Petite Martinique Coastal Rehabilitation Project
Petite Martinique Coastal Rehabilitation Project
Petite Martinique is the smallest of the Tri-island state of Grenada and lies about 2.5 miles from Carriacou with an area of 27km2. The Central Statistics Office 2001 census does not provide disaggregated statistics for the population of Petite Martinique. The population of Petite Martinique is however estimated to be 1000 with its main economic activities being fishing, boat building and trading. Fishing accounts for 98% of the island?s GDP and also 80% of the fish which is exported by Grenada. Petite Martinique is almost homogeneous in ethnicity and the cultural tradition encourages wide community participation in communal activities.
The impacts of natural hazards can be seen by the damages caused by hurricane Lenny, Ivan and Emily. The erosion of beaches and coastal areas are exacerbated by the onset of Climate Change action which has destroyed many of the reefs protecting them. High waves between the months of November and April resulting from the winter storms in the North Atlantic cause the shoreline to retreat inland. Moreover with in the last fifteen years storm surges have been responsible for irreparable damages to beaches, coastline and infrastructure in Petite Martinique.
The village of Sanchez which lies on the north western side of the island has been hardest hit by the impacts of climate change. Sanchez is the heart of economic activities on the island and is also the site recently completed coastal restoration project under USAID/OECS RRACC. The 45m length of shoreline is of great concern to the residents of Petite Martinique. Running parallel to this unprotected area are the Gas station, ice plant, welcoming center and coconut palms which are at risk of being lost to the sea due to the ongoing erosion of the shoreline. This aggressive erosion of the shoreline is seasonal and in general there is some level of recovery of the shoreline during the first quarter of the year. However it has been observed that the shoreline never recovered to its pre-erosion position, which implies a progressive or net erosional trend of the shoreline. Owing to this trend being observed and the rate at which it is happening a shoreline protection structure is required to arrest the erosion.
This project will seek to address this problem by strengthening the coastline with the construction of a stone revetment which will ensure its protection from further erosion. Additionally, the recreational value of the beach should be maintained and therefore, the beach seaward of the revetment will be nourished with sand pumped from the near shore sand bar. Trees will also be replanted along that shoreline together with the construction of two gazebos to be used to highlight the impacts of climate change and what can be done to mitigate its effect. To heighten the public awareness of climate change the project will undertake public awareness drive to educate the community about climate change and how we can protect the environment to mitigate the impacts.

Goal of the project is to mitigate climate change and natural hazards impacts on the Sanchez coastline and to enhance the aesthetics of the area.

Objectives include
1. To rehabilitate and strengthen the Sanchez coastline on Petite Martinique
2. To replant all the trees along the Sanchez shoreline.
3. To construct two Gazebos on the Sanchez coastline to showcase Climate Change
4. To raise community awareness of climate change
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Project Snapshot

Petite Martinique Regatta Festival Committee
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 18,854.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 8,033.33
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 33,374.08
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion
Project Characteristics and Results
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SGP Country office contact

Ms Akarda Ventour


P.O. Box 3486
St. George's