Impact of the Emas National Park Wildlife on Agricultural Production in the Surrounding Area
Impacto da Fauna do Parque Nacional das Emas sobre Produções Agropecuárias de seu Entorno
Impact of the Emas National Park Wildlife on Agricultural Production in the Surrounding Area
Impacto da Fauna do Parque Nacional das Emas sobre Produções Agropecuárias de seu Entorno
This project aims at preservation of local fauna in the surroundings of the Emas National Park. These animals have been causing losses to local small farmers, and consequently specimens have been lost. Statistics for these losses have never been recorded, and will be taken during execution of this project. These numbers will provide subsidies for a management plan capable of conserving not only the local wildlife, but also the small farm plantations in the surroundings of the Park. An assessment of the farming activities will be carried out, for identification of crops suffering tapir, and white-lipped peccary attacks. The losses will be quantified. Losses to cattle, sheep, goat and other farm animals due to jaguar attacks will also be quantified. These animals? movement will be recorded and monitored within the park and in its surrounding areas. Greatest distances traveled for feeding will be determined, and fauna and farm animal management methods will be studied from this data. The small farmer population inhabiting the park?s surroundings will undergo consciousness-building activities stressing the importance of the maintenance of the park and its wildlife.
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Project Snapshot

Associação para a Conservação dos Carnívoros Neotropicais
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 26,869.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 82,361.05
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Both the local farmers and the Park?s wildlife will benefit directly from this project. Co-existence between the two groups will be promoted, contributing toward conservation of local biological integrity, and preventing a loss in the equilibrium of the ecological processes insured by the presence of these animals.
Capacity - Building Component
Rural properties sharing borders with the National Park will receive periodic visits for dissemination of notions of environmental education to the land owners and their employees. Lectures and leaflets presenting the results of the studies and general information about local fauna and flora will be used.
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Jessica Pedreira
Terena Peres de Castro


SHCGN CLR Quadra 709 Bloco E Loja 38
Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70.750-515

Country Website