
The photo galleries for projects within this country appear below with the most recent projects displaying first. Click on an image to view the project photo gallery.
Start Date: Mar 2002
Pilot Project for Monitoring & Rehabilitation of Natural Ecology of Zagros Mountain Through Kinships
Start Date: Mar 2002
Pilot Project for Rehabilitation of Marine Resources of the Persian Gulf in Salakh Region (Qeshm Isl...
Start Date: Mar 2002
SGP Capacity Building for the Network of Environmental NGOs in line with GEF/SGP Goals
Start Date: Feb 2002
Active Community Empowerment for Mangrove Conservation in Govater
Start Date: Feb 2002
Alternative Energy Sources for the Protection of Combustible Scrubs for Rural Societies of Azarbaija...
Start Date: Feb 2002
Conservation of the Endangered Medicinal and Rangeland Species in Lazoor Village Through Community P...
Start Date: Feb 2002
Establishment of a Revolving Fund for Training and Propagating the Native Endangered Species of Plan...
Start Date: Feb 2002
People's Participation for Plant Biodiversity Protection in Central Zagros Region
Start Date: Dec 2002
Participatory EIA for Sustainable Fish Farm Capacity in Port Kiashahr Wetland and Sepidrood Delta, R...
Start Date: Oct 2002
Alternative range and pasture management methods for the protection of wild (endemic) plant species ...
Start Date: Oct 2002
Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energies by Establishing Practical Site(s) in Rural Area in I.R...
Start Date: Oct 2001
Community-based Conservation of the Traditional Waterfowl Trapping Practice (local Damgah) in the wi...
Start Date: Oct 2001
Study of the Persian Gulf Marine Ecology & the Local Community (Corals and Their Relationship with t...


Ms. Asiyeh Rezaei
Officer in Charge, Programme Associate
Phone:+ (98-21) 2286 0691-4
Fax:+ (98-21) 2286 9547
UNDP, P.O. Box 15875-4557,Tehran
Phone:+ (98-21) 22860691/5
