There are 264 projects that match your search.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters International Waters
OP4 - Y2 (Jul 08 - Jun 09)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/2008/22 |
Actions to be undertaken by JAMAAT ?Koktomduu-Atar?:
1. Establish a committee to manage projects
2. Conducting 4 round tables and 8 seminars.
3. The construction of the building garbage collector
4. Decorating 20 garbage collectors
5. Establish ( ... )
iners for collecting garbages.
6. Make a Participatory Video.
7. Establishing 5 notice boards and 2 informatory boards..
8. Develop methods of debris
9. Collection of garbage inside the park among tourists.
10.. Publishing 500 brochures, 500 posters and 500 training manuals.
10. Publishing 7 articles, 2 TV
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/TOP-UP/2008/01 |
More than 90% of the territory of Kyrgyzstan has mountanious systems. There are many rivers that form in the mountains. These rivers have very distinct feature because they form deep river basins. This is why the territories along the rivers do not ( ... )
nough water for irrigation. The aim of the project is to present local population the alternative way to irrigate their fields that are lacking water. The Charpalek system will be demontrated and the objective of the project to help people successfuly help people adopt this system by the means of Participatory video, information campaign and demostrating positive experiences.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/TOP-UP/08/02 |
This project is realized in the indicated region because the local population is dependant on natural resources which is leading to vast destruction of the nature. This is the outcome of poverty in the region, lack of alternative energy resources ( ... )
e lack of awareness about the environmental problems. The project aims to disseminate the information about Kan heating systems among the local population and give them an alternative to cutting down the trees in search of energy resources. The project members are attempting to help the local population to adopt the new device and increase awareness about ecological issues in the region. This
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/03 |
In 2003 Kyrgyzstan has ratified Kioto protocol on the climate change but the implementation of this protocol is in delay due to the fact that local population is not aware about the renewable energy resources. The project by Jyluuluk CBO is going to ( ... )
he awareness of local population about the effectiveness of the renewable energy resources and help to overcome the problems concerning the ecology. 1. Conducting seminars (increasing awareness of local population and local authorities about using solar energy), round tables.
2. Purchasing and installing the different kind of solar devises:
- solar generator
- Vacuum
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/14 |
There is a massive tree cut down in this area, also the local livestock is damaging the forest ares. There is lack of water to water the saplings. To solve the environmental problems the local citizens created a "Nur" CBO and also a "Nur" rest house ( ... )
ve several cottages and yourt. To improve and continue their work the organization needs more funds and that is why they decided to apply for GEF SGP grant. With the funds from GEF the CBO is going to:
1. Conducting educational seminars and round tables
2. Building a mini hydro electro station and watering system
3. Installation of helio-stoves
4. Installing dry closets
5. Arranging the
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/20 |
After having examined the results of Miliekontak international foundation on the analysis of the areas of Shark village, the Genom NGO came to conclusion that wide territories of cotton growth are damaged by persistent organic pollutants. The ( ... )
on that NGO came up with in coping with this problem is fencing the territory of the POP polluted areas. This way they can avoid the dissemination of the POP by animals and waters to the not polluted areas.
Actions to be undertaken by Public Foundation ?Genom-2?
1. Conducting an inventory to eliminate the areas of POP pollution in Osh oblast.
2. Conducting an analysis arable lands and make a
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/05 |
In Kenesh ayul okmotu there are such remore villages as Karajygach and Seyikazy. This villages mostly constituted from woods that local population uses as a source of heat. These activities are causing anthropogenic pressure on the woods. The Arzu ( ... )
s idetified this problem and a solution. The use of solar devices could replace the traditional methods of heating and therefore reduce the pressure on the environment. Other than that the CBO is going to implement the revolver type of solar device promotion, which will show the ecological and economic benefits from helio device utilitation.
Actions to be undertaken by Jamaat
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/OP3/Y2/06/64 |
The need for such project to be conducted and implemented in this region is the condition of the tailing pits. Most of them have lost their safety surface and have been constantly interupted by local residents. These interventions are highly ( ... )
ous and create a great concern for the safety of the cicitzens. This project aims to increase awareness on the effect that these actions can cause for the health and general condition of this area.
During the course of the project the NGO plans to conduct three round tables and sixteen seminars on Persistent Organinc Pollutants to achieve better awareness. The seminars are intended to increase
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/09 |
The region where the CBO is conducting the project was affected by erosion and land degradation. Due to the lack of knowledge about new ways to irrigate the pastures. The CBO discovered new ways to irrigate the land such as charpalek, hydrotaran and ( ... )
is project is mostly an experiment in this region to solve long term problems of the region.
Actions to be undertaken by Public Association ?Jashyl Tektir?
