There are 264 projects that match your search.
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OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/60 |
The river Isfara flows on the territory of two countries Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and there are numerous households that are located along this river. Their lives are closely tied with the river because people use the water from the river for ( ... )
tion and livestock. The persistent organic pollutants have been a great problem for this area since large quantities of POP are constantly dropped into the river. The major reason why the POP gets into the river is the pestisides that are transported to this region by illegal means. Usually they are of chinese production. The way the POP gets into the river is the use of ex-government factories
International Waters
OP4 - Y1 (Jul 07-Jun08)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/13 |
Actions to be undertaken by Public Foundation ?Ishak-2007?
1. Conduction of project introductory seminar (increasing awareness of local population and local authorities about Persistent Organic Pollutants)
2. Conducting an inventory of nitrate ( ... )
ning substances of the Kara-Darya river
3. Introducing alternative fertilizers in the agricultural practice of the local people:
? Establish and determine the subjects among the Kara-Darya transboundary river
? Provide consultative services
? Purchase and spread the alternative fertilizers
4. Conduct the soil, water and foodstuffs analysis to determine the presence of nitrates
5. Make
Land Degradation
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/65 |
The project purpose is decreased the rates of land degradation in South regions of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by introduction and adaptation of PV-methodology as tool of GEF/SGP project management and also stimulation of local innovation processes, ( ... )
olve community and decision-makers, public awareness and exchange of experience between NGOs.
Land degradation is a serious economic, social problem related to environment, which faces Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. It directly affected the livelihood of the rural population by reducing the productivity of land resources and adversely affecting the stability, functioning and the resources quality
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/41 |
The project by NGO Nabu aims to preserve biodiversity by changing the perception of people that the nurseries and nature-conservation parks are just the activity of government. To dimish this perception the NGO is planning to involve local ( ... )
tion to the project activities. The nursery in Ananeivo village has been damaged by pastures and irrisponsible treatment of local population. The project staff is planning to map the territory to reveal the mostly biodiverse zones. Also project staff is planning to make a ecological routes. Other than involving people in the project activities it is planned to increase the awareness about the
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/30 |
There is a great danger posed to the Koltor village area. Due to the irresponsible treatment to the environment. There has been facts of trees and bushes cutting for energy supply, irrational fishing and hunting may lead to serious ecological ( ... )
ms. The local population has hurt the swamp areas and the Aira Bolotnyi is under danger of dissapearance. This situation has lead to degradation of the soil. The goal that the NGO has set is the organization of the nursery to increase the amount of birds, fish and other types.In the course of the project the NGO is planning to conduct seminar and round tables to increase the awareness of local
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/34 |
After the collapce of the Soviet Union local population of Kokbel region was in search for the way from the difficult economic situation. The main activity that brought the profit was production of bread. In the baking process the bushes and tree ( ... )
he perfect sourse of energy. Due to the lack of control after the massive cutting and the irrational pastures the area was damaged. This all has lead to degradation, soil erosion, dissapearance of some types of the flora and fauna. If this tendency continues the environment of this area is under great ecological danger. The pressure on this area has to be reduced by informing people about the
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/32 |
In the Karakulja region where the majority of people are busy with cattle-breeding the wild animals are a great danger for the livestock. The sheppards have been using not an ecological way to save their livestock, which is to destroy the wolfs. ( ... )
n its turn is not good for the environment, but the population has to protect its livestock. The possible solution could be the use of Kyrgyz greyhound dogs Taygans. This type of greyhound dog is one of the Kyrgyz identities and it is not scared of wolfs. It can protect the livestock and not destoy the wolfs overall. The type is under the danger of dissapearance that is why this project is also
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/36 |
Due to the vast increase in the population of the Sarycheleck biosphere zone the number of livestock has also noticeably increased. The livestock has eaten the rare and endemic types of vegetation of this area that are included in Red Book of ( ... )
stan. And the pressure of the forest has significantly increased. This region is one of the most important regions from the stand point of global environmet that is why there is a great need for forest restoration and the implementation of new types of energy resourses. To rehabilitate the forest the nursery of endemic and rare types has to be organized. The awareness of the local environment has
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/50 |
The project of the NGO "Kutmankol" is going to be implemented in the area along the saint lake Kutmankol that has religious importatnce to the pilgrims that visit this lake. Due to the lack of awareness about the ecological damage that they cause ( ... )
their visit to the environment of the lake the condition of the nearby area has been not one of the best. The trees has been cut for wood and the overall area was polluted. The conditions of the pilgrims is very poor. The live in not sanitary conditions and the lake and its environment is hurt by their activities. The NGO has outlined major problems and solutions which are: increasing the
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/25 |
The scope of this project is to preserve the dissapearing type of indigineous kyrgyz horse. Over the long period of time there haven't been a group activity of preserving and rehabilitating the dissapearing Kyrgyz hourse. Preserving this type is ( ... )
