Conservation of Hamenga Ponde and Amulando cattle crossing and improved livelihoods of Batwa people.
Conservation of Hamenga Ponde and Amulando cattle crossing and improved livelihoods of Batwa people.
Main Project Objective:
The main aim of the project is to conserve Hamenga pond and Amulando cattle crossing through biodiversity conservation of the areas and improve livelihood of Batwa people of Nyimba village by finding land for the burial site and access to clean and safe drinking water.

Specific objectives:
1. Conserve the Hamenga Ponde and Amulando cattle crossing
2. Improve Documentation of the ICCA through information dissemination
3. Enhance Kuwila for cattle as a mini Butwa ceremony
4. To provide clean and safe drinking water
5. To improve community nutrition and introduce alternative source of income
6. To provide burial site for the dead

Expected Results:
1. Improved community conservation of Hamenga Ponde and Amulando cattle crossing
2. Improved accessibility to clean safe drinking water
3. Improved community nutrition
4. Burial site provided
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Project Snapshot

Ziloto Zyizwidilila Mult-Purpose Cooperative Society
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 20,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 2,000.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,000.00
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion

SGP Country office contact

Ms Marisa Mushota


United Nations House, Alick Nkata Road, P.O Box 31966
Lusaka, Africa, 10101