Strengthening Community Resilience while Ensuring Food Security through Efficient Management of Natural Resources with the Use of Energy Efficient Technology
The Clarendon Local Sustainable Development Plan (CLSDP) notes that climate change impacts the local water sector. With climate change the impact of drought will be exacerbated. The issues created by drought have ripple effect on all sectors. Notably, the agricultural sector, food security, the economic and educational sector are severely hampered. The plan further notes that Clarendon is one of the driest parish in Jamaica. The increase in the frequency of intense rains will increase in the amount of dirt and debris in surface water sources. The parish?s increasing population and heavy reliance on agriculture, coupled with unsustainable practices, such as deforestation, pollution and the use of inadequate and inefficient water storage and delivery systems are already the well being of the citizens in the parish. The Rio Minho hydrologic basin is projected have an annual water deficit of 161 million cubic metres by 2015; the largest of any hydrologic basin in Jamaica. Such conditions will only serve to amplify drought conditions (PPCR, 2011). Areas within Northern Clarendon, such as Frankfield, Crooked River, Trout Hall and Rock River are usually the hardest hit. This is because the northern section of the parish relies primarily on surface water sources, and during the dry season output from the surface water sources may fall by as much as 70% (SDC, 2014).
This project concept proposes interventions in sections of Mocho and Crooked River in Northern Clarendon in alignment with the UN/GOJ UN Trust Fund on Human Security joint project entitled ? ?Strengthening Human Resilience in Northern Clarendon & West Kingston Project? supporting Objective 2: Enhance economic, food, and nutrition security in selected communities, Objective 3: Output 3.2 ? Community and household capacities for water resource management improved (introduce waste management techniques and improved water resource management) and Output 3.3 ? Community adaptation and management capacities to respond to natural hazards enhanced. The target communities are challenged with ?economic, food, health, environmental and personal insecurities, compounded by low levels of rural development and limited access to basic services?
The intervention will target the primary educational services by focusing on ?Greening? the schools as a major priority for the target areas. The aim is to transform the schools as it is well known that targeting the younger generation provides an opportunity to promote behaviour change and improve the quality of life residents. In other words, alleviating some of the environmental insecurities in the targeted rural communities is good way to educate the students, staff, parents and all users of the school plant. Crooked River, Mount Airy and Richmond Park (Mocho) communities are among the targeted communities under the Joint Project. These communities have a combined population of an estimated 6,000 residents. The only major schools in these areas are the primary schools. The schools have an average enrolment of 100 students. Targeting these schools will provide an excellent platform to promote participation in initiatives that can benefit the populace by promoting environmentally friendly practices. The institutions are the main hub of activity in these rural communities, playing host to the Community Development Committees (CDCs) meetings which are supported by the Social Development Commission.
Improved water resource management, enhanced food security, the use of alternate and efficient energy systems, improved waste management and the development risk management and integrated participatory plans will assist in mitigating climate change whilst improving the quality of lives of the youth population within the target communities. This intervention will create a multiplier effect as we seek to promote behaviour change throughout the target communities.
The project will be implemented from the standpoint of the following components listed;
? Conduct an audit to diagnose the energy use, adjust habits and customs, and install three (3) solar energy production technology systems with support from the Caribbean Maritime University (a member GEF SGF Grantee Exchange Network)
? Enhance the farming livelihoods of three (3) communities through the establishment of greenhouses facilities, the associated irrigation systems and promoting the planting of trees and the greening of communal areas to protect the watershed. (Greenhouse specialist)
? Promote the improvement of the waste management system of the community?s school
? Improve water resource management at targeted schools by auditing the institutions infrastructure aimed at reducing water consumption and installing water harvesting systems that will boost the institution?s water supply
? Protect and enhance the safety of the community through the adoption of disaster risk management planning approaches supported by capacity building and ensure youth inclusion in the decision-making processes of the target areas. (Clarendon Municipal Corporation ? ODPEM)
Project Objective(s) and Expected Results
The project will contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2) that is, to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, along with Goal 13 on mitigating climate change are an important part of the holistic development of the community and the members. Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7) will open to doors to the efficient production and management of the school plants in the 3 target communities. The execution of this project will help the school communities in Crooked River, Richmond Park and Mount Airey and furthermore the country to realise vision four (4) of Vision 2030, which speaks to Jamaica as a healthy natural environment. The vision talks about sustainable management and use of environmental and natural resources, hazard risk reduction and adaptation to climate change and sustainable urban and rural development. The goals of the projects also align with the mandate of the Clarendon Local Sustainable Development Plan, which speaks to effective management of the parish?s water supply with a focus on water conservation, water storage and improving access to potable water.