1. Conducting seminars, trainings and round tables.
2. Build and install ?Charpak-Palek? device.
3. Establish agitation boards.
4. Plant saplings.
5. Publish brochures and booklets.
6. Information
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/CORE/07/08 |
The need for such project arose due to the careless attitude towards environment by the local population. There is a mass trees and bush cutting. The region could be a great attraction for the tourist but due to the lack of awareness about ( ... )
nmental issues there a great damage to this territory. The NGO is taking actions to preserve this area. 1. Conduction of project introductory seminar (increasing awareness of local population and local authorities about global environment concerns and project links to the concerns)
2. Conduction of biodiversity inventory in the selected places
3. Exploring possibilities for development of
Chemicals Chemicals
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGPOP3/Y2/CORE/2006/59 |
The main concern of this project is the Persistent Organic Pollutants dropped to the river Soh. This river flows through two countries that are Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. There has been a great antropogenic influence to the river because there are ( ... )
yrgyz and Uzbek households along the river. During Soviet period various types of pesticides were utilized on the lands, which now belong to people and they organize their living by processing this land. Therefore, the new and old pesticides are dropped to the river because population of this area is not well-informed about the hazardous and greatly negative effect. The environment of the river
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/63 |
The land degradation has been a great challenge for this region. If this problem is not considered in the closest terms the land in this region may loose the oppotunity for restoration. The NGO has set a goal not only to restore the land and avoid ( ... )
gative effect of degradation but also they intend to protect the forest area. To solve the serious problem of degradation the NGO plans to plant fast growing types of trees that can substitute the trees that are enlisted in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan and now are used for enegy supply. The actions that are considered in the project are to fense the wood and arrange a better protection for forest
Land Degradation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/06 |
The project proposal was discussed during the local gatherings and the local ayul okmoty has distributed 600 hectares to the NGO "New Eco Forest" to implement the project. The land in the Donuz Oinoor was affected very much with the land degradation ( ... )
the overgrazing and the floods.
Actions to be undertaken by Public Ecological Foundation ?New Eco-Forest?
1. Organizing pasture rotation of 600 hectares.
2. Creating micro fenced natural pastures on 60 hectares.
3. Sowing on natural pastures.
4. Conducting preventive measures from floods.
5. Creating and educating rescue teams from fires.
6. Conducting seminars and trainings.
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/02 |
The need for such project arose due to the fact that the condition of the school heating system is in poor condition and there is a need to implement inovative mechanisms in heating school. The NGO has proposed to heat the school with solar panels. ( ... )
ducting seminars (introducing with method of using solar energy), trainings, and round tables.
2. Establish the heating system.
3. Establish solar collectors for heating in secondary school (demonstration of benefits)
4. Information campaign: 5 articles in the newspaper, information boards.
5. Publishing brochures and booklets.
6. Conduct the effectiveness analysis (calculate economical and
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/16 |
There is massive tree cutdown due to the poor social status of people living in this area. These activities are leading to the erosion of the soil. There are no alternative financial resources for people. That is why they do not have any other ( ... )
s than to cut down the trees. The NGO is planning to plant saplings, establish mycro hydro electro stations. To supply the alternative renewable energy resources and to decrease the dependance on the traditional resources. The processing of wild berries and fruits will also help to provide alternative energy resources. The drying unit will be established to make the process of drying more
Chemicals Chemicals
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/58 |
This project is important due to the fact that persistent organic pollutants have been a great problem of this area. The Southern region is know for its major agricultural activities that is why there are is a vast use of various types of pesticides ( ... )
t with the plant pests. The pests get used to one type of pesticides and the doses have to be increased. Population doesn't follow the proper instructions in the use of this materials. The project management has outlined the means of solving this serious problem. The main solution is to introduce the new agricultural methods to fight with the agricultural problems. The ecological and safer
Land Degradation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/10 |
The buffer zone of Kulunata reserve is located on the territory of the Karakuldja ayul okmotu. The land on this territory has degraded due to the extensive utilization of the land as a pasture. There is a great wind and water erosion. This processes ( ... )
atly effecting the flora and fauna on the territory of the Kulunata buffer zone.
Multifocal Area Multifocal Area
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/18 |
Lately the Shaidan ayul okmot has been suffering from all kinds of pests on agricultural and forest areas. The forest households are trying to fight with these pests but greater areas are left out. In addition to it, local population oftentimes uses ( ... )
ants of chinenese production that can be helpeful one year and harmful the next year. This region formerly was famous for its vegetables, cotton and nuts but unfortunately constant build-up of persistant organic pollutants has lead to land exhaustion, air and water pollution.
Jamaat "Umut" aims to introduce a traditional method of fighting with pests by using natural plants in order to reduce
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/12 |
The territory of the major part of the Margun ayul okmotu belongs to the dry climat regions. There are few rainfall during the year and if there are any they take place in the winter and spring time. Also there is an overgrazing that increases the ( ... )
of erosion in this area. The grass cover doesn't have an opportunity to recover due to the overgrazing and the dry climate. Also there is a problem of mass forest cutting to heat the houses. Animals cannot live in such an environment. Since the ecosystem is changing many types of flora and fauna started to dissappear. The Margun Kungoi NGO has outlined several ways to solve the current
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/15 |
Every year on this territory there are constant fires. The reason for the fire are people that collect capers and pistachios and also graze their livestock. There is also an overgrazing taking place on this area which is leading to land degradation. ( ... )
pes of grass cannot grow due to that they do not have enough time to grow before they are consumed. The pastures are the places of fire.And also there are greenhouse gases. The most fires are in the Masy region. The people put on fire the capers on purpose to stimulate the intensive growth of the capers. There are many other reasons why fires occur. But the NGO is sure that the immediate actions