Mitigating Deforestation and Enhancing Livelihoods through Climate Smart Agriculture Technology and Knowledge Platform in the Springvale Community
Mitigating Deforestation and Enhancing Livelihoods through Climate Smart Agriculture Technology and Knowledge Platform in the Springvale Community
The Springdale and surrounding communities, with a population of some 800 residents is predominantly an agriculture-based with over 100 farmers - 69% males and 31% females. The community has been plagued with poor farming practices like improper land clearing, soil husbandry to name a few. These poor practices have negatively impacted the forest cover and availability of water in the Rio Cobre watershed. Traditional agricultural systems and knowledge sharing methods have degraded over the years with limited opportunity for young farmers to learn the necessary skills for climate smart agriculture. Farmer knowledge on the importance of integrated pest management, the use of cover crops and beneficial insects to their production are limited.

The project will equip two farming communities to integrate renewable energy, recycling and carbon sequestration to increase their productivity and build resilience while reducing their vulnerability to climate change.

Project Snapshot

Youth Crime Watch of Jamaica
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 71,050.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 13,500.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 33,500.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
Both traditional and social media platforms will be used to communicate and publicize its activities and results and will engage consultants to assist in this regard. The Project will also utilize its volunteer group to assist with the communication and public relation activities. Using material collected throughout the project such as videos, interviews and pictures disseminated via social media. Increase knowledge sharing through interactions at farmers? markets and agro-shows. Work closely with RADA to disseminate the material to farmers and farming groups across the island.
Gender Focus
Females involved in farming in Springvale account for a third of the community?s farming population. As the main caregivers and, in some cases, the only breadwinner in the family they are faced with a plethora of challenges including limited access to education, training and employment opportunities. Livelihood for these women is always ?business as usual?, they are often the ones who connect the community farms and the markets or sell directly to the markets, acquiring just enough for survival These women are further challenged by limited access to resources, limited knowledge of how to gain access to the resources that are available or simply just the fear of leading the process to acquire resources especially given their perception of farming as a male dominated field. This puts them on the periphery of the conversations and at time left out altogether. Focus will thus be on women, the impact of women as direct beneficiaries and their role in the planning and implementation of the project through administrative and leadership roles. Increasing their awareness of management techniques in-general, but specifically to the outcome of the project. Increasing their participation along the spectrum from planning and decision making to field labour. Building their capacity in collecting information necessary for knowledge sharing and climate resilience among farmers in the area. Increasing their participation in interviews and video presentations, highlighting women farmers and using their experience to support other women farmers. Continuous training and support of their ability to train others interested in knowledge-based farming also using this opportunity to build their leadership skills and to strengthen their capacity to sustain learning. The target includes men and women equally and be inclusive and will not discriminate against any community member because of their sexual identity. In this regard, the project activities and results will strive to uphold and promote the highest standards of human rights while displaying respect and tolerance for all.
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Tonnes of CO2 decreased or avoided by energy efficient and renewable energy technologies or applying environmentally sustainable transport practices introduced by SGP Project 1
Number of innovations or new technologies developed / applied 1
Number of women participated / involved in SGP project 10
Hectares of land sustainably managed by project 2
Number of individuals (gender diaggregated) who have benefited* from SGP project 20

SGP Country office contact

Ms Hyacinth Y Douglas
(876) 978-2390-9 ext. 2030
Ms. Faradaine Forbes-Edwards


1-3 Lady Musgrave Road
Kingston 5, LA and the Caribbean