There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters Chemicals
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGPOP3/Y2/CORE/2006/59 |
The main concern of this project is the Persistent Organic Pollutants dropped to the river Soh. This river flows through two countries that are Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. There has been a great antropogenic influence to the river because there are ( ... )
yrgyz and Uzbek households along the river. During Soviet period various types of pesticides were utilized on the lands, which now belong to people and they organize their living by processing this land. Therefore, the new and old pesticides are dropped to the river because population of this area is not well-informed about the hazardous and greatly negative effect. The environment of the river
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/61 |
The main problem of this area is land degradation that is caused by the vast tree cutting processes and irrational use of forest and pasture lands. The livestock destroys the plants in the early spring and in addition it flatens the coating of the ( ... )
e. All of these processes cause the erosion of the soil. Degradation has lead to occurance of the landslides. The project members have outlined the possible solutions to the problem that are creation and maintance of the nursery and pasture rotation that can reduce the land degradation process. To prevent the deforastation actions such as plantation of new trees has to be taken. Also to increase
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/63 |
The land degradation has been a great challenge for this region. If this problem is not considered in the closest terms the land in this region may loose the oppotunity for restoration. The NGO has set a goal not only to restore the land and avoid ( ... )
gative effect of degradation but also they intend to protect the forest area. To solve the serious problem of degradation the NGO plans to plant fast growing types of trees that can substitute the trees that are enlisted in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan and now are used for enegy supply. The actions that are considered in the project are to fense the wood and arrange a better protection for forest
Land Degradation
Phase 4
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2007/06 |
The project proposal was discussed during the local gatherings and the local ayul okmoty has distributed 600 hectares to the NGO "New Eco Forest" to implement the project. The land in the Donuz Oinoor was affected very much with the land degradation ( ... )
the overgrazing and the floods.
Actions to be undertaken by Public Ecological Foundation ?New Eco-Forest?
1. Organizing pasture rotation of 600 hectares.
2. Creating micro fenced natural pastures on 60 hectares.
3. Sowing on natural pastures.
4. Conducting preventive measures from floods.
5. Creating and educating rescue teams from fires.
6. Conducting seminars and trainings.
Phase 3
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y2/07/14 |
Until the end of the 1960s the Maliqi Lake in Albania formed an integral part of the region?s lake system including Ohrid and Prespa lakes. The Maliqi Lake was bordered by extensive marshlands of several 100 has, fed by the Devolli River that ( ... )
ates in south-eastern Albania forming the only continental swamp in the region. The Devolli river was channeled at the end of the 60s resulting in subsequent draining of the Maliqi Lake and the desiccation of the swamp.
Only about 45 hectares were preserved in a semi natural state that forms today the Maliqi forest. This forest is the only patch of flooded forest ecosystem that remains in
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: BLR/OP3/2/07/04 |
The goal of the project is to improve the environmental situation in the Ptich river basin (tributary of Pripyat? river), involvement of local population and authorities into nature protection activities, awareness rising and providing more clean ( ... )
to the population. One the main tasks is to change situation with municipal waste collection and utilization in settlement Kopatkevichi by separate waste collection, its storage at the newly constructed waste collection places and removal to the landfill. Another priority task is preparatory works for reinforcement of the Ptich riverside in order to prevent the flooding of houses.
Syrian arab republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: SYR/OP3/3/07/18 |
The project addresses the problems of lack of environmental awareness, deterioration of environmental health, and contamination of natural resources, that affect Syria in general and the village of Era in particular, by expanding upon an ( ... )
nmental club for children. The project aims at providing environmental education for the village's children, to serve as a center for ICT in the village, and generally to improve the environment of Era and its surroundings.
Phase 3
Project Number: ARG/OP3-Y2/06/16 |
El proyecto promueve la producción de derivados de frutos de algarrobo (Prosopis alba, P. flexuosa, P.chilensis), y la reforestación de los predios de un grupo de mujeres artesanas de Fuerte Quemado, Santa María (Catamarca). La Coopertiva Escolar ( ... )
a" al Grupo La Ventanita, quien tendrá a su cargo la implementación del proyecto. El grupo construirá un vivero para la producción de plantines de especies forestales nativas, la producción de derivados de frutos (vainas) de algarrobo, como harina, tostado, licor, etc., la comercialización de la producción y la educación ambiental de 50 alumnos de la Escuela Provincial Nº 241 de Fuerte
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/06/34 |
Handicraft production using babaçu fruit and other Cerrado species as raw materials, involving youth at Axixá municipality. |
Dominican republic
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/07/02 |
Iniciar un proceso de transformación de la producción de café convencional a producción orgánica, el cuidado del medio ambiente y mejoría en los niveles de vida de los beneficiarios (as)), fortaleciendo los niveles de concienciación ( ... )
tal de los pobladores de la comunidad de Paradero en la Provincia de
Phase 3
Project Number: PAN/OP3/2/O7/005 |
Incorporar a las mujeres a la utilización de nuevas prácticas de conservación de suelos, mediante la capacitación y el adiestramiento en fabricación de abono orgánico y el establecimiento de una parcela demostrativa de hortalizas orgánicas ( ... )
puedan poner en práctica lo aprendido y dotadas del equipo necesario para hacerlo. Con este proyecto se pretende reducir la exposición a agroquímicos tóxicos que afectan la salud humana y del ecosistema, brindar fuentes de alimento sano además de generar ingresos económicos para las mujeres que permitan continuar la actividad una vez finalizado los
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/Y2/06/51 |
Establecer un sistema de producción orgánica de miel, en cuyo caso se plantea la transición a partir de una pequeña base productiva que se tiene, promover la conservación de la vegetación y la biodiversidad con un atractivo punto de vista de ( ... )
gresos generados,siendo un estímulo para manejo y la conservación. La formación profesional en los principios de su gestión.
El impulso de la apicultura en el marco del plan dará lugar a una sensibilidad del Cooperativa de proteger la selva tropical y su posible proliferación a otros
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: PER/06/15 |
El proyecto esta orientado a la Conservación del ecosistema de Bosque Seco mediante el desarrollo de actividades productivas sostenible, basados en un Plan de Manejo Forestal concertado y ejecutado por la población organizada.
? La población ( ... )
n práctica el Plan de Manejo Forestal Concertado.
? Los pobladores realizan la actividad apìcola con enfoque orgánico.
? La población realiza actividades de acopio de algarroba de procedencia orgánica para venta, alimento del ganado y transformación agroindustrial.
? La Asociación cuenta con productos altamente competitivos de acuerdo a las exigencias del mercado.
Las actividades a
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: BUL/OP3/3/07/22 |
The main purpose of the project is to yield organic bee products in mountainous and semi-mountainous regions at an altitude of up to 1000 meters above the sea level with world wide proven biodiversity. Simultaneously, a strict monitoring of ( ... )
ered plant species in these areas is going to take place throughout the whole term project. The real benefit of the project is directed towards local households organized in groups of 3 to 5 people who are already organic beekeepers or are interested in switching from conventional to organic bee keeping.
The owner of the project is the Organic beekeeping association, which in cooperation with
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: THA/06/13 |
Target Population/Location of project:
50 families (200 people) in Baan Yarngane make their living through agriculture (i.e., paddy, vegetable, tobacco and animal husbandry). The project is located in Thailand?s upper central region, within ( ... )
ted ecosystems of the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (Yom River). Local economic activities are contributing to ecological and health-related problems. Project members aim to improve the local environment by adopting biogas technology, thereby reducing dependence and expense on canned gas. The Tarntia Tambol Administrative Organization is providing additional support.
Phase 3
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y2/07/06 |
Butrinti Park is a unique combination of history and nature. Nestling in the highlands in the far south of the country and surrounded by dense vegetation Butrinti was to become one of the major maritime and commercial centers of the Ancient World ( ... )
ng the height of its glory in the fourth century B.C., at which time the city numbered 10,000 inhabitants.
Today this place attracts an ever-increasing number of tourists coming mostly in daytrips from different cruise ships from Corfu Island. The tourist presence creates a potential market for traditional handicrafts and other typical local products. Homemade soap made of olive oil is a natural
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: DMA/OP3/02/07/04 |
Production of organic farm inputs on a commercial basis focusning on natural crop protection and soil fertility management practices witha particular emphasis on natural resource utilization |
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 4
Project Number: BUL/SGP/OP4/RAF/07/04 |
Karlovo municipality ? Town of Kalofer, Djebel municipality ? Sofiici village, Zlatograd municipality ? Town of Zlatograd, Elena municipality ? Sredni Kolibi village.
The project aim is to address the local community needs. The organic ( ... )
ping development will generate additional income for the local community involved in the yield of various bee products. By means of organic honey production the project tends to increase the area of sustainably controlled territries.
Our goal is to establish at least 3 new bee farms or to enlarge already existing farms where to start a process for organic beekeeping certification. We expect
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/Y2/UNF/06/15 |
Capacitar a los jueces tradicionales del estado de Quintana Roo mediante la realización de siete talleres, para que posteriormente difundan entre los estudiantes del nivel medio superior los derechos que los pueblos indígenas tienen sobre los ( ... )
os naturales, para preservar tradiciones, cultura y
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/11 |
This two-year project seeks to improve the livelihoods of rural communities by building their capacity to manage and use land, water and renewable energy resources. The proposed interventions will promote the the sustainable ( ... )
ment of the environment by reducing the emission of green house gasses (GHG) and by promoting conservation agriculture, permaculture, and agro-forestry. The target communities comprise 8 762 households in Nyanyadzi (ward 8) of Chimanimani district; and Musