The Introduction of the Solar Powered SMART FAD for the Sustainable Development of Fisheries in the south (Micoud – Choiseul) of Saint Lucia..
This project will bring alternative energy and satellite technology into the design, deployment and functioning of Fish Aggregate Devices for fishers. The project objectives are: (i) To design, fabricate and deploy a SMART FAD within 4 months of signing off on the project; (ii) To introduce fishers to more sustainable fishing habits and management practices by improving their knowledge on how their actions can impact their environment by the 5th month of the project; and (iii) To develop the capacity of the project proponent in project management and through the preparation of a five year strategic plan for implementation. When successfully implemented, this project should prevent FADs from getting lost and therefore diminish ghost fishing, and overall, would significantly optimize the process.
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Project Snapshot
Goodwill Fishermen's Cooperative Society Ltd
Saint Lucia
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 49,185.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 51,093.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 7,148.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed
Project Characteristics and Results
Promoting Public Awareness of Global Environment
A communication strategy using mass and social media formats will be used.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Fishers are significantly Kwéyòl speakers, therefore this indigenous language will be used to communicate extensively with them.
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SGP Country office contact
Mr. Giles Romulus
(758) 452-4900
(758) 452-4900
CARILEC Building, Desir Avenue, Sans Souci
Castries, The Caribbean, P.O. Box 8206 Choc
Castries, The Caribbean, P.O. Box 8206 Choc
Visit the Saint Lucia Country Page