Capacity Building for Environmental Impact
Capacity Building for Environmental Impact
CSR Network was established as an NGO in 2011 to support the development of the NGO sector in Trinidad and Tobago and the greater Caribbean. The main focus of the network has been to find a way to bring NGOs and donors together. This is undertaken thorough donor mapping, donor-donee matching, NGO training and capacity building and an online portal still under development.

The CSR Network is well placed to implement this training given the experience and credibility established by its founding Director, Melanie Richards through her work with CSR Solutions Limited, together with demonstrated support for the NGO sector through voluntary service on various committees including the UNDP, GEF SGP and the CSR Committee of the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce to name a few.

The execution of this project seeks to address two main problems:
1. Project proposals submitted by NGOs are not sufficiently comprehensive to demonstrate how desired impact will be achieved.
2. Projects identified by NGOs are not sufficiently aligned with GEF SGP Focal areas to create desired impact;

The training will be executed by a three member team including Melanie Richards as Project Manager and Facilitator, Gary Tagallie as Co-Facilitator and Narisha Khan as Research and Project Support.

The main outputs of the project are as follows:

1.1 Eighteen (18) participants trained in Project Identification for GEF SGP Funding;
1.2 Project Identification Participants? Workbook
1.3 Project Identification PPT Presentation
1.4 Project Identification Workshop Report

2.1 Four (4) community groups (approximately twelve (12) participants) trained in Project Proposal Writing for GEF SGP Funding;
2.2 Project Proposal Writing Participants? Workbook
2.3 Project Proposal Writing PPT presentation
2.4 Project Proposal Writing Workshop Report

3.1 Approximately twenty (20) participants at the GEF Knowledge Fair trained in ?Transforming Ideas into Fundable Projects?
3.2 Transforming Ideas into Fundable Projects Participants? Hand-outs
3.3 Transforming Ideas into Fundable Projects PPT presentation
3.4 Transforming Ideas into Fundable Projects Workshop Report

It is estimated that the project will cost a total of US $ 10,455, of which US $ 8,501, is requested from the SGP.

Project Snapshot

Caribbean Social Responsibility (CSR) Network
Trinidad and tobago
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 28,656.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 10,257.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact

Ms. Sharda Mahabir


c/o UNDP, United Nations House, 3A Chancery Lane