There are 83 projects that match your search.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/BD/2023/03 |
The project aims to restore 30 square kilometers of degraded Luapula wetlands in Milenge District, promoting biodiversity conservation and climate change resilience. In addition the project?s development objective aims to contribute to enhanced ( ... )
hoods of 5,000 community members through sustainable biodiversity Conservation, habitat Restoration and climate adaptive interventions, thereby reducing poverty and promoting local economic
Land Degradation
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/GGW/2023/02 |
The main goal of the project is to supplement the Zambian government effort in conserving the Masese group of forestry which covers over 50,000 hectares in Western province of Zambia. The overall achievement of the project will be to see in two ( ... )
sustainable mitigation interventions in Masese group of forestry that will enhance over 30 percent reductions in undesirable human practices that have detrimental effects on biodiversity (forestry, water bodies, wild animals and micro-organisms). Sustainable mitigation interventions on the
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/GGW/2023/03 |
The project goal is to have operational climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in Gwembe, Monze, and Pemba Districts. Chikuni Parish Taonga Agroforestry is obliged to support the community to adapt measures to mitigate the effects of ( ... )
e change. The project will address the following challenges ;
cutting down of trees for charcoal burning and land clearing for agriculture activities, discourage bush burning, discourage land cultivation near rivers and wetlands, drought preparedness to reduce food insecurity, promote smart and sustainable agricultural practices and encourage communities to secure good grazing areas for the
OP7 Y5 (July 24-June 25)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y5/CORE/CPS/2024/01 |
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/GGW/2023/01 |
The Ecolife clubs aim to empower young individuals with knowledge, skills, and a deep sense of responsibility towards our planet. By fostering collaboration between generations, this innovative project creates a unique platform for sharing wisdom, ( ... )
ences, and ideas. Together, these diverse groups work hand in hand to address pressing environmental issues such as unpredictable rains, mono cropping and charcoal burning - an unsustainable practice that has led to alarming rates of deforestation in Sinazongwe
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/CW/2023/04 |
The project aims at processing feathers (as an income generating activity) into finished products such as pillows and duvets. Chicken feathers are usually burnt or thrown away, contributing to reduction of carbon emission. By processing the ( ... )
rs, the project will thus be contributing to waste management at community level and improve the livelihood of the
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/BD/2023/02 |
The project focuses on environmental education, the promotion of human-wildlife coexistence, promoting gender equality and inclusivity, capacity building in the project area and the development of sustainable financial opportunities for community ( ... )
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/GGW/2023/04 |
The Project will provide resilience to climate change in specific aspects such as conservation agriculture, it will reduce the demand for water, which is likely to become increasingly scarce as climate change increases. The project, through its ( ... )
ty building of farmers mastering the conservation farming techniques, will result in an increase of agricultural yields and therefore income, which is the most effective way of reducing people?s vulnerability to poverty and a range of shocks, including climate
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/BD/2023/08 |
This project intends to develop unique and simplified communication materials on biodiversity conservation and climate change developed through participatory learning methods. As part of efforts to increase the country?s capacity to adapt and ( ... )
d to climate change, education programmes for members of the public to understand how they can contribute to mitigating this global crisis is imperative.
OP7 Y4 (July 23-June 24)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y4/CORE/CD/2023/01 |
The proposed project focuses on providing capacity building and monitoring support to community-based environmental projects funded by the GEF SGP. This project involves the carrying out of capacity building trainings, monitoring support and ( ... )
t shift workshops.
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/2023/09 |
Zambia has abundant water resources, though unevenly distributed. Areas such as the lower Zambezi basin in the Agro-ecological region one (I) receive less than 800mm of rain annually and are prone to droughts and flash floods. Flash floods destroy ( ... )
livestock, and infrastructure and may lead to incidences of waterborne diseases such as cholera. The increase in human population which comes with pursuit of economic activities such as the opening of land for agricultural use and charcoal burning leading to land degradation has further compounded this problem. This results in a severe run-off with minimal recharge of water within the catchment
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/2023/02 |
This project aim to provide an inclusive livelihood option and knowledge on best practices to develop adaptation and mitigation measures to achieve sustainable development. The Project will contribute to the reduction of risk disaster and negative ( ... )
s of climate change associated with the Lower Zambezi Landscape Site?AER III. The Project will also include an intensive Climate Change Advocacy to stimulate local policy redirection towards climate smart competence and Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM). We proposes to scale up a community led Mixed Apiculture model aimed at building the adaptive capacity of vulnerable
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/LD/2023/01 |
The intervention is centred on withdrawing the youths of Sioma ward from the wasted time of risk and cheap labour involvement in timber trading, thus, being major contributing factors to deforestation. Most of these youths targeted can attest to ( ... )
cts that they have not recorded sustainable economic benefits from this industry, instead, some have ended up sustaining serious injuries during the process of cutting trees with the chainsaw and loading logs for transportation.
