There are 76 projects that match your search.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Slovak republic
OP5-Y3 (Jul 13 - Jun 14)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/COMDEKS/2014/009 |
The goal of the project is to assist SGP Slovakia National Coordinator and National Steering Committee to evaluate achievements at the landscape level through the use of the indicators for resilience in socio-ecological production landscapes and ( ... )
pes (SEPL) and to disseminate the results, support the sustainability and replication of initiatives in the target
Slovak republic
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/Y2/CORE/2012/019 |
The aim of the project is to cumulate financial resources in this region via the Ecological Fund. By purchasing wood chipper and establishment of collection point for waste, the municipality can save finance which can be transferred into the Fund. ( ... )
ial resources from Fund will be utilized for continuous transfer of municipality into more energy independency. Resources from Fund will be also used within support of activities in Roma community, educational activities, energy audits of buildings and preparing of technical documentation for municipality´s buildings.
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/COMDEKS/2012/0087 |
The goal of the project is to improve the management capacities of the Civic Association Medzi riekami to enable the CA to represent the interests of the local community in planning and decision making processes on regional level in the field of ( ... )
nmental governance and regional development.
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/COMDEKS/2012/002 |
The aim of the project is to ensure sustainable management of 110 ha of own and rented flooded grasslands (Ostrovik and Lazcik) through the development of organic farms with livestock and cattle farming. Management will be focused primarily on ( ... )
on of green meadows with favourable conditions for breeding birds and local plants, thus promoting overall biodiversity. Agricultural production in the area aims to prove that even organic farming can be profitable and sustainable. A whole variety of actors is involved in the project, from small farmers, ranchers, small livestock owners, ornithologists, emplooyees of state conservation and all
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/COMDEKS/2012/005 |
The main aim of the project is regeneration of traditional poultry farming in accordance with natural land conditions and with support from local community. For this purpose the goal is to re-cultivate wetlands; to reconstruct stables, which would ( ... )
d for poultry farming. Alongside would be organized various traditional events connected with poultry farming. The project is also focusing on the problem of unemployment in the region and is also increasing of community involvement through common actions as innovation of ripping feathers or organization of goose feast.
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/COMDEKS/2012/007 |
The goal of the prodect is to revitalize natural forest ecosystems in the target area of lower Zemplín by showing a positive example to the community and involving the community in forest planting and its management. The project consists of ( ... )
tive planting of new trees on an area of aproximately 12 ha of agricultural land, community meeting regarding the maintenance and sustainablility of the landscape gardening and its advertisement for the local population. Newly planted forests will provide new areas of significant ecosystems, biodiversity and landscape diversity will increase, there will be greater absorption of the CO2 emissions,
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/COMDEKS/2012/004 |
The main aim of the project is to improve solicitousness of the country, ti improve possibilities of self-supply of local residents through beekeeping and goat and sheep farming, and to improve the conditions for their farming in the country. The ( ... )
s to increase the number of bee houses and production of qualitative honey, also increase the number of farmers of goats and poultry. Alongside an increase of awareness in environment protection and spread of experiences among local residents, the goal is to improve sales through establishment of simple marketing measurements.
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/COMDEKS/2012/006 |
The main aim of the project is to reduce environmental pollution in the heart of Vtá?í raj (Birds paradise) through the development of a root wastewater treatment plant and sewerage system in the municipality of Senné. The municipality does not ( ... )
ts own sewerage system yet and all the wastewater goes into the individual cesspools. Because of their low quality and problems with the removal of the waste, most of it ends up in the underground soil polluting underground waters and surrounding environment. Creation of a root wastewater treatment plant would therefore solve the sewerage problem for around 20 households on two roads in the
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/Y2/CORE/2012/024 |
The main aim of the project is improvement of the state of non-forest biotypes in the Strazovske vrchy through sustainable management and self-sufficient managment of local communities.
The objective will be achieved by increasing the skills of ( ... )
farmers. Concretly by:
- providing new skills and increase of local farmers´competetiveness;
- throught their motivation to adopt nature-friendly managment practices;
- by active involvement of farmers and local communities within the restoration of valuable natural biotypes;
- by changing consumers´ behavior in the region designed to promote locally produced
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/COMDEKS/2012/003 |
The main aim of the project is to improve food self-sufficiency of households through support of domestic farming and increase of quality of current offered food on the market. His goal would be achieved mainly through establishment and management ( ... )
icipal farmer market where the overproduction of local farmers would be sold. This should improve the number of small farmers in the region and therefore increase an offer of goods and also the quality of offered goods.
Slovak republic
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/Y2/CORE/2012/025 |
The goal of the project is to enable SGP grantees and other NGO stakeholders to network, share and showcase best practices, innovative technologies and lessons learned developed by the civil society to promote the replication and scaling up of ( ... )
s for greater policy influence and transformational change; as well as to promote sustainability and the mobilization of additional resources for community-based sustainable development initiatives.
Country specific goals and outcomes for SGP Slovakia:
1. Mainstream experience of SGP and other relevant NGO work in preparation of strategic documents for EU programming for 2014-2020, focusing
Slovak republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/Y2/CORE/2012/020 |
The main goal of the project is to propose, testify and represent to public an innovative model of accommodation with perspective development, which can contribute to residents of marginalized Roma communities. The goal is to The project will create ( ... )
nities and assumptions for spreading new information, creation of partnerships and leading a dialogue aimed towards increase of living standards in marginalized Roma communities and in conjunction increase in the area of climate change mitigation, water pollution and soil degradation. (3E = ecological and energy
Slovak republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2012/038 |
The planned activities are focused on implementation of a planning grant to gather data about heating and CO2 emissions, collection of data about local biomass in respect to improvement of forest management, to develop the barter conditions among ( ... )
habitants and proposal for communal and individual composting in the community and to organize meeting with the community to discuss the findings and proposed
Slovak republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2012/035 |
The planned activities are focused on restoration of biodiversity-rich meadows and development of business plan for usage of biomass products obtained from their clearance and management within the small community enterprise. |
Slovak republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2012/040 |
The planned activities are focused on implementation of a planning grant to develop technical documentation for project proposal.
Slovak republic
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2012/043 |
The project brings a connection of environmental and social-economic development activities, which have potential to develop social-economic activities of local residents. Those activities will be mainly activities concerning the creation of ( ... )
ions for regional development and community activities generating income, and simultaneously beneficial for the environment. The aim is to establish gene grove for the purpose of maintenance of cherry-wood variability in conjunction with the establishment of bee-farm providing the source of essential eco-system services of pollination of fruits. The demonstrative installation of solar equipment
Slovak republic
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/Y2/CORE/2012/012 |
The goal of the project is to improve the biodiversity in the Orava Region by protection of nesting population of eagle (Aquila pomarina) and by motivating local population to behavior with positive impact on biodiversity as precondition of ( ... )
nable development. The population of eagle has in last 50 years decreased by more than 50 %. The aim of the project is to stabilize and create proper conditions for further modest increase of its population. For those purpose will be declared protection zones around the nests of eagles, what should contribute to the strengthening of the nest population and it should create better conditions for
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SLO/COMDEKS/2012/01 |
?. The planned activities are focused on conducting a Landscape Baseline Assessment for the Community Development and Knowledge Management for the Satoyama Initiative (COMDEKS) project in Slovakia. |
Slovak republic
Land Degradation
OP5 - Y2 (Jul 12 – Jun 13)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP5/Y2/CORE/2012/016 |
Preparation of the educational program that reflects the requirements for creating the bio-profiles, the specification of the technical equipment that the schools will need, and on the marketing support for the project. |
Slovak republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: SVK/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2012/039 |
The planned activities are focused on implementation of a planning grant to develop technical documentation for project proposal. |