On March 3, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization-UNESCO gave Hector Parion, a grantee of the GEF Small Grants Programme, the recognition of "Excellence in Craft". Hector participated in a national competition with 71 artisans from 13 provinces. The handicrafts of the 15 winners will represent Ecuador in the contest "UNESCO Award of Excellence for Handicrafts in the Andean Region 2010-2011" to be held soon in Lima.
The "UNESCO Award of Excellence for Handicrafts in the Andean Region 2010-2011" aims to establish quality standards and introduce new crafts inspired by traditional designs and themes to international markets, as an innovative way to ensure continuity and sustainability of traditional knowledge and skills. This award is the main program of UNESCO to support artisans and handicrafts.
Hector is a grantee that benefited from the project "Support to local development in the Commonwealth of Oyacachi" executed by the Association of Artisans Oyacachi Secret Arts "in coordination with the community council, with technical support from Samiri Progea and funded by the GEF Small Grants Programme. This project was a result from a project that started in 2005 aimed at consolidating the Artisans Association.
To date, there are several achievements among which we can highlight the conservation and appreciation of natural resources -especially forests-, conservation of local forest species such as Polylepis and Alder, revitalization and reaffirmation of the Kichwa cultural identity, reorganization of the community management bodies, improvement of human talent and organizational skills, and boost the local economy, and among others.
Parallel to the initial project funded by the GEF Small Grants Programme, three other initiatives helped to strengthen the efforts to achieve full development of craft production in Oyacachi. Hector Parion is without doubt one of the leading craftsmen of the Association, and the winner of this award.
To learn more about the community you can visit: http://www.oyacachi.org.ec
Contact: Ana Maria Varea, National Coordinator of the GEF Small Grants Programme Ecuador | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.