Schools are a central part of inspiring change. Values, customs and habits can be influenced during those early stages in life and new behaviours, patterns and habits can be developed and transferred or extend to individual homes and communities. It is therefore essential that in promoting a local response to climate change a pivotal social transformation environment be utilised to develop response to climate change. This social transformational environment is our school system There are several primary schools located in the targeted communities. These institutions are highly dependent on water for their daily operations. Daily operations range from preparation of meals, watering of school gardens, water to maintain bathroom facilities among other operations. The lack of safe drinking water and sanitation means students, particularly younger ones, are prone to diarrhoea and other infectious diseases. According to UNICEF, a lack of access to clean water causes waterborne illnesses that kill more than 1.6 million young children each year. ?Safe water, effective sanitation and hygiene are critical to the health of every child and every community and thus are essential to building stronger, healthier, and more equitable societies,? said UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake. It is also generally understood as the right to feed oneself in dignity, the right to adequate food is a long-standing international human right as posited by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
The primary objective of the project is to; promote sustainable strategies aimed at mitigating climate change risks in Mocho Region (targeting Mount Airey and Richmond Park) along with the Crooked River community. The expected results are as follows:
Expected Results:
? Improved energy security using Solar technology at the Mount Airy, Crooked
River and Richmond Park Primary Schools
? Improved Food security and nutrition through sustainable agricultural practices
? Improved waste and water management systems
? Increased awareness among community groups on environmental health conditions
Expected Results
? Energy efficiency strategies incorporated in day to day activities and 3 Solar energy production technology systems installed at the, Mount Airey, Richmond Park and Crooked River Primary Schools to reduce the cost of electricity and use of fossil fuels
? Green house facilities with irrigation systems established at the Mount Airy and Crooked River Primary Schools and poultry farms to enhance the food security whilst promoting the establishment of increased communal green areas which will be used as a teaching tool and managed by the institutions, with support from the PTAs and CDCs
? Improved waste and water management systems adopted by target schools and by extension the community to reduce water requirements
? Enhanced disaster risk management planning systems adopted in the target communities and the associated primary schools
This project concept proposes interventions in sections of Mocho and Crooked River in Northern Clarendon in alignment with the UN/GOJ UN Trust Fund on Human Security joint project entitled ? ?Strengthening Human Resilience in Northern Clarendon & West Kingston Project? supporting Objective 2: Enhance economic, food, and nutrition security in selected communities, Objective 3: Output 3.2 ? Community and household capacities for water resource management improved (introduce waste management techniques and improved water resource management) and Output 3.3 ? Community adaptation and management capacities to respond to natural hazards enhanced. The target communities are challenged with ?economic, food, health, environmental and personal insecurities, compounded by low levels of rural development and limited access to basic services?
The intervention will target the primary educational services by focusing on ?Greening? the schools as a major priority for the target areas. The aim is to transform the schools as it is well known that targeting the younger generation provides an opportunity to promote behaviour change and improve the quality of life residents. In other words, alleviating some of the environmental insecurities in the targeted rural communities is good way to educate the students, staff, parents and all users of the school plant. Crooked River, Mount Airy and Richmond Park (Mocho) communities are among the targeted communities under the Joint Project. These communities have a combined population of an estimated 6,000 residents. The only major schools in these areas are the primary schools. The schools have an average enrolment of 100 students. Targeting these schools will provide an excellent platform to promote participation in initiatives that can benefit the populace by promoting environmentally friendly practices. The institutions are the main hub of activity in these rural communities, playing host to the Community Development Committees (CDCs) meetings which are supported by the Social Development Commission.
Improved water resource management, enhanced food security, the use of alternate and efficient energy systems, improved waste management and the development risk management and integrated participatory plans will assist in mitigating climate change whilst improving the quality of lives of the youth population within the target communities. This intervention will create a multiplier effect as we seek to promote behaviour change throughout the target communities.
The project will be implemented from the standpoint of the following components listed;
? Conduct an audit to diagnose the energy use, adjust habits and customs, and install three (3) solar energy production technology systems with support from the Caribbean Maritime University (a member GEF SGF Grantee Exchange Network)
? Enhance the farming livelihoods of three (3) communities through the establishment of greenhouses facilities, the associated irrigation systems and promoting the planting of trees and the greening of communal areas to protect the watershed. (Greenhouse specialist)
? Promote the improvement of the waste management system of the community?s school
? Improve water resource management at targeted schools by auditing the institutions infrastructure aimed at reducing water consumption and installing water harvesting systems that will boost the institution?s water supply
? Protect and enhance the safety of the community through the adoption of disaster risk management planning approaches supported by capacity building and ensure youth inclusion in the decision-making processes of the target areas. (Clarendon Municipal Corporation ? ODPEM)
Project Objective(s) and Expected Results
The project will contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2) that is, to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, along with Goal 13 on mitigating climate change are an important part of the holistic development of the community and the members. Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7) will open to doors to the efficient production and management of the school plants in the 3 target communities. The execution of this project will help the school communities in Crooked River, Richmond Park and Mount Airey and furthermore the country to realise vision four (4) of Vision 2030, which speaks to Jamaica as a healthy natural environment. The vision talks about sustainable management and use of environmental and natural resources, hazard risk reduction and adaptation to climate change and sustainable urban and rural development. The goals of the projects also align with the mandate of the Clarendon Local Sustainable Development Plan, which speaks to effective management of the parish?s water supply with a focus on water conservation, water storage and improving access to potable water.
