Creating Climate-Resilient Livelihoods for TAMR Fishers
Creating Climate-Resilient Livelihoods for TAMR Fishers
The project?s overall goal as with any intervention by Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association (TASA) is to contribute to having an effective protected areas system in Belize which matches with the goal of Belize?s National Protected Areas System Plan. Specifically, the project will Create a Climate Resilient Supplementary Livelihood Program for Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve (TAMR) Fishers. This will be done through engaging Fishers of the TAMR in seaweed cultivation. The project is very relevant in contributing to the abatement of identified threats like climate change and unsustainable fishing practices to the TAMR as it focuses on supporting livelihood diversification and resilience to climate change. Four critical outputs of the project are 1) Draft seaweed mariculture policy that provides an enabling environment for the permitting process to develop the seaweed mariculture industry, 2) Strengthened seaweed seed bank, 3) Fishers are knowledgeable and skilled in seaweed production, and 4) Fishers are aware of the negative effects of climate change and measures for improving adaptability.

Project Snapshot

Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association
Area Of Work:
Community Based Adaptation
Community Based Adaptation
Grant Amount:
US$ 30,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 4,350.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Gender Focus
A rapid gender analysis shows that majority of Belize?s fishers including those that operate in the TAMR are men. Absence of female fishers is mainly as a result of fishing being a rugged profession that takes the fisher away from home in some cases days. This often times conflict with the female?s traditional role of taking care of the family at home. Nonetheless, there are no other major barriers for females to become fishers. With this in mind, TASA operates within a gender inclusion framework and actively engages female stakeholders (fishing and tourism sectors) in all its initiative. While there are no female fishers at the TAMR, TASA will actively engage female stakeholders to specifically participate in the stakeholder meetings to as part of the seaweed mariculture policy. In addition, it will promote seaweed mariculture as a livelihood opportunity for female participation.
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Output 2.1: Fishers are aware of the negative effects of climate change and measures for improving adaptability Activity 1: Design climate change awareness program TASA will build on its existing education outreach programme and design a component that specifically addresses climate change and demonstrates the linkages between fishers? experience (anecdotal data) and science and more specifically with establishing the seaweed banks This is essential as fishers have discussed the changes that they have been observing at the TAMR over the years. The awareness building will let them know why those changes are happening and what needs to be done to adapt to them. Activity 2: Prepare tools to aid in climate change awareness outreach Some collateral material like brochures and flyers will be designed and distributed to use as part of the awareness program. Activity 3: Implement climate change outreach program Targeted meetings at fishing camps and boat to boat sessions will be conducted as part of the awareness program. In addition, a presentation will be conducted with leaders and some members of the Belize City Central Fishermen Association whose members make up majority of TAMR?s users.
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VRA3: Vulnerability to future, anticipated climate hazards 10

SGP Country office contact

Mr. Leonel Requena
(501) 822-2462
Esther Calles


2nd Floor, David L. McKoy Business Center, Bliss Parade, P.O. Box 53
Belmopan, Central America