Post Hurricane Maria Projects Support for Recovery
Post Hurricane Maria Projects Support for Recovery

Hurricane Maria struck Dominica on September 18, 2017. There has been severe destruction island wide. Throughout, there is the extensive destruction of housing, factories, tourism sites, farms, small businesses, forests, farm access roads, main roadways, and electricity, water and telecommunications systems. This devastation impacted not only physical structures but the economic and social well-being of the nation. Health, education and social services have been affected and there is extensive loss of jobs and other livelihoods.

The vulnerability of Dominica?s agricultural and tourism sectors which are the mainstay of the country?s economy - is manifested in the level of damages sustained from Hurricane Maria. The UN report of September 25, highlighted that Dominica?s agriculture was destroyed compromising food security and livelihoods of 25% of the country?s workforce. The government indicated that 100% of crops were destroyed. In a report of 10 October 2017, the FAO reported the loss of fishing boats, gears and other equipment.

Some projects which had been implemented with funds from the GEF Small Grants Programme including those which had some sustainable livelihood business activities ongoing or just about to preparing to begin production before the end of this year were severely damaged with others suffering minor damages. Activities included compost production, rabbit and poultry production rearing, vegetable production, small agro processing ? wet and dry culinary herbs, processed vegetables, processed dasheen, cut flowers, virgin coconut oil, toloma and farine production, beekeeping, aquaculture and fishing. Others were involved in reforestation, coastal area management and community tourism initiatives.

The SGP Dominica National Steering Committee at a meeting held on November 14, 2017 decided to provide immediate support for Post Hurricane Maria recovery through one small grant with focus on environmental benefits and livelihood restoration. Projects to be supported are those in agriculture, tourism, forestry and fishing, which have suffered severe damage from Hurricane Maria.
Whilst the livelihood activities are being revamped, there will also be attention to capacity building and empowerment to enable NGOs, CBOs CSOs to be active contributors to the ?build back better? thrust. Therefore relevant skills and other training will incorporate themes such as disaster risk reduction, environmental resilience, capacity building, gender equality and human rights, governance and accountability. The projects will be inclusive targeting all sectors of society including women and youth, indigenous people and persons with disabilities.

Previously impacted on by Tropical Storm Erika 2 years ago. Impact on projects this time has been severe with all projects having been affected by winds, rain, and flooding.

There is widespread destruction of forest, beach, rivers, infrastructure with this comes less of jobs and livelihoods as the environment is destroyed and most livelihood are linked to tourism and agriculture which are directly linked to the environment. Many projects suffered damages that render them nonfunctional to operate in a manner to continue employing or earning revenue.

C.2. Project location and target group)

In communities where SGP projects were implemented and have been impacted by Hurricane Maria. These include:
Woodford hill, Fond Cole, Calibishie, Belles, Morne Prosper, Castle Bruce, Soufriere / Scotts Head, Grandbay, Northeast, Londonderry, Marigot, Penville, Delices.
C.4 Planned activities (briefly list down all planned activities and how the envisaged involvement of the target group or local community in the project (main groups/sectors and expected beneficiaries)
Planned activities
Duration/time frame Involvement of target group and local community
Repairs to irrigation system 6 months La Haut Farmers Group- Penville
Repairs to rabbit huts
Compost bins replacement 6 months Agriculture Women Movement - Northeast
Garden tools / equipment 6 months 4 H Local Leaders ? South and Southeast
Agriculture Women Movement ? Northeast
Geo Tourism Stewardship Council ? Giraudel

Rehabilitate reception building, other tourism facilities and access trails 6 months NEWCEPT ? Londonderry
North East Tourism (NET) ? Southeast
Marigot Community Tourism ? Marigot
Giraudel/Eggleston Flower Growers ? Giraudel
Salisbury Farmers Group - Salisbury
Agro processing tools / equipment / pails / packaging and other supplies 6 months Believers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd. ? Woodford hill
Toloma Women in Action - Delices
Repairs to office and ice machine
6 months St. Marks Fisherfolk Cooperative Society Ltd.

Repairs to agro processing building and provision to replace washed away building materials 6 months Toloma Women in Action ? Delices
Belles Farmers Group ? Belles
Morne prosper Women Farmers in Action ? Morne Prosper
Replacement of hives / tools / equipment 6 months Dominica Beekeepers Cooperative Society Ltd. - Apiculture
Replace garbage receptacles and bins 9 months St. Marks Fisherfolk Cooperative Society Ltd.
Fond Cole Improvement Committee ? Fond Cole
Mahaut Village council ? Mahaut
Calibishie Golden Age - Calibishie
reinstating and setting up community water system Belles Farmers Group - Belles
Toloma Women in Action - Delices
To contribute to global environment benefits
To facilitate post Hurricane Maria livelihood recovery
To support sustainable livelihoods action post Hurricane Maria
C.3. Overall project goals and objectives

objective proposed activities Expected outputs outcomes indicators means of
To rehabilitate existing SGP agro processing facilities to enable operations Repairs to physical works on buildings including doors, windows replacement damaged roof Doors, window replaced damaged roof repaired Building restored to function # of processing plants repaired Before and after photos
To rehabilitate SGP project tourism sites and facilities Clearing of sites, facilities, trails, repairs to buildings and replace equipment Sites cleared and trails usable building repaired and equipment replaced Livelihood activities reactivated # of persons employed Payment sheets
staff list
To provide support for reinstating farm irrigation system Supply and installation of water pipe lines and water storage tanks Irrigation system reinstated Revenue generated
% of increased production Increased income Sales reports
Revitalize the beekeeping and increase production of honey Replace bee hives provide tools / equipment Bee hives provided
Beekeeping supplies provided Beekeepers actively engaged in honey production.
increase in honey production # Beekeepers back in production.
# of increase production Comparison of records before / post Maria and following repairs from SGP
To provide support for reinstating and setting up community water system reinstating and setting up community water system Repairs to water pipe lines and water storage tanks Community water system reinstated # of water systems available community water systems upgraded

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Project Snapshot

Bafond Pointe Development Committee
Area Of Work:
Climate Change Mitigation
Grant Amount:
US$ 87,889.00
Co-Financing Cash:
US$ 23,241.00
Co-Financing in-Kind:
US$ 18,339.00
Project Number:
Satisfactorily Completed

SGP Country office contact

Ms. Shari-Anne Gregoire
(767) 440 4349


UNDP Office, 16 Kennedy Avenue