There are 280 projects that match your search.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/BD/2017/11 |
Expected project deliverables
Construction of biodiversity and heritage center at uchhali
Handy craft display corner
Animal and plant fossil collection
Wildlife species photographs
Collection of literature on soon valley and salt range ( ... )
ection of local cultural items
Ramsar sites Habiatat improvement
Punjab urial habitat improvement
Documentation soon valley of flora & Fauna
Development of botanical garden
3-Capacity building trainings of local community on ecotourism and biodiversity conservation 30 participants each
Exploration and documentation of new ecotourism and archeological sites in salt range
Development of
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/BD/2017/32 |
The conservation and management plan requires that the Game Reserve be managed in accordance with the purpose for which it was declared. It strives to promote the adaptive and integrated management of biodiversity and the park?s wilderness ( ... )
ies and cultural character, through becoming a preferred innovative nature-based tourism destination, promoting community participation and empowerment, and including public/private partnerships, which also benefits state economic, social and educational development supported by sound research.
Immediate objectives are to promote the adaptive and integrated management of biodiversity, and to
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/22 |
This proposed project aims to contribute toward community stewardship and replenishment of water to enhance life quality and promote ecological integrity that benefits both man and nature.
The proposed project is in line with GEF SGP theme ( ... )
nity Based Adaptation to Climate Change? with the ability to deliver demonstrative impact in the area ?Livelihoods, Sustainable Development, and Empowerment?. The project will also demonstrate development dividends across multiple sectors, Drawing the integrated approach from the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the proposed project aims to deliver benefits across three people centric
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/03 |
The proposed project aims to contribute toward community stewardship and replenishment of water to enhance life quality and promote ecological integrity that benefits both man and nature.
The proposed project is in line with CSCCC thematic area ( ... )
ilding resilience and reducing vulnerability through ?Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change? with the ability to deliver demonstrative impact on ?Livelihoods, Sustainable Development, and Empowerment?. The project will also demonstrate development dividends across multiple sectors, Drawing the integrated approach from the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the proposed project aims
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/BD/2017/25 |
The project is aimed at conserving the threatened breed of Achi Tapri Goat in Sindh, with focus to increase its rearing and promotion in the Indus Deltaic area. Specific objectives of the project are;
Objective 1: Conserving the threatened breed ( ... )
Tapri Goat in Sindh by the project period
Activity streams:
1. Strengthening Achi Tapri Goat Farm in District Tando Muhammad Khan
2. Purchasing at least 20 goats
3. Hiring 2 local Livestock Keepers to organize Goat shed effectively
Objective 2: Increasing rearing of Achi Tapri Goat tendency in the area to sustain this breed
Activity streams:
1. Identify at least 20
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/BD/2017/36 |
The nature of the proposed activity would be to create a Demonstration Farm to Upgrade, Standardize and Disseminate the Production Knowhow CPCCF has developed for Small Farmers to Produce their own Biochar Enriched Compost as Replacement of ( ... )
tic Fertilizers.
This initiative forms an important link in achieving CPCCF?s aim to double small farm incomes that would lead to rapid adoption of the Regenerative Farming methods we hope to introduce to ?small farmers? in Pakistan.
The regenerative methods we propose to be taught will include: (1) bio-char making; (2) mulching & composting; (3) re-mineralization, inoculation and
Community Based Adaptation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/20 |
The nature of the proposed activity is about awareness and mobilization, capacity building on FES and protection of forest (Juniper Trees) for environment protection in target area of district Ziarat. The specific objective of the proposed project ( ... )
To aware and sensitize the local communities about the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in district Ziarat;
To train 100 local women in union councils Choutair & Kaza in district Ziarat on Fuel Efficient Stove (FES) making; and
To form and strengthen village level committees for the distribution of FES material and forest management.
Activity-1 Project
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/BD/2017/38 |
Project Objectives:
? Establishment of Tree Bank of 25,000 Indigenous Trees and Plants.
? To empower individual farmers, community groups and schools through provision of indigenous tree and plants saplings for reforestation programs.
? To ( ... )
r local farmers, communities and school?s children through training and literature on indigenous trees and plants.
Project Activities:
a. Purchasing and collecting indigenous seeds
b. To establish nursery of 25,000 indigenous trees and plants.
c. Land levelling and preparation.
d. To empower individual farmers, community groups and schools through provision of indigenous tree saplings
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/34 |
? To promote exhibit sustainable renewable alternate energy UNDP-models by establishing Renewable Energy Relief Station (RERS) at UC Gharo Thatta
? Promotional engagement of 100 rural women on energy based technology and later on making ( ... )
ling of mud-made traditionally cost efficient fuel efficient stove.
? To upgrade continuous degrading environment and assuage environmental poverty for the inhabitants by involving community-women members into NRM based and alternate energy based activities
? To make community members aware of importance of environmental up gradation and their natural treasure by building their capacity to
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/09 |
The mainobjective of the proposed project is to educate local farmers/ community members (women/ men) on conservation of forests for environment protection and using renewable energy to save forests. While immediate objectives of project are:
? To ( ... )
wood consumption to a sustainable level so as to allow recovery of forests through training of community members/ women
? To provide solar stoves/ cookers (Environment/Forest conserving) to 25 households
? To reduce indoor air pollution from wood & charcoal smoke and avoid its harmful effects on health
? To raise awareness among public through workshops and IEC material dissemination
? To
CapDev CapDev CapDev
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/MF/2017/19 |
The overall objective of the proposed project is to promote ecotourism in South Punjab region thus working towards environmental issues and protection of endangered species.
