P.R.I.D.E - Promoting Resilience through Involvement, Development and Enterprise
Inter?annual variability in the Southern Caribbean climate is influenced strongly the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). El Niño episodes bring warmer and drier than average conditions between June and August and La Niña episodes bring colder and wetter conditions at this time. St Kitts and Nevis lie on the southern edge of the Atlantic hurricane belt where cyclones and hurricanes occur throughout August, September and October. Heavy rainfall associated with cyclones and hurricanes contributes significantly to wet season rainfall totals. The occurrence of hurricanes is strongly linked to ENSO, with more frequent hurricane activity associated with La Nina events, and less frequent events in El Nino years.
Currently a low number of discrete adaptation projects are being implemented in Saint Kitts and Nevis. Adaptation needs in a variety of sectors are being addressed through these projects, including water, agriculture, tourism, coastal zone management, disaster risk management and the implications of climate change by gender. Most of these projects support capacity building, research, knowledge communication and policy formation and integration.
However, there remains a heightened vulnerability and obvious lack of attention paid to the needs of people with disabilities in disasters, leaving them highly threatened by climate change impacts and its variability. e.g. increased flooding, drought, more intense hurricanes and tropical storms. They are not included in disaster management training and worst yet, there are no specialized programs developed or adapted to specifically build their capacity and ensure persons with disabilities are amply prepared to mitigate, adapt and respond to or serve in the event of any disaster. Currently, there is no sign language on TV to aid in effective communication for persons with disabilties. The development of a communications network for members of the association of persons with disabilties including the use of a loop system to transfer signals to the hearing impaired, communicating through ham radio usage and using other devices to aid in disaster management have not been given any consideration; and thus, increasing the vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities to climate change impacts and disasters.
There continues to be an unfortunate practice of stigma towards persons with disabilities as demonstrated through the deliberate lack of inclusion in planning, implementation and other key disaster management activities; all because of their disabilities. Such a practice is unacceptable as they can serve in various capacities despite their disabilities. They ought to be given equal opportunity to serve in whatever capacity possible and to have access to training and development opportunities exist, locally or further afield. This is a prevailing problem which this project seeks to address aggressively and correct decisively. One aspect of training lacking is that of wheel chair repairs; no such skills and expertise existing in the country. This gap, therefore, needs to be filled without further delay so that the persons with disabilities as well as other users of wheel chairs can have some form of relief that said services are available locally. This will avoid having to discard wheel chairs each time a problem develops deeming it non-functional or too defective to use.
Membership of the organization have difficulty finding gainful employment and some are not poised for due consideration to secure employment opportunities as they would wish. This has serious negative implications on their capacity to provide for self and their family. Eradication of poverty ranks high on the agenda of the organization and being able to address their own needs through the utilization of personal and corporate skills and expertise is of significance to the organization?s leadership but the required level of financial and technical capability is yet to be attained.
Despite achievements over the years the executive committee continues to place priority on capacity strengthening. This is critical so as to ensure the organization can function effectively in a rapidly advancing world and be poised to design, lead and manage strategies in the best interest of their membership and persons with disabilities across the federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. This project funding provides the opportunity for the organization and its membership to realize a number of their goals and objectives at a level that would secure and maintain the respect and recognition they so deserve despite their various disabilities.
Currently a low number of discrete adaptation projects are being implemented in Saint Kitts and Nevis. Adaptation needs in a variety of sectors are being addressed through these projects, including water, agriculture, tourism, coastal zone management, disaster risk management and the implications of climate change by gender. Most of these projects support capacity building, research, knowledge communication and policy formation and integration.
However, there remains a heightened vulnerability and obvious lack of attention paid to the needs of people with disabilities in disasters, leaving them highly threatened by climate change impacts and its variability. e.g. increased flooding, drought, more intense hurricanes and tropical storms. They are not included in disaster management training and worst yet, there are no specialized programs developed or adapted to specifically build their capacity and ensure persons with disabilities are amply prepared to mitigate, adapt and respond to or serve in the event of any disaster. Currently, there is no sign language on TV to aid in effective communication for persons with disabilties. The development of a communications network for members of the association of persons with disabilties including the use of a loop system to transfer signals to the hearing impaired, communicating through ham radio usage and using other devices to aid in disaster management have not been given any consideration; and thus, increasing the vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities to climate change impacts and disasters.
There continues to be an unfortunate practice of stigma towards persons with disabilities as demonstrated through the deliberate lack of inclusion in planning, implementation and other key disaster management activities; all because of their disabilities. Such a practice is unacceptable as they can serve in various capacities despite their disabilities. They ought to be given equal opportunity to serve in whatever capacity possible and to have access to training and development opportunities exist, locally or further afield. This is a prevailing problem which this project seeks to address aggressively and correct decisively. One aspect of training lacking is that of wheel chair repairs; no such skills and expertise existing in the country. This gap, therefore, needs to be filled without further delay so that the persons with disabilities as well as other users of wheel chairs can have some form of relief that said services are available locally. This will avoid having to discard wheel chairs each time a problem develops deeming it non-functional or too defective to use.
Membership of the organization have difficulty finding gainful employment and some are not poised for due consideration to secure employment opportunities as they would wish. This has serious negative implications on their capacity to provide for self and their family. Eradication of poverty ranks high on the agenda of the organization and being able to address their own needs through the utilization of personal and corporate skills and expertise is of significance to the organization?s leadership but the required level of financial and technical capability is yet to be attained.
Despite achievements over the years the executive committee continues to place priority on capacity strengthening. This is critical so as to ensure the organization can function effectively in a rapidly advancing world and be poised to design, lead and manage strategies in the best interest of their membership and persons with disabilities across the federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. This project funding provides the opportunity for the organization and its membership to realize a number of their goals and objectives at a level that would secure and maintain the respect and recognition they so deserve despite their various disabilities.
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Project Snapshot
St. Kitts Nevis Association of Persons with Disabilities
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 30,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 12,155.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
SGP Country office contact
Ms. Ilis Watts
Conaree Village, Conaree, St. Kitts (temporary)
Visit the Saint Kitts and Nevis Country Page