Providing Solar Energy to power Water Pumps for farmers and to cool Greenhouses at Chambord, St. Patrick’s *Note: Originally GRD/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/CC/19/09
Providing Solar Energy to power Water Pumps for farmers and to cool Greenhouses at Chambord, St. Patrick’s *Note: Originally GRD/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/CC/19/09
The objectives of this project are as follows;

? To increase the annual income of farmers in the area through the application of Climate Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices and technologies by making a consistent supply of water for irrigation
? To provide adequate circulation of air in the green houses
? To protect the installed solar equipment.
? Help build capacity of the group by assisting in setting up administrative functions
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Project Snapshot

Organisation for Rural Empowerment and Development
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 50,000.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 20,500.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 11,037.04
Project Number:
GRD/SGP/OP5/CORE/CC/19/09 - recoded
Project activities completed, final reports pending

SGP Country office contact

Ms Akarda Ventour


P.O. Box 3486
St. George's