Community Capacity Building and Climate-Smart Innovative Agroecological Practices in the Vaca Forest Reserve
Community Capacity Building and Climate-Smart Innovative Agroecological Practices in the Vaca Forest Reserve
The project proposal titled, Community Capacity Building and Climate -Smart Innovative Agroecological Practices In the Vaca Forest Reserve addresses the GEF SGP strategic initiative of community landscape conservation designed to promote sustainable use and management of the natural resource base through capacity building initiatives, sustainable livelihood activities and complement poverty alleviation needs. The goal of the project is to promote Climate Smart Innovative Agro-ecology practices in the Vaca Forest Reserve through community development and support. The objective of the project is to stabilize the uncontrolled use of the forest reserve by farmers in the Vaca plateau and maintain the ecosystem goods and services through capacity building and support. The primary recipients of the support will be the Friends of Vaca Forest Reserve who became organized in 2014.

More specifically the project will aim to build the capacity of the beneficiaries by a) organizing and strengthening the management committee of the Friends of Vaca Forest Reserve through working sessions; b) conducting an assessment of acreage actively used by farmers and honey keepers; c) learning successful forest concession models through exchange programs; d) organizing reunions between FVFR and the Forest Department to legalize their use of the land; e) re-organizing, financing and regulating agro-ecological best practices in the reserve.
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Project Snapshot

Friends for Conservation and Development
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 14,201.25
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 33,958.79
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Policy Influence
As project is now successfully completed, the outputs are not liked to policy influence, but project outcomes can be linked in the future. This Project was a capacity building project, that directly impacted the life of members of the Friends of Vaca Forest Reserve.
Replication of project activities
In development, expansion generally refers to project activities being scaled up at or around the current project site, whereas replication refers to a similar project (or projects) being done in other areas in the future. Findings of the evaluation indicated that agroecology has great potential both as a conservation strategy and a livelihood strategy in Belize. All nine of the active beneficiaries indicated that agro-ecology is a win-win strategy for the farmers, the environment and for community development. What is unique is that specific practices can be tailored to different locations based on the ecology, climatic conditions, etc. and when this is done, the benefits are innumerable. For example, farm planning resulted in better management of riparian forest and water sources, use of bokashi resulted in improved soil quality and increased productivity, thus less forest needed to be cleared and burnt, thereby reducing land degradation whilst also maintaining healthy forest.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Leonel Requena
(501) 822-2462
Esther Calles


2nd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Center, Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 53
Belmopan, Central America