Adapting Food Security to Climate Change in Jalacte
Adapting Food Security to Climate Change in Jalacte
Jalacte, as a village bordering Guatemala, has been greatly impacted with deforestation for agriculture, supporting the informal cross border trade. One must pass the Belize Agriculture Health Authority and Immigration checkpoint to travel from this village to the rest of Belize by road, indicating the remoteness of the village and its proximity to the border. Food security is a major concern in the village with some 45% of children being malnourished and is exacerbated by the almost complete deforestation of the area, following the Guatemalan example. This project is thus focused on women, men and youth empowerment with a strong food security element, and it will introduce the concept of agro-ecology to reduce the intense land degradation by planting fruit trees, starting the process of reforesting a riparian buffer, and planting annual crops including a school gardening program. As there is no rudimentary water system in the village for drinking or other purposes, the project includes agricultural water systems.

This project will promote equity, sustainability and resilience to Climate Change with regards to food security. The goals of the project include demonstration to the community of Jalacte about:
1. Climate smart alternatives in agriculture that also provide food for school children and enhance livelihoods
2. Agro-forestry and reforestation techniques and riparian protection that also enhance livelihood
3. Resource use and reuse
4. Gender equity and roles in a changing world

Plenty Belize will serve as the intermediary partner with the village of Jalacte to access funding from GEF Small Grants Programme. The project is requesting a grant of $100,000 from GEF SGP and offers $108,750 in counterpart funding: $30,870 from Plenty Belize, $60,480 from the school and village of Jalacte, and $17,400 from other partners. The project falls under the Climate Change GEF Focal Area.

Project Snapshot

Plenty International (Belize) Limited
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 3,075.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 53,303.05
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
All activities of the project will target men and women in an equitable manner. As a traditional Maya village, life in Jalacte can be difficult for women. In this project, equal opportunities exist for men and for women to increase their capacity and to benefit from agriculture. The Jalacte women?s group will be specifically targeted, and will maintain and operate one of the three covered structures, along with the riparian agro-forestry plot. Three workshops on gender and women?s issues are part of the project. This project was initiated by members of the PTA, and the community. A meeting was held with stakeholders on 5 June to further gather their insights and concerns in the project concepts and design. There is great support of this proposal by the community members. A project steering committee that includes community stakeholders will oversee the project monthly. The project seeks to build sustainability by enhancing livelihoods and increasing food security. Villagers will naturally be supportive of better opportunities for livelihoods and increased nutrition for their children.
Replication of project activities
Based on the favorable outcomes in relation to the project, there is now great potential for other remote villages in Toledo to apply this same system in their communities. Villagers in bordering communities can be shown the impact of climate change in their area; hence the need for alternative sources of income using climate smart agricultural practices. The Jalacte group should be advised to document the activities, experiences and lessons of this project to share with community groups in other villages in the area. Consultation can also be carried out within the communities (men, women and youth) to educate, share experiences and consult in order to get full participation within the communities especially as it relates to the sustainable use of the biodiversity and climate change adaptation systems of agriculture.
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SGP Country office contact

Mr. Leonel Requena
(501) 822-2462
Esther Calles


2nd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Center, Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 53
Belmopan, Central America