International attention has been focused on global environmental issues for over four decades since the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Yet, climate change, habitat loss and anthropogenic pressures continue to threaten in situ biodiversity conservation and loss of traditional knowledge around the world. With the adoption of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi 2020 framework in 2010, biodiversity management strategies are increasingly recognizing and building upon the vital role of local communities and indigenous peoples in conserving biodiversity outside of the framework of formal government-recognized Protected Areas (PAs).
As such, the Global Support Initiative to territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (ICCA-GSI) was formed in 2014 to broaden the range and quality of diverse governance types in recognizing ICCAs and achieve the Aichi 2020 targets. ICCA-GSI's objective is to improve the recognition and overall effectiveness for biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods and resilience to climate change effects of territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
Furthermore, the ICCA-GSI COVID-19 Response Initiative was launched in 2020 to support Indigenous Peoples and local communities cope and recover from this new challenge. Both the ICCA-GSI Phase 1 and COVID-19 Response Initiative also contribute to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).
Phase 1 of the ICCA-GSI is implemented in 26 countries including Argentina, Belize, Benin, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Georgia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Namibia, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Suriname, Tanzania, Viet Nam and Zambia.
It will create a framework for systemic change through its three distinct components, referred to as “Work Packages”:
Work Package 1: Direct financial support to community-based action and demonstration on sound ICCA stewardship for the purposes of ecosystem protection, sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction.
Work Package 2: Legal, Policy and other forms of support for ICCA recognition and conservation (including governance assessments of protected areas and landscapes).
Work Package 3: Networking, knowledge production and exchange between national CSO initiatives at regional and global levels.
Through the enhanced capacities of all engaged partners, the 26 countries will be supported in:
- (i) Having improved tracking tools to assess the vitality, security and socio-ecological resilience of IICAs and protected landscapes.
- (ii) Contributing to national strategies pertaining to the diversification of the governance arrangements for the Protected Areas (PAs);
- (iii) Achieving CBD Aichi 2020 Targets relating to increasing the coverage of protected areas (Target 11), improving ecosystems that provide essential services (Target 14), and respecting and protecting traditional knowledge (Target 18).
ICCA-GSI Phase 1 Timeline
The ICCA-GSI work from 2014 to 2022 (Phase 1 and COVID-19 Response Initiative)
The publication entitled The Global Support Initiative to territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities consolidates the work of the ICCA-GSI from 2014 to 2022.
This publication was launched at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD COP15) in Montreal, Canada on December 2022. Its key components include (i) the definition of and threats to ICCAs; (ii) the objective of the ICCA-GSI; (iii) the coalition of global partners; (iv) ICCA-GSI methodologies and tools; (v) governance assessments; (vi) support in ICCAs to build resilience to pandemics and climate change; (vii) 14 country case studies; and (viii) future directions - how the ICCA-GSI will contribute to the Global Biodiversity Framework for managing nature through 2030.
Please also see other knowledge and communication products below, plus a resource library in the 'Document' and 'Stories' sections located at the bottom of this page.

Newsletters* (from latest):
ICCA-GSI Newsletter, Issue No. 6
ICCA-GSI Newsletter, Issue No. 5
ICCA-GSI Newsletter, Issue No. 4
ICCA-GSI Newsletter, Issue No. 3
ICCA-GSI Newsletter, Issue No. 2
ICCA-GSI Newsletter, Issue No. 1
*For Newsletter 7 and beyond, please go to the ICCA-GSI COVID-19 Response Initiative page.
Photo Stories*
* For photo stories from 2022 and beyond, please visit the ICCA-GSI COVID-19 Response Initiative page.
List of Conferences and Workshops (in reverse chronological order):
- SGP and ICCA-GSI partners at the III Latin America and Caribbean Protected Areas Congress (LACPAC); October 2019
- 18th session of the UN Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues (UNPFII): Indigenous Peoples and Conservation Organizations work together on Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework; April 2019
- ICCA-GSI at the Vilm Workshop: Enhancing progress towards Aichi 11 by 2020; April 2019
- SGP and ICCA-GSI partners at the CBD COP 14; November 2018
- 17th session of the UN Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues (UNPFII): ICCA-GSI contributes to Indigenous Peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and resources; April 2018
- SGP and ICCA-GSI partners at the 21st meeting on Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA); December 2017
- Regional workshop for ICCAs in the Central and West Asia regions; Ysyk-Köl Lake, Kyrgyzstan; June 2017; also available in PDF report
- Global workshop on strengthening Indigenous Mountain Peoples and global South-South exchange; Cusco, Peru; April 2017; also available in PDF report
- National Workshop in Tanzania: Exploring opportunities for ICCA recognition; March 2017; also available in PDF report
- National Workshop for Zambia's ICCAs: Setting cornerstones; March 2017; also available in PDF report.
- National Workshop on working towards social justice in community territorial governance in Kenya; March 2017; also available in PDF report
- ICCA-GSI strengthens the capacities of Thailand's National Parks; Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex, Thailand, March 2017
- ICCA GSI supports policy motions at IUCN World Conservation Congress; Honolulu, Hawai’i, October 2016
- ICCA-GSI expands its reach to support China's ICCAs; Nanning, China; October 2016; also available in PDF report
- Regional Workshop for ICCAs in West Africa; Saint Louis, Senegal; October 2016; also available in PDF report.
- National Workshop for Protected and Conserved Areas (PCAs) in Iran; August 2016; also available in PDF report
- Regional Workshop for Mesoamerica; Petén, Guatemala, April 2016
- Regional Workshop for East and Southern Africa; Namushasha River Lodge, Namibia; February 2016
- National Workshop for ICCAs in Madagascar; September 2015
- Regional Workshop for Southeast Asia; Lombok, Indonesia; August 2015
- Regional Workshop for South America; Cayambe, Ecuador; April 2015
ICCA-GSI is a multi-partnership initiative that is delivered by the UNDP-implemented Small Grants Programme (SGP) and funded by the Government of Germany, through its Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). Key partners include the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Global Programme on Protected Areas (IUCN GPAP), the United Nations Environment Programme’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP WCMC), and the ICCA Consortium.