The UNFCCC secretariat developed 'Momentum for Change' as a way to demonstrate the multiple benefits of addressing climate change. The UNFCCC believes that "highlighting and enhancing the positive developments in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation will increase innovation, motivation, hope, passion and capacity for further change. Change can be positive and positive change can create escalating virtuous cycles."
At the last UNFCCC COP in Doha, as part of the Momentum for Change Initiative, the United Nations Climate Change secretariat presented 9 public-private "lighthouse activities" in developing countries "which either help to curb greenhouse gas emissions or help people adapt to climate change, while at the same time benefit the urban poor."
Two projects supported by SGP were selected as part of the 9 activities highlighted at the last UNFCCC COP and are now available at the UNFCCC website. One of the activities selected is an SGP project that helped the Lanka Electric Vehicle Association (LEVA) import the first electric vehicles to Sri Lanka by changing the current policies to include their access to the country and promoting their use by the government and the private sector. As a result of the SGP funded project, a number of large-scale private firms started to invest in the electric vehicles sector and by 2007, when the Colombo municipal government decided to renew its fleet of buses they choose to use new buses designed to run on electricity.
The other SGP project recognized was Creative Entrepreneurs Solutions from Namibia where communities and are using a participatory and holistic approach to mitigation and adaptation that includes water harvesting, sustainable agriculture, sustainable land management to combat land degradation and improve food security, flood and drought resistant crops, energy efficient wood stoves and renewable energy in combination with agro-forestry and improved natural resource management and awareness raising. One of the innovations of the project is the EzyStove, a fuel-efficient stove that is designed according to the needs of Namibian women, and is user-friendly and easy to assemble. The stoves reduce fuel wood consumption by two thirds, while also reducing wood smoke emissions by between 60 and 80 percent.
These SGP supported projects were selected by an international advisory panel and fulfilled the two key criteria for the selection: to have proven to be effective and to have the potential to be replicated in other countries and communities. The UNFCCC's Momentum for Change Initiative, is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.