Specifically, the project is designed to deliver the ( ... )
ing three key objectives:
1. To establish a low cost and energy efficient Ecotourism Resort with safe accommodation and restaurant facility at Kot Mithan adjacent to the shrine of Khawaja Ghulam Farid.
2. To establish a state of the art Environment Friendly Products Display & Sale Center at the premises of ecotourism resort.
3. To educate and mobilize tourists and local communities for
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/08 |
? To Establish a yard for the manufacturing of 120,000 Compress Earth Blocks in district Islamabad in one year
? To develop the product as per existing information and knowledge and research on the methods to make it adaptable according to the ( ... )
? To Streghthen capacity of masons, regarding block laying for erecting walls, by trainings and sessions on manufacturing and promotion of CEB in district Islamabad in one year.
? Quality testing equipment will be acquired and installed on site, to test random selected blocks, of pre-determined number from every day production to ensure and maintain the quality.
? To participate in
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/01 |
Key Outputs/Activities
1. Former Study
AHKMT would conduct study from 25 formers on crop season bases for study purpose. The data would collect from formers regarding the production of compost and the expenses of chemical fertilizer ( ... )
ticide expense.
Regularize Waste collection System
Waste collection system would regularize in town and 50% organic waste would be collected from the town.
3. Community awareness sessions
Community awareness sessions would organize in different areas of Sakrand Town for mobilization and awareness of general community.
4. Enhancement of IRRC
The existence setup of IRRC would enhance
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/MF/2017/05 |
Objectives and Goal
? Establishment of 5 acre crab-nursery within the mangroves including value chain development being potential economic and aqua cultural richness for the best ecosystem.
? Determine the status of and constraints to mud crab ( ... )
lture and how to overcome challenges through improved practices
? Espouse Innovative tools and techniques for transferring technology through trainings and refreshers for targeted fisher communities for crab farming with mangroves (The environment shield)
? Awareness capacity building programs through exposure visit to encourage farmers to adopt new techniques and motivating farmers to adopt
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/35 |
1. Project Objective and Proposed Activity (not more than 600 words)
The proposed intervention will be supportive to reforestation and decrease environment degradation in the area.
To involve communities especially women in ( ... )
nment friendly practices
Specific Objectives:
Involvement of all stakeholders especially local authorities and communities are aware of environmental issues
Provision of Insolated Metallic Stoves to 400 households
Following are major activities which will be conducted in proposed area for the better environment.
? Recruiting and Orientation of Project staff
? Base line survey
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/33 |
? Nature of the proposed activity
? Immediate objectives
? Expected project deliverables
? Description of the proposed activities required in order to realize the project?s objective, clearly indicating the sequence of activity (with time frame, ( ... )
sible party etc.)
? Target beneficiaries in terms of socio-economics, geography and gender, should be elaborated.
Introduction and promotion of Indigence of Kandhari and Yamani Housing Model (KYHM).
To introduce and remind about the Kandhari and Yamani model and their significance.
Methodology to prepare Kandhari and Yamani House Model by mixing of Clay with straw.
TRUCE would
Community Based Adaptation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/31 |
Project Goal
1. Low-cost Hydraulic compressed earth block initiative for local people with local soil by contributing to climate-cooling deeds
Project Objective
2. Establish 1 fixed unit for making Hydraulic Compressed Earth Block (HCEB) for ( ... )
ing HCEB to poor and disadvantaged people for building low-cost houses in the targeted area
3. Install Compressed earth Block machinery and collection and delivery unit
4. Awareness and building capacity to local people to make and promote compressed earth block demand and supply
5. Introduce arsenic free water-kits to prevent outbreak of water and sanitation related diseases through
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/CC/2017/07 |
The objective of the project is
1) To promote renewable energy by providing the poor and most vulnerable community with SGP Pakistan innovated Insolated Metallic Stoves cooking, while capacity building for ensuring replication and sustainability ( ... )
project initiatives in the long run, and ensuring communities involvement, especially women in environment friendly practices to decrease environment degradation
2) Involvement of all stakeholders? especially local authorities and communities are aware of environmental issues.
Provision of 300 SGP Pakistan innovated Insolated Metallic Stoves in targeted beneficiaries following are major
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/BD/2017/02 |
? Planting the mangroves in Thatta?s Coastal areas to habitat them and to establish a nursery that fulfill the needs of plants and replanting around the 250 acres of area to the end of project. To mitigate the environmental hazards like sea erosion, ( ... )
osion and save the wetlands. To provide sustainable livelihood for the people of this area and conserved through community conservation efforts.
? To educate the people especially youth, children and fisherman about the importance of Mangroves and involve the community and stakeholders through meeting, trainings, brochures, pamphlets and to motivate the local residence that how they
OP6 - Y1 (Jul 15 - Jun 16)
Project Number: PAK/SGP/OP6/Y1/STAR/BD/2017/04 |
The project mainly focuses on involving communities in conservation, rehabilitation and re-plantation on mangroves on Nasir island in Union Council Shah Bunder of Indus Delta. Activities proposed in the project are mainly focus on afforestation, ( ... )
ing and involving the local coastal communities in rehabilitation re-plantation and conservation of mangroves to protect ecologically important coastal areas. Activities associated with the main objective would lead more sensitized local coastal communities.
Objective and Proposed Activities
Objective 01: Plantation of degraded mangroves at Nasir Island, Warri and Kajher Creeks