Energy efficiency in lighting assembly – Increasing the availability and technical knowledge of energy efficient lighting in rural Communities
Energy efficiency in lighting assembly – Increasing the availability and technical knowledge of energy efficient lighting in rural Communities
Grenada has one of the highest electricity rates in the western hemisphere standing at over XCD $0.72 per kWh (2017), this is a huge burden on small households that already earn low incomes. Cheap incandescent light bulbs (price range XCD $3-$5) are widely available but have tremendously low energy efficiency, while energy efficient LED lighting is far out of reach of these individuals with prices that quadruple, and in many cases, sextuple incandescent prices. Compounding this issue, is the high rate of youth unemployment that Grenada is battling, conservative estimates at are at almost 30% (2014) however this figure is likely much higher, now over 3 years later. This is due in part, to the lack of job opportunities and the lack of innovation. At the national level, the use of traditional low efficient blubs increases the use of fossil fuels by electricity suppliers which increases carbon dioxide emissions dubbed carbon footprint, whose contribution is adding to the negative effects of climate change.
Energy efficient lighting (EEL) is out of reach of most low to middle income households, which make up the bulk, in numbers, of the housing stock. The two main reasons are:
1. Persons are unable to purchase EEL due to the significantly higher retail cost, than traditional bulbs.
2. The energy/ cost benefit education and awareness has not reached these household consumers. Many are largely unaware of its cost saving and environmentally friendly benefits.
Youth unemployment is also significantly high due to the lack of opportunities and lack of innovation in the energy sector. This leads to a myriad to other social issues that could be curbed should there be an avenue for young, many high school and college educated graduates to find work.
This will be addressed by targeting secondary and tertiary school graduates who are facing the frustration of being qualified but no available jobs. These young persons will be given the skills necessary to design, assemble and install Energy Efficient LED lighting for Retrofit solutions. This provides young persons and community members with an opportunity to generate an income from the sale of these bulbs while being able to have access to cheap energy efficient lighting for their homes. This initiative also fosters community building and spirit, and reduce Grenada?s carbon foot print through the use of energy efficient technology while ensuring women are equally involved.

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Project Snapshot

Helping Other People Exel Community Group Inc
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 19,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 740.74
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 2,879.63
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms Akarda Ventour


P.O. Box 3486
St. George's