Implementing this project has allowed us the knowledge to be able to be part of the conversation about what is needed in Dominica to help deal with the impacts of Climate Change. It has helped in showcasing that the Federation can be a part of the discussion in what action can be taken when it comes to involving the children and youth so as to achieve change at the grassroots level.
Photos, videos, Facebook, website, press release online and hard copy, collaboration with GEF on their advocacy awareness program.
Project sustainability
Sustainability - the main reason for doing the project with children and youth is for the long term sustainability of the results of the project. When children are taught anything, the knowledge gained will be with them for life. The children who participated in this project have gained important information which they can use, and spread to others. It will help them to make solid decisions in relation to the impact of the actions on The environment and climate change in the future. We also base the sustainability of the project efforts on the fact that new students come in yearly and the activities can be done with a new set of children each year.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
The Public awareness including, the launching, the website, social media page, jingle, mural and highlight of project on GEFs TV program. Any data collected from the project will be published on the online formats through the project website and will be accessible by others NGO's doing similar projects. Children participating in this project will also be given a book to keep record of what activities are undertaken so that they can share with their peers and family members and the community.
Replication of project activities
The project can be easily replicated. The project was documented and the collaborations with other schools can be made in order to facilitate the project to be replicated.
Gender Focus
With the community setting this project will seek to build the skill of women to participate in this climate adaptation project. women will be given the equal opportunity to participate in the project in all communities.
Notable Community Participation
they aim to engaged youth in the use of technology through the use of the GPS device for logging and monitoring the planted trees.
Project Results
(i) Increase the awareness of Climate Change & its impacts on Children & youth and their families
This objective was achieved. Four workshops took place in six schools on group dynamics, tree planting, composting and climate change. A total of twenty four workshops. The children also received hands on experiences with tree planting, composting and making costumes from recycled materials. The children participated in the Jingle competition and poster competition and recycled carnival costume competition. Through the carnival opening parade and their participation in the ?carnival recycled? carnival band, the children also brought awareness of the impact of climate change to the general public. The theme of the carnival band was ?ban on single plastics and Styrofoam?, this was done in collaboration with the Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation. Awareness was also brought to 6 communities. Six community meetings took place where participants were informed about the impacts of climate change, what affects us the most, what is going on in other countries, and the importance of growing our own food for long term sustainability etc.
(ii) Teaching Children and youth how to adapt to the impact of climate change through the better management and reduction of waste, reducing agrochemical use in soils and soil stabilization techniques like tree planting
This objective was achieved. In collaboration with the Dominica Solid Waste Management Cooperation, children in the six schools were taught about waste diversion (what are compostable materials should and should not be sent to the landfill, what is collected and sorted and shipped out at the landfill etc. They got a good understanding of recycling works. Each school also received recycling bins for use at the school.
In terms of reducing agrochemical waste the children were tough composting which is one of the key methodologies for reducing agrochemical use in agriculture, each school also received composting bins for use in their school gardens. Students took part in the soil day celebration with GEF and other partner. West federation exhibition focused on composting, and everything that goes into the soil for healthy soil. Trees were planted in the various schools as well as in the various communities which will help with soil stabilization in the various locations.