There are 263 projects that match your search.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/09/22 |
The project is aimed to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of Dedeq watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through awareness ( ... )
g, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the water tower
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/04 |
This project is aimed at conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of the watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through ( ... )
ess raising, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/01 |
This project is aimed at conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of Godeb watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through ( ... )
ess raising, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices.
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/05 |
This project aims to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of the watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through awareness ( ... )
g, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the water tower of
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/07 |
The project aims to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of the watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through awareness ( ... )
g, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the water tower of
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/09/08 |
The project aims to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of the watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through awareness ( ... )
g, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the water tower of
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/09/21 |
Thi sproject is aimed to conserve and manage the biodiversity resources of Zumander watershed around Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering the local community through ( ... )
ess raising, training and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed level in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods. It also intends to address other associated environmental problems such as land degradation and climate change through soil and water conservation practices. The Choke Mountain is considered as the
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y3/09/05 |
The project aims at developing the technology to produce charcoal using sugar cane trash so as to increase income of growers, reduce degradation of forests, and promote wide scale dissemination to both other growers in the cooperative and to other ( ... )
which produce sugar cane such as Jimma and Matahara. Specifically, the project envisages to increase the income of small growers that will participate in implementing this project; reduce the need for deforestation by developing cost effective marketable alternatives to using wood for charcoal; develop a training video for users; determine if the findings from the assessment are achievable with
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y2/09/02 |
This project envisages to ensure sustainable use of land management through creating an area free from human and animals intervention to rehabilitate and conserve the land; conducting various natural resources management, soil and water conservation ( ... )
ies; introducing income generating activities such as beekeeping, raising awareness of the community and building capacity of the CBO together with government and other stakeholders in the project area.
Land Degradation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y2/09/01 |
This project aims to protect the environment from pollution and thereby prevent the public health that is caused by lack of sanitation in Mekelle city through collection of solid waste from households and business centers, converting the solid waste ( ... )
mpost to use it as fertilizer for urban agriculture, gardening and other agricultural activities, increasing community and opinion leaders? awareness on environmental sanitation and build technical capacity of the CBO.
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y2/09/04 |
Seeing the environmental sensitivity of city dwellers, to the recently witnessed rise in heat waves due to, high rate deforestation and external factors such as huge amount of CO2 released from vehicles and other sources, this project plans to ( ... )
s the problem by growing trees to absorb the released CO2 and changing the dry wastes to composts to minimize the NH4 released and add up soil fertility, which willl be very helpful for water retention and effects the tree planting and urban agriculture intervention initiations and improve beneficiaries livelihoods and the environment. To this effect, awareness creation programme, will be
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/09/16 |
This project aims to improve the biomass composition thereby contributing to climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and land reclamation effort through increasing vegetation cover and composition through afforestation, promotion of ( ... )
efficient techno logy and area closure; reducing degradation of land through biological and physical soil and water conservation measure; creating alternative income source for women whose livelihood largely reliant on the natural resource; and strengthening the community awareness and capacity through training workshop and awareness creation programs with expected outputs of increased volume
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/09/18 |
The project plans to combat climate change and related environmental degradation and improve the livelihood of Koriso community as well as contribute towards food security through integrated approach and promoting sustainable natural resources ( ... )
ment by improving the overall income and living standard of the community through increased agricultural production and diversification of livelihood bases; rehabilitating and conserving the degraded ecosystem to help combat climate change and land degradation; promoting and installing solar/LED home lighting system to reduce deforestation and promote green energy to reduce carbon emissions; and
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/09/03 |
The project is planning to reduce land degradation within the intervention area through controlling soil erosion, increasing soil fertility and adopting more sustainable farming systems. The project will contribute to conservation of famous ( ... )
nous trees of the region which are also the major natural resources in Ethiopia. It is anticipated that the increase in vegetation cover due to the establishment of wood lot and plantation of multipurpose Agro forestry trees, together with decreasing pressures on forest wood since the introduction of fuel wood saving stoves, will contribute to the global struggle against climate change, reducing
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/09/02 |
The project is planning to reduce land degradation within the intervention area through controlling soil erosion, increasing soil fertility and adopting more sustainable farming systems. The project will contribute to conservation of famous ( ... )
nous trees of the region which are also the major natural resources in Ethiopia. It is anticipated that the increase in vegetation cover due to the establishment of wood lot and plantation of multipurpose Agro forestry trees, together with decreasing pressures on forest wood since the introduction of fuel wood saving stoves, will contribute to the global struggle against climate change, reducing
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y3/09/06 |
The project aims to contribute to the conservation program of the endemic and endangered species, the Swayne?s Hartebeest and their habitat, as well as to improve the livelihood of the community around the Sanctuary by increasing community ( ... )
ess, and skills for their contribution to wildlife Conservation and environmental management; promoting modern environmental friendly income generating technologies; promoting modern energy saving technologies to prevent indoor air pollution and reduce environmental degradation; reducing the human impacts on the Senkele Sanctuary, by providing alternative sources of income to the
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y3/09/07 |
The project aims to contribute to the conservation program of the endemic and endangered species, the Swayne?s Hartebeest and their habitat, as well as to improve the livelihood of the community around the Sanctuary by increasing community ( ... )
ess, and skills for their contribution to wildlife Conservation and environmental management; promoting modern environmental friendly income generating technologies; promoting modern energy saving technologies to prevent indoor air pollution and reduce environmental degradation; reducing the human impacts on the Senkele Sanctuary, by providing alternative sources of income to the
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/09/07 |
This project, an overall objective of combating land degradation along the Kebena River by reducing erosion of soil and biodiversity through provision of training and equipment and implementation of physical and biological conservation methods; ( ... )
ing the community capacity to address land degradation issues while at the same time creating income generating opportunities from running nurseries, horticulture, solid waste management etc, will work to alleviate poverty and unemployment in the local community. In doing so, the project aims to contribute to the fight against global climate change by maintaining the carbon stock in the soil and
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y2/09/03 |
The project plans to demonstrate how solar energy technology could be used to enhance the quality of life for low-income communities living in the project area identified as being the poorest, most needy and with no likelihood of grid electricity. ( ... )
h promoting use of renewable energy and thus contributing for livelihood improvement of the poor people, the project aims at reducing the impacts of climate change and land degradation. In this innovative and community-based program, sustainable human development will be achieved by building local capacities within the community to set up, operate, repair and maintain solar PV generating systems
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/08/01 |
The project will be carried out on Abajime watershed with the general objective of conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering ( ... )
al community through education and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed levels in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods.