towards enhancing the land quality and vegetation cover so as to curb the problem of climate change with specific objectives of rehabilitating the sparsely stocked vegetation cover through reforestation, and area closure; ( ... )
litating and conserving degraded ecosystem through implementation of different physical soil and water conservation measures and flood protection mechanisms; introducing and promoting improved stoves that can reduce both deforestation and the consumption of fuel wood; creating alternative income source and improving productivity including women whose livelihood largely depended on fuel wood/
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/12 |
This project is focusing on the rehabilitation and conservation of degraded biophysical environment and livelihood development, by enhancing the land quality and vegetation cover through biological and physical soil and water conservation practice; ( ... )
ing the patchy vegetation cover by afforestation, promoting of energy efficient technology, and area closure; to generate alternative income source for those whose livelihood is largely reliant on the natural resource; strengthening the community in environmental management and sustainable livelihood through capacity building and awareness creation.
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/13 |
The project focuses on the rehabilitation and conservation of degraded biophysical environment and livelihood development, by rehabilitating the fragmented vegetation cover through afforestation, promoting of energy efficient technologies and area ( ... )
e; restoring the degraded land through biological and physical soil and water conservation practice; creating alternative income source for those whose livelihood is largely dependant on natural resource; strengthening and empowering the community in environmental management and sustainable livelihood through capacity building and awareness creation. The overall goal of the project is to assure
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/14 |
The project works towards enhancing the land quality and vegetation cover so as to curb the problem of climate change with specific objectives of (1) rehabilitating and conserving degraded ecosystem through plantation and implementation of different ( ... )
l and biological soil and water conservation activities, (2) Improving agricultural productivity and diversifying and maintaining sustainable income generating schemes especially for females, and (3) strengthening and building the overall capacity of the Association through training and experience
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/09/15 |
This project plans to achieve sustainable management of resources and maintain community welfare through restoring and rehabilitation of degraded lands so that it contributes to the global environment by restoring the degraded landscape through ( ... )
ysical soil and water conservation and flood protection structure; enriching the sparsely distributed vegetation cover through reforestation, area closure for natural regeneration and promotion of energy efficient stoves; diversifying income source of the community especially women whose livelihood largely depends on fuel wood and charcoal selling; and strengthening the technical capacity of the
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/09/17 |
This project aims to assure goods and service of the natural environment and food security of the community by hiring integrated approach of sustainable natural resource management and development measures thereby contributing to the global ( ... )
nmental wellbeing through rehabilitation and conservation of degraded biophysical environment and enhancement of the land quality and vegetation cover by undertaking activities like restoration of the degraded land through biological and physical soil and water conservation practices; rehabilitation of the fragmented vegetation cover through afforestation, promotion of energy efficient
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/09/05 |
This project is geared towards the conservation and improvement of biological diversity through community environmental rehabilitation and sustainable development of the natural resource base with specific objectives of the project are: to halt the ( ... )
t level of land degradation and ecosystem resource devastation, to undertake afforestation and conserve the remaining natural resources, to promote the regeneration of vegetation cover and protect biodiversity resources, to introduce energy efficient /fuel saving technologies, to restore soil fertility, improve productivity and enhance food security and improve water resources and, to create
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/09/04 |
The project will contribute towards global environmental benefits through enhanced biological biodiversity in the area. It will have a positive impact on the overall well-being of the people as well as on the general environmental conditions at ( ... )
national and global levels. Major outputs include improved soil and water conservation levels; improved supply of fruit seedlings; agro forestry plantation around homesteads, farm lands and bare lands; adoption of fuel saving technologies and increased income at household level due to modern bee keeping
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/09/06 |
This project is geared towards the conservation and improvement of biological diversity through community environmental rehabilitation and sustainable development of the natural resource base with specific objectives of the project are: to halt the ( ... )
t level of land degradation and ecosystem resource devastation, to undertake afforestation and conserve the remaining natural resources, to promote the regeneration of vegetation cover and protect biodiversity resources, to introduce energy efficient /fuel saving technologies, to restore soil fertility, improve productivity and enhance food security and improve water resources and, to create
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/09 |
The project is aimed to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of the watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through awareness ( ... )
g, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the water tower of
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/02 |
This project is aimed at conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of the watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through ( ... )
ess raising, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/09/23 |
The project is aimed to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of Work Awtulet watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through ( ... )
ess raising, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4//Y3/RAF/09/19 |
This project aims to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of Addis Alem watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through ( ... )
ess raising, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/09/20 |
This project is aimed to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of Ambaber watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through ( ... )
ess raising, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/03 |
This project is aimed at conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of the watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through ( ... )
ess raising, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/06 |
The project aims to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of the watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through awareness ( ... )
g, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the water tower of