The Project ?Help us, Help them Sioma Ward Youth Livelihood Improvement project? will raise awareness in communities targeted on the dangers of deforestation and educate
Community Based Adaptation Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/2023/05 |
The Improved Food Security and Income project (IFOSIP) will be implemented in Choma District, Southern Province in Chikandamaulu, Hambelele, kabanze, Kantengwa and Malindi communities under Chief Mapanza. The project will promote food security and ( ... )
e Savings through sustainable organic farming by encouraging target households to use agro-ecological practices as a way of responding to issues of food insecurity, and use of Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) to promote village savings. This will further be achieved by conducting trainings to target households in crop diversification, open pollinated seed multiplication and support
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/2023/07 |
The project is an initiative to strengthen and build capacity of the local communities and stakeholders in Sinadambwe and Simamba areas of Siavonga district, to come together to safeguard and conserve the local biodiversity and forest ecosystems. ( ... )
oject objective is to create an enabling environment and capacity for sustainable forest management as a contribution to greater forest ecosystem stability, local biodiversity conservation as well as inclusive promotion of alternative sources of rural livelihoods. Through this project the community will understand their role in the protection of the forests and other natural resources management
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/LD/2023/10 |
A fruit tree planting project that will be training students and selected facilities in best practice of tree planting and maintenance. The organization intends to plant approximately 333 fruit trees (e.g. orange or lemon) at 3 schools (a total of ( ... )
mately 1,000 trees on 4 hectares of land). The fruits will be utilized in two ways. First, the fruits can be consumed at schools, which will improve the nutritional status of the students. This in the context of the high prevalence of malnutrition in general and stunting specifically (43.4% compared to the national average of 35%) in Kawambwa District. Secondly, fruits can be sold at the market
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/2023/06 |
The project goal is to strengthen livelihood resilient of vulnerable households through mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on food and nutrition security using Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies. The project will target 30 women that belong ( ... )
oducer group (inclusive of youth and persons with disability headed households). The desired outcome is improved availability and access to high value nutritious agricultural produce in food insecure target households impacted by COVID-19 using Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies. This will be achieved by promoting increased production of fast-growing, high-value organic vegetables
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y6 (July 25-June 26)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/2023/04 |
The project seeks to improving forest regeneration for the restoration of productive cropping and grazing land and wetland protection. Woodlots development will improve forest regeneration while livestock fodder plots will improve biodiversity ( ... )
vation, food production. The project seeks to improvement of water and pastures to boost agriculture production and environmental
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ZMB/UNDP-LS/OP7/Y1/2020/1 |
The project aims to improve conservation of wildlife by creating viable and sustainable livelihoods for these vulnerable communities. The project will promote tilapia fish farming implementing a fish breeding hub, crop production through the ( ... )
lation of a solar horticulture, and livestock farming. This will enable the community to produce fish, meat, and vegetable for consumption and commercialization of the surplus, improving their overall health and reducing adverse external impacts. The project includes training and empowerment of the community, including women and youth, for ensuring the sustainability and replicability of the
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: ZMB/SGP/OP6/Y3/CORE/LD/18/16 |
The project's main objective is to contribute to sustainable environmental management through the reduction/control of land degradation, thereby contributing to Poverty Reduction, Food self-sufficiency and Food Security and ultimately contributing ( ... )
nomic Growth.
The specific objectives are as follows:
1. Reduce the destruction of land resources in affected areas
2. Promote sustainable use of land resources
3. Increase public awareness and information dissemination on matters of land degradation
4. Introduce and improve on assessments, planning and monitoring systems for the effective
management of sustainable forestry