Youth in Action- Combating Climate Change through Innovation and Technology in Agriculture
Jamaica is experiencing the effects of climate variability as it becomes increasingly more difficult to predict rainy seasons versus periods of drought. Crop failures and rising food prices becomes a threat to the 17.1% of the population, that is, persons living below the poverty line (World Bank, 2016). Of significance also is rural poverty which was recorded at 20.5% in 2016 (JIS, 2018), while 25% of Jamaican youth were reported to be living below the poverty line (The Gleaner, 2018). Climatic events will severely affect persons living in poverty leading to food insecurity and nutritional deprivations that can have lifelong impacts. In addition, these challenges have the potential to destroy livelihoods, drive rural migration further pressuring urban systems, increasing vulnerabilities to malnutrition, ill health and migration, particularly among youth. Given youth?s sheer percentage in the population, they have an increasingly strong social and environmental awareness, which has the power to transform our societies towards a low-carbon and climate resilient future.
Youth must therefore have a voice in action against, to mitigate or adapt to climate change and becomes critical as attention is directed towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project will target youths across the island through specific activities, particularly those relating to awareness building.
The overall objective of the project is to engage youth to provide inputs towards building a more resilient and productive farming sector, while providing the opportunity to design sustainable innovative agriculture solutions that are resilient and adaptive to climate impacts. The project intervention is aligned to the GEF Small Grants Programme?s climate change mitigation and land degradation focal areas. The project activities will focus on awareness, skills and competencies of young people that will lead to climate action at all levels and youth-led initiatives that focus on nature-based solutions that will lead to income generation and improved livelihoods.
Expected Results: At the end of the project, there will be:
? Increased level of awareness, skills and competencies in climate smart agriculture among the youth through a National Youth in Agriculture Symposium with the theme: ?Food Diversification: Combating Climate Change?
? Empowered youths to lead action against climate change impacts.
? Establishment of demonstration plots which will reflect the actualization of youth-led climate smart agriculture initiatives
? Agro-processing Enterprise Development Programme that will provide training and venture inputs to underserved and vulnerable rural youth (80% of which will target females).
Youth must therefore have a voice in action against, to mitigate or adapt to climate change and becomes critical as attention is directed towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project will target youths across the island through specific activities, particularly those relating to awareness building.
The overall objective of the project is to engage youth to provide inputs towards building a more resilient and productive farming sector, while providing the opportunity to design sustainable innovative agriculture solutions that are resilient and adaptive to climate impacts. The project intervention is aligned to the GEF Small Grants Programme?s climate change mitigation and land degradation focal areas. The project activities will focus on awareness, skills and competencies of young people that will lead to climate action at all levels and youth-led initiatives that focus on nature-based solutions that will lead to income generation and improved livelihoods.
Expected Results: At the end of the project, there will be:
? Increased level of awareness, skills and competencies in climate smart agriculture among the youth through a National Youth in Agriculture Symposium with the theme: ?Food Diversification: Combating Climate Change?
? Empowered youths to lead action against climate change impacts.
? Establishment of demonstration plots which will reflect the actualization of youth-led climate smart agriculture initiatives
? Agro-processing Enterprise Development Programme that will provide training and venture inputs to underserved and vulnerable rural youth (80% of which will target females).
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Project Snapshot
Jamaica 4-H Foundation
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 70,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 179,478.27
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Policy Impact
A clear strategy for engaging youth including those from rural communities is one of the main objectives of the Youth in Agriculture (YIA) Policy that is implemented by the Jamaica 4-H Clubs. The YIA Policy seeks to harness opportunities along the value chain in agriculture training, agri-entrepreneurship, innovations and technology. It is expected that these interventions will improve the sector?s image, contribute to rural livelihoods, environmental sustainability and food security.
Inovative Financial Mechanisms
In addition to the production of knowledge products on climate change and climate smart agriculture, the event will utilise several knowledge management tools. These will include:
? Knowledge, lessons learnt and good practices from project action will be posted on the website of our project partner
? The awareness activities and video clippings of other events will be live streamed, recorded and disseminated on social media platforms where relevant.
? Youth participants will be encouraged to share their knowledge with others and to participate in activities that promotes climate change mitigation and adaptation practices.
In addition, specific areas of the Symposium will be video recorded and placed on 4-H, GEF and its partner?s websites.
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Number of local policies informed in climate change focal area
Number of women participated / involved in SGP project
Number of value added labels/certifications/quality standards received or achieved
Total monetary value (US dollars) of clean energy services provided to project participants and / or community as a whole (in the climate change focal area)
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project
SGP Country office contact
Ms Hyacinth Y Douglas
(876) 978-2390-9 ext. 2030
Ms. Faradaine Forbes-Edwards
1-3 Lady Musgrave Road
Kingston 5, LA and the Caribbean
Kingston 5, LA and the Caribbean
Visit the Jamaica Country Page