ant not only in terms of global environment but also it is one of the important indicators of Kyrgyz identities. To systematicaly preserve this type of horse which has its own unique identities NGO is going to determine its morphological features and indicators. Also conduct a genetic expertise, select the best horses. To maintain and breed the horse NGO is going to establish an infrastructure
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/51 |
The local population of Aksy region has greatly impacted the environment of the region. This region is known for its biodiversity and most of the plants and animals are inlisted in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan. The poverty has lead the local ( ... )
tion to cutt down the significant plants. The NGO "Eco-Temir" has outlined the threat to the biodiversity of this region as one of the major one's. The preservation of following items is needed: Pomegranate Obyknovenyi, Ginger and etc. The preservation is going to ba carried out by fencing the habitat. Increasing the awereness by organization of seminars, round tables. The nursery on 0,5 hectares
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/40 |
The Issyk Kul region is the most important tourist region in the country that is why the preservation of natural beauty of the lake is esspecialy important. However, due to the fact that there are many tourists and also people who are poaching in ( ... )
rea the region is subjected to land degradation. The local population cuts the sea-buckthorn bushes for energy supply. The ecological balance of the region is greatly damaged not only by this factors but also by irrational grazing. There is a great danger for the ecology of the Ornok region because of the exhaust. The resort area is not well-equipped and there have been facts of basic beach rule
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/43 |
The true otter is a vanishing type that has been enlisted in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan. But in the Chatkal region they still exist and the hunters in this area are determined to catch it. Most of them lack the awareness that this type is vanishing ( ... )
y even dissapear in the near decades. That is why the NGO "Kyzbulak" has set a goal to preserve this type of animal, which has a significance to the biodiversity of the area. First of all during the course of the project the NGO is planning to increase the awareness of local population about the general environmental impact that can be caused if the tru otter dissapears. Also to preserve the true
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/16 |
The NGO "Take care mother and children" is implementing this project due to the danger of dissapearance of the narrowly endemic types of plants such as endemic plant (Acantholimon compactum Korov.) and others they are enlisted in the red book. There ( ... )
eral reasons why it is dissapearing, which are the irrational not systematic grazing of livestock and the disstruction of the places of growth. To preserve this plants and reduce the antropogenic pressure on the environment the NGO is going to guard the territories, make an inventory, organize nurseries. Pasture rotation will be introduced in this area. There are going to be numerous activities
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/14 |
The local population uses traditional energy supply and is not aware of alternative methods. They have damaged the local environment and this tendency is still continuing. During the course of the project the NGO is going to make a comparisson ( ... )
es of utilization of traditional energy resource and the alternative renewable. In other word the hybrid: solar and electric to heat the local secondary school. To educate local population about the use of this type of energy it is going to publish a manual on solar plants.
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/18 |
The territory where the project is being implemented is plunged to the torrents and fluds. Due to this the infructructe of the village has been damaged. The ARIS project supprted the local households and organized a special ambulance station. But ( ... )
cal households along with this ambulance station use traditional heating systems which significantly damages the environment. After learning about the GEF SGP programme the NGO decided to oraganize a project which scope is to establish a solar heating system in the ambulance station.
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/24 |
The NGO is implementing this project to provide the secondary school which was expanded with the alternative renewable energy resource. The school has been heated with woods and coal which is in addtion to being expensive also harmful for the ( ... )
nment. The coal was not supplied and this lead to vast tree cutting in this area and significantly damaged the local environment. The NGO during the course of the project will introduce the renewable energy resource which is solar and hydroelectricity. NGO will make comparison analysis between coal, wood and renewable energy resources. Also plant trees around the school. The project will be
Climate Change Mitigation
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/17 |
The complexity of the law and regulations between two countrie: Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan the schools are not getting good supply of energy and are not properly heated. The project is going to introduce the new heating system. Renewable hybrid ( ... )
: solar collectors and electric power. For systematic approach the NGO is going to conduct an analysis of the cost and energy efficiency of solar and wood and coal energy. Also the NGO by involving the local school and local community is going to plant trees around the school.
OP3 - Y1 (Mar 05 - Feb 06)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/10 |
Planning grant is given to complete full project proposal if there is potential to receive big amount of co-financing or idea of the project proposal in interesting, but requires additional exploration to develop it into complete project proposal. ( ... )
a of this project was to establish network of wild growing sea-buckthorn users which can demonstrate benefites from collection of berries against cutting bushes for wood or to clear space for
OP3 - Y2 (Mar 06 - Feb 07)
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/48 |
This project by NGO "Center Ecobilim" started to implement as a planning project. This region in Jalalabat oblast the river basin of Uzunakmat river has a rich vegetation. There are globaly important plants growing in this area. Most of them are in ( ... )
d Book of Kyrgyzstan. However, the lack of awareness about the current situation among the local population and irrational and irresponsible treatment to the environment can cause signifcant damages to this area. That is why the implementation of this project is important. There have been tree cuttings in this area which can hurt the biodiversity of the river basin. NGO has outlined several