Building Capacity in Proper Solid Waste Management in Belize's Southern Coastal Communities
The overall goal of this project is to prepare the southern coastal communities to actively participate in the national and regional solid waste management plans and the moratorium on Styrofoam, single use plastic bags and straws.
This project is designed to be a bi-partite complimentary initiative that aims at supporting the blue economy by bringing proper solid waste management and the phasing out of single use plastics from a national to the local level. This will ensure a proactive and appropriate response to change by the communities. The project will involve a series of educational outreach activities focused on solid waste management in all proposed target communities; as well as the execution of a solid waste separation pilot project within the Seine Bight and Hopkins Villages. Community members will be initially involved in a listening and learning component of the educational campaign, and will also actively participate through knowledge sharing sessions, as well as working in the separation of solid waste within their businesses after the necessary knowledge is attained. The aim of this reverse role play is to ensure that a positive attitude is being fostered across all age ranges, which will, in return ensure the sustainability of the project beyond its closure.
This project is designed to be a bi-partite complimentary initiative that aims at supporting the blue economy by bringing proper solid waste management and the phasing out of single use plastics from a national to the local level. This will ensure a proactive and appropriate response to change by the communities. The project will involve a series of educational outreach activities focused on solid waste management in all proposed target communities; as well as the execution of a solid waste separation pilot project within the Seine Bight and Hopkins Villages. Community members will be initially involved in a listening and learning component of the educational campaign, and will also actively participate through knowledge sharing sessions, as well as working in the separation of solid waste within their businesses after the necessary knowledge is attained. The aim of this reverse role play is to ensure that a positive attitude is being fostered across all age ranges, which will, in return ensure the sustainability of the project beyond its closure.
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Project Snapshot
Southern Environmental Association
Area Of Work:
International Waters
International Waters
International Waters
Grant Amount:
US$ 24,999.50
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 34,850.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Project sustainability
Number of females: 255
Number of males: 162
Number of children: 508
Biodiversity-the project is to promote best practices in waste management and as such there is
a reduction of pollutants that are dumped in the environment. These non-biodegradables have
a significant impact on the environment. The reduction/elimination of this will allow the
biodiversity to bloom as there is less to affect the natural life cycle of the plants and animals
as the natural habitats are less vulnerable to disruption.
Climate Change-this project has helped the participants reduce their carbon footprint as they
are encouraging members of their families and the wider community to do the same. This has
far reaching effects, not only on land but also on the sea.
International Waters- This project forced the participants to look at their surrounding
environments differently. They realized that polluting their environments is counter
productive. All of the participants are connected to the sea and wetlands/swamps so it became
important to them to preserve these waterways as they became aware of the importance to the
fishing industry, etc.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Implementation will be completed by community members and guided by SEA in collaboration with DOE and BSWaMA. Women from the traditionally indigenous (Garifuna) communities of Hopkins and Seine Bight who are business owners, leaders and head of households are the targeted beneficiaries and owners of the project. Where possible, expertise for design of the project and consultants for the development of communication strategies will be sourced from within the community.
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SGP Country office contact
Mr. Leonel Requena
(501) 822-2462
Esther Calles
2nd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Center, Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 53
Belmopan, Central America
Belmopan, Central America
Visit the Belize Country Page