Enhancing the capacity and responsiveness of agriculture in SVG, towards sustainable soil and environmental management
Healthy soils are essential to sustainable agricultural development, providing food and nutrition security, fibre production and adequate water supply over the long term. Not only does continued agricultural development and food production depend on soil health, but the ecosystem services provided by soils are an integral part of carbon systems that help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance adaptation to climate change. While agriculture provides major employment in rural areas and is an important element of the Caribbean?s socio economic development. The growing myriad of issues that challenges the sustainability of the sector impacts negatively on soil health, promoting soil degradation, decline in soil carbon and biodiversity, loss of soil organic matter, decline in soil fertility, erosion, contamination of rivers and waterways, degradation of aqua-life and ecosystem environment, and threatens the fundamental principles of livelihood security, environmental sustainability and food sovereignty for the region.
Project Snapshot
The Windward Islands Farmers Association
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 192,112.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Capacity - Building Component
? 7 training programs and the promotion of alternative farming including , promotion of re-vegetation, provision of planting materials, education and control systems, etc.
Notable Community Participation
? Stakeholder participation and involvement was a critical part of conceptualizing this project. Various meetings were undertaken to get community group perspectives on challenges within the agricultural sector.
? A workshop was undertaken by the organization in 2013 on green economy and climate change to get an understanding of the level of sensitization of communities and individual farmers to the issues in the projects. The workshop highlighted the need for capacity building for the key participants on sustainable practices as well as emerging challenges of climate change.
? Community member will be employed to assist in the work to be undertaken on demonstration plots and nurseries.
? It is anticipated that this project will build capacities at the community level to understand the issues, but also to implement much of the work to be undertaken. The will also monitor programmes and strategies by being directly involved in its implementation and provide feedback to the organization.
? Through the National Fairtrade Organization, co funding will be provided
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SGP Country office contact
Ms. Tasheka Haynes
P.O. Box 2338, SeaBreeze Bldg. Arnos Vale
Visit the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Country Page