Pond Preservation and Flood Mitigation at Pond Hill Nevis.
Pond Preservation and Flood Mitigation at Pond Hill Nevis.
This historic/landmark pond situated at Pond Hill, Nevis has continuously overflow its banks especially during the rainy season.
The continuous overflowing of the pond has resulted in a number of villages becoming inundated with water.
The previously established drainage is no longer functional since overgrown shrubs and grass has now occupied the pathway.
In the first instance, the accumulation of water in some parts of the community has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and vermin which has resulted in a continuous cycle of dengue fever in the communities.
In the second instance, private properties have become inundated with water and the owners have erected concrete walls to direct the flood water elsewhere. However, this has resulted in rapid water runoff onto other private properties causing damage to property as well as the road network to the many villages as a result of the downward sloping terrain of the surrounding communities.
In the third instance the pond is a watering hole for livestock. However, the animals when not attended to; often damage the fencing that was erected to secure the pond and which results in them walking directly into the pond where they often release their waste matter.
The problems/issues to address are:
1. Health as a result of mosquito borne diseases
2. Flooding as a result of non-functional drainage (silt, grass, and shrub cover)
3. Protection and preservation of flora and fauna within the pond to sustain the biodiversity therein.
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Project Snapshot

Pond Hill Clay Ghaut Chicken Stone & Beach Road Community Club
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 38,852.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
VRA1: Vulnerability to present climate change hazards 10

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Ilis Watts


Conaree Village, Conaree, St. Kitts (temporary)