
The GEF Small Grants Programme represents one of the many concrete ways UNDP works with the Iranian people and their government in order to find solutions to development challenges"
Haoliang Xu
Former UNDP Resident Representative, IR Iran

"The achievements of the GEF SGP in the IR Iran are laudable,"said UNDP Resident Representative a.i. Haoliang XU speaking at the opening ceremony adding that "The GEF Small Grants Programme is a manifestation of UNDP's commitment to support civil society in the IR Iran. It represents one of the many concrete ways UNDP works with the Iranian people and their government in order to find solutions to development challenges."

The success of the programme is due in no small part to a very committee twelve-member National Steering Committee. The dedicated individuals work on a volunteer basis and are members of Iranian civil society, academia and governmental agencies.
Ms. Laleh Daraie
GEF SGP National Coordinator, IR Iran

"The success of the programme is due in no small part to a very committee twelve-member national steering committee." said Laleh Daraie the GEF/SGP National Coordinator in IR Iran. Ms. Daraie went on to say, "The dedicated individuals, work on a volunteer basis and are members of Iranian civil society, academia and governmental agencies."

"The important advancements of the Programme over the past year exemplifies the will of local communities in the IR Iran to work with their Government in order to ensure that the precious natural resources of today are available to future generations," said UNDP Resident Representative Francesco M. Bastagli. He went on to thank the GEF/SGP National Steering Committee saying that "without their dedication and commitment the programme would not have been the success that it is today."

"The GEF/SGP empowers people to be proactive in protecting the environment," said Bastagli adding, "the social and economic well-being of communities is dependent on sound long-term environmental management."



Ms. Asiyeh Rezaei
Officer in Charge, Programme Associate
Phone:+ (98-21) 2286 0691-4
Fax:+ (98-21) 2286 9547
UNDP, P.O. Box 15875-4557,Tehran
Phone:+ (98-21) 22860691/5
