Organization of revolving fund: Mutual benefit fund of 10 participants for introducting solar collectors in 10 families of Kashkasuu aiyl okrug, Avletim aiyl okrug and Kerben city local authority
Organization of revolving fund: Mutual benefit fund of 10 participants for introducting solar collectors in 10 families of Kashkasuu aiyl okrug, Avletim aiyl okrug and Kerben city local authority
Most of the rural areas of Kyrgyzstan due to their remoteness from the centre as well as to the geographical and economical condition of the country have no basic domestic facilities: clean drinking water, natural gas, uninterrupted electricity, warm water etc that are the problems formidable for the government. These problems are mostly concerned women as due to the intense migration of men in search of jobs, there are mainly women staying at homes, caring of family members and making field works. Additionally, there are number of social activities in villages like - birth of child, anniversaries, marriages, funerals and many other events that celebrated with many guests and which require the participation of women in the home works. Such events and daily household routine require such basic needs like hot water for washing dishes, cleaning, laundry etc., which do not exist in poor families.
The way of heating water in the villages is made mostly by cutting trees and burning fire woods which require even more efforts of women and have crucial ecological impacts.
The solution was found by the women living under these conditions and was supported by the SGP.
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Project Snapshot

Jamaat "Bai-Tilek"
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 8,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,440.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Replication of project activities
According to the monitoring results there were more requests after the project completion, and tree additional solar panels were installed. The trained master receives the requests for installation of solar panels and earn some additional money.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Conducted 15 training workshops with participation of almost 300 people will broader disseminate the project idea and share the experiences. Artices in a local newspaper, shooting a video film, issuing and distributing 400 booklets will increase public awareness on environment problems.
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Irina Talkambaeva


195 Kalyk Akiev str.