
The photo galleries for projects within this country appear below with the most recent projects displaying first. Click on an image to view the project photo gallery.
Start Date: Feb 2024
Conflict to Co-existence: Highlanders living in harmony with bears amidst changing climate and anima...
Start Date: Feb 2024
Empowering youths through sustainable mushroom cultivation using innovative substrates in Bumthang.
Start Date: Feb 2024
Promoting warmwater fish farming to sustain traditional Nya-dosem practices in Rukha, Wangdue Phodra...
Start Date: Jan 2021
National policy dialogue(s) regarding the sustainability and upscaling of socio-ecological productio...
Start Date: Feb 2018
Sustainable cultivation of broom grass and promotion of agro-biodiversity in Semjong
Start Date: Dec 2018
Building Climate Resilient Community through Sustainable land and forest management in Thasa villag...
Start Date: Dec 2018
Piloting Gudeul (Traditional Korean Room Heating Technology) in classrooms to reduce dependence on o...
Start Date: Dec 2015
ex-post Landscape-wide Baseline Assessment for the Community Development and Knowledge Management fo...
Start Date: Dec 2014
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Buli Wetland
Start Date: Dec 2011
Biogas and water source Project
Start Date: Dec 2011
Community based Environmental Conservation through Sustainable land and Irrigation water usage in Bu...
Start Date: Dec 2011
Environmental conservation and critical watershed management
Start Date: Dec 2011
Improving Livelihoods and Environment through Preservation and Development of Traditional Mills and...
Start Date: Dec 2011
Up scaling of local Bee Keeping in Dovan village, Sarpang
Start Date: Aug 2009
Sustainable Land Management in Kothigaon to rehabilitate and protect the deteriorating dry land and ...


Ugyen Lhendup
National Coordinator
UN House, Peling Lam (Street), Kawajangsa, Thimphu, P.O. Box No. 162,Thimphu, Bhutan11001
Phone:+ (975-2) 322424 (ext 330)