Schools are a central part of inspiring change. Values, customs and habits can be influenced during those early stages in life and new behaviours, patterns and habits can be developed and transferred or extend to individual homes and communities. It is therefore essential that in promoting a local response to climate change a pivotal social transformation environment be utilised to develop response to climate change. This social transformational environment is our school system There are several primary schools located in the targeted communities. These institutions are highly dependent on water for their daily operations. Daily operations range from preparation of meals, watering of school gardens, water to maintain bathroom facilities among other operations. The lack of safe drinking water and sanitation means students, particularly younger ones, are prone to diarrhoea and other infectious diseases. According to UNICEF, a lack of access to clean water causes waterborne illnesses that kill more than 1.6 million young children each year. ?Safe water, effective sanitation and hygiene are critical to the health of every child and every community and thus are essential to building stronger, healthier, and more equitable societies,? said UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake. It is also generally understood as the right to feed oneself in dignity, the right to adequate food is a long-standing international human right as posited by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
The primary objective of the project is to; promote sustainable strategies aimed at mitigating climate change risks in Mocho Region (targeting Mount Airey and Richmond Park) along with the Crooked River community. The expected results are as follows:
Expected Results:
? Improved energy security using Solar technology at the Mount Airy, Crooked
River and Richmond Park Primary Schools
? Improved Food security and nutrition through sustainable agricultural practices
? Improved waste and water management systems
? Increased awareness among community groups on environmental health conditions
Expected Results
? Energy efficiency strategies incorporated in day to day activities and 3 Solar energy production technology systems installed at the, Mount Airey, Richmond Park and Crooked River Primary Schools to reduce the cost of electricity and use of fossil fuels
? Green house facilities with irrigation systems established at the Mount Airy and Crooked River Primary Schools and poultry farms to enhance the food security whilst promoting the establishment of increased communal green areas which will be used as a teaching tool and managed by the institutions, with support from the PTAs and CDCs
? Improved waste and water management systems adopted by target schools and by extension the community to reduce water requirements
? Enhanced disaster risk management planning systems adopted in the target communities and the associated primary schools
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Project Snapshot
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 150,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 258,608.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
Sustainability is a critical aspect in all the GEF SGP funded projects. The proposal should outline the steps to be taken before, during, and at project completion to ensure that once all the SGP funds have been disbursed, the project impact will continue for many years thereafter. The funds provided by SGP are primarily seed funds, designed to give the project a significant start. However, project proponents should envision the project three or even five years after SGP funds have been utilized and consider the factors that could contribute to the success and continued impact of their project and address them accordingly.
The community will be involved from inception supported by the relevant agencies. Capacity building initiatives will be implemented. The Government agencies with responsibility for promoting strategies to mitigate against climate change will also be engaged to provide support to the project and ensure sustainability of the project. The economic projection of increased production of crops and cost savings will inspire sustainability. The project will be incorporated into class learning activities to promote maintenance. Maintenance will be incorporated in the school and Parent Teachers Associations (PTA) plan to support sustainability. Community representatives will model the benefits that will be derived from.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
The project progress will be closely tracked and documented at each stage through site meeting, monthly and quarterly review. Reports will be shared via our email, Quarterly Newsletter (News & Views ?Clarendon Parish Development Committee), brochures, social networking sites- Parish Development Committee. Reports will also be made to the public at the community engagements held in the beneficiary communities, as well as the General Assembly Meeting held quarterly of the CPDCBS. Our partners SDC, Clarendon Municipal Corporation, RADA, and 4H will also be encouraged to present the result of the project in their reports and newsletters. Given the success of the project the Society will duplicate the best practise in other areas across the parish, by sharing of the documentation developed. The Secretariat will ensure that information on the project is shared through information fairs at the community level.
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Number of innovations or new technologies developed / applied
Total monetary value (US dollars) of clean energy services provided to project participants and / or community as a whole (in the climate change focal area)
SGP Country office contact
Ms Hyacinth Y Douglas
(876) 978-2390-9 ext. 2030
Ms. Faradaine Forbes-Edwards
1-3 Lady Musgrave Road
Kingston 5, LA and the Caribbean
Kingston 5, LA and the Caribbean
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