11 May 2016

Haiti coffeeVolatile international coffee prices had had their impact in Haiti. Farmers had turned towards coal production. This led to accelerated land degradation. Stabilized coffee prize in recent years have draw farmers interest in the sector again.
A 2010 research conducted by AFDI / CAFSA in collaboration with COOPACVOD showed a significant need for renewal and maintenance of aging coffee plants, as well as technical assistance needs. To address these issues GEF SGP Haiti have funded a project implemented by COOPACVOD that increased the production capacity of its nursery and created 2 small decentralized units to facilitate reforestation. The project at the same time trained technicians to provide the needed technical assistance.


The full original article about the success of  this GEF SGP funded project is published under title "Du café haïtien labellisé BIO, et qui s’exporte!" at   UNDP Haiti webpage.