There are 263 projects that match your search.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/08/05 |
The project will be carried out on Adagn Medhanealem watershed with the general objective of conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by ( ... )
ring the local community through education and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed levels in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods.
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/08/02 |
The project will be carried out in Chemoga watershed with the general objective of conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering ( ... )
al community through education and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed levels in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods.
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/08/03 |
The project will be carried out on Temcha watershed with the general objective of conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering ( ... )
cal community through education and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed levels in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods.
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/08/01 |
The project will be carried out on Washa watershed with the general objective of conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by empowering ( ... )
cal community through education and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed levels in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods.
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/08/04 |
The project will be carried out on Wyifen Adikim watershed with the general objective of conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by ( ... )
ring the local community through education and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed levels in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods.
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/08/02 |
The project will be carried out on Yejibara Meda watershed with the general objective of conserving and managing the biodiversity resources of Choke area through integrated on-farm conservation approach. The mode of project implementation is by ( ... )
ring the local community through education and practice and decentralization of all activities to watershed levels in order to achieve improvements in key areas of environmental problems that affect their livelihoods.
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/07/01 |
The project involves stabilizing emission and concentration of GHG?s in the atmosphere that are related to human induced interference with the climate system there by improving the local micro climatic condition of the project area in particular and ( ... )
uting to global climate in general. These will be achieved with the objectives of increasing the vegetation cover of the project area through Afforestation and Construction of different SWC activities so that the sink capacity of the area will be improved and sustainable bio mass energy production will be ensured; improving the livelihood of the communities by providing and supporting the
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/07/02 |
The project involves stabilizing emission and concentration of GHG?s in the atmosphere that are related to human induced interference with the climate system there by improving the local micro climatic condition of the project area in particular and ( ... )
uting to global climate in general. These will be achieved with the objectives of increasing the vegetation cover of the project area through Afforestation and Construction of different SWC activities so that the sink capacity of the area will be improved and sustainable bio mass energy production will be ensured; improving the livelihood of the communities by providing and supporting the
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/07/03 |
The project area is located in one of the regions in the country that was severely affected by flooding due to adverse climate change effects. |
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/07/04 |
The project involves stabilizing emission and concentration of GHG?s in the atmosphere that are related to human induced interference with the climate system there by improving the local micro climatic condition of the project area in particular and ( ... )
uting to global climate in general. These will be achieved with the objectives of increasing the vegetation cover of the project area through Afforestation and Construction of different SWC activities so that the sink capacity of the area will be improved and sustainable bio mass energy production will be ensured; improving the livelihood of the communities by providing and supporting the
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/07/03 |
The project involves improving the environment through natural resources conservation/development and to contribute to diversified livelihoods system of settlers consisting of 1,826 households (9,130 people) living in the newly established ( ... )
se Resettlement Area, Nonno District, West Shoa Zonal, Oromia National Regional State. This is aimed to be achieved with the objectives of physical and biological natural resources conservation methods on sustainable development basis to enhance diversified livelihoods. The project has been systematically and carefully designed with full participation of concerned stakeholders so as to ensure
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y1/08/01 |
The project aims to undertake different different soil conservation structure to upgradt and revitalize the degraded landscape so as to enhance soil fertility, reforrestation and increase surface and ground water. It will also introduce area ( ... )
e for natural regeneration, undertake nursery establishment for seedling production and planation and select beneficiaries. A comprehensive traning will also be given to successfully adopt and sustain the project ideas to selected model farmers and the wider community at large.
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/07/04 |
The project involves improving the environment through natural resources conservation/development and to contribute to diversified livelihoods system of two watershed areas community 320 households (7000 people) living in the two watershed sites. ( ... )
s aimed to be achieved with the objectives of physical and biological natural resources conservation methods on sustainable development basis to enhance diversified livelihoods. The project has been systematically and carefully designed with full participation of concerned stakeholders so as to ensure sustainable conservation, development, and use of the project results by the community. It is
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y1/08/02 |
This project is designed to address issues related to climate change and will also be engaged in prevention of deforestation. The climate change components will be attained by executing of the activities, which contribute to reduction CO2 emission ( ... )
atmosphere, and adding more O2. With regard to a forestation of the area it has been planned to discourage the unwise use of fuel wood by introducing improved fuel saving stove and providing support for nursery hand in hand with intensive awareness raising and sensitization
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/07/02 |
The project involves restoring the productive capacity of the land by promoting afforestation on unused degraded lands to ensure sustainable reduction of poverty; rehabilitating the degraded biodiversity by enclosing and protecting pieces of ( ... )
al land, undertaking the strategy called Tree Gudifecha (Sponsoring/adopting trees) in implementing the project activities; introduction of energy saving stoves to reduce volume of fuel materials used and the time spent by women and girls to fetch these. Within the course of these undertakings, tree products like timber and fire wood will contribute toward alleviating poverty in the area. Other
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/Y1/08/03 |
The project addresses land degradation by +implementing soil and water conservation, seedling production and tree planting activities to mitigate the effects of soil erosion and massive deforestation, maintaining biodiversity through the protection ( ... )
angered fauna & flora species which eventually leads to promoting
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: ETH/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/07/01 |
The project involves protection and development of the endangered flora and fauna of the Guna Mountain ecosystem by improving the livelihood of the communities who live within and adjacent to the Mountain. This is planned to be achieved by reducing ( ... )
rent level of soil and vegetation degradation increase the forest cover of the area and thereby improving the livelihood of the
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/06/002 |
The project focuses on providing support to the local communities, their local experts and administrators in 4 kebeles (Shelle Mela, Genta Kenchema, Genta Meyche and Genta Bonke) in Arba Minch Zuria Woreda of Gamu Zone in Southern Nations, ( ... )
alities and Peoples Regional State. The overall goal of the project is to help the local communities combat climate change and rehabilitate their environments, including improving their crop production through an organic approach. The global impact will be the conservation and sustainable use of the local biodiversity, and particularly the maintenance of the rich bird diversity of the area. The
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/06/003 |
The project addresses problems of land degradation especially indigenous plants and contributes to climate change mitigation through promotion of integrated sustainable land and natural resource management practices and efficient wood saving ( ... )
logies. The general development goal of this project is to halt land degradation and improve the vegetation coverage and to protect the biodiversity loss in the project
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: ETH/RNE/06/001 |
The project aims at rescuing the endangered Combretum-Terminalia vegetation and Oxytenanthera abyssinica (low land bamboo) in one of the most fragile forest ecosystem of the Amhara Region, Metema woreda; particularly village 6,7 and 8 inhabited by ( ... )
lers .In order to achieve the objective the project designed different development options that can help improve the livelihood of the target communities thereby reduce the pressure on the natural vegetation.