Restoration of the Woburn Historical Conch Site – Phase 2 located in Lower Woburn, St. George’s (MPA)
Restoration of the Woburn Historical Conch Site – Phase 2 located in Lower Woburn, St. George’s (MPA)
The Problem/Issue or Challenge: Having completed the Board walk and started the restoration of the corals within the Woburn MPA the WWDO has seen the critical need for providing an environment around the boardwalk that provides infrastructure for the fishermen in the area and creates amenities for the visitors/users of the boardwalk.

What are the causes of the problem/issue or challenge? Direct & Indirect Causes
1. Lack of adequate storage structures for the fishermen of Woburn, especially those operating around the MPA.
2. Lack of adequate amenities for the visiting public/patrons to the boardwalk
3. Lack of income generating facilities around the boardwalk for the WWDO.
4. Inadequacy of the boardwalk to generate and sustain interest of the general public and visitors as a standalone entity.
5. Lack of documentation and presentation of the historic background of the area, the MPA and the boardwalk facility

To create a more conducive environment with the requisite infrastructural amenities in the area of the boardwalk that creates a more amenable atmosphere for the patrons/visitors to the facility and generates revenues for the WWDO thus resulting in a more sustainable facility.

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Project Snapshot

W&W Development Organisation Inc.
Area Of Work:
Grant Amount:
US$ 25,185.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 4,814.81
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms Akarda Ventour


P.O. Box 3486
St. George's