Rive Bank Stabilization and Development of Cocoa Production and Manufacturing Capacity of PCPA Farmers in the Fond Watershed
The Fond Watershed has a high natural vulnerability along with a population with similar vulnerability status. The main river course causes much erosion and due to anthropocentric factors, flooding is a constant challenge. This project will combine with another project, to establish a Referent Organisation to enhance coordination and networking and to implement strategies with the concurrence of all stakeholders. The project will use a multi-prong strategy which focuses on the environment, the social and the economic conditions.
The project goal is to: ?realise the economic, social and financial transformation of the Malgretoute community through the proper management of the eco systems and watershed management which supports organic agricultural practises for the resurgence of cocoa as an economic crop and ancillary commercial benefits that accrue?.
The objectives are as follows: (i) To establish a fully functional and viable plant nursery that can produce plants for sale and maintenance of the coco industry within 9 months of project commencement; (ii) To plant assorted species of trees to stabilize 5 miles of the Fond River banks within the first 6 months of the project; (iii) To significantly increase the production of cocoa by products by 20%; and (iv) to design, cost and implement small scale soft engineering works that can help to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience for agriculture within the Fond Watershed while simultaneously establishing a watershed monitoring system.
The project goal is to: ?realise the economic, social and financial transformation of the Malgretoute community through the proper management of the eco systems and watershed management which supports organic agricultural practises for the resurgence of cocoa as an economic crop and ancillary commercial benefits that accrue?.
The objectives are as follows: (i) To establish a fully functional and viable plant nursery that can produce plants for sale and maintenance of the coco industry within 9 months of project commencement; (ii) To plant assorted species of trees to stabilize 5 miles of the Fond River banks within the first 6 months of the project; (iii) To significantly increase the production of cocoa by products by 20%; and (iv) to design, cost and implement small scale soft engineering works that can help to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience for agriculture within the Fond Watershed while simultaneously establishing a watershed monitoring system.
Project Snapshot
Premium Cocoa Producers Association St. Lucia Ltd
Saint Lucia
Area Of Work:
Land Degradation
Grant Amount:
US$ 40,173.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 23,563.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 35,230.00
Project Number:
Project Terminated Before Completion
Project Characteristics and Results
Emphasis on Sustainable Livelihoods
A nursery will be designed and constructed to meet the demands of the agroforestry component of the project and to sell plants to landowners in other parts of the landscape. A breakeven analysis will be prepared and persons from the community will be employed.
Significant Participation of Indigenous Peoples
Communications will be in the two official languages of Saint Lucia, id est, English and Kweyol.
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SGP Country office contact
Mr. Giles Romulus
(758) 452-4900
(758) 452-4900
CARILEC Building, Desir Avenue, Sans Souci
Castries, The Caribbean, P.O. Box 8206 Choc
Castries, The Caribbean, P.O. Box 8206 Choc
Visit the Saint Lucia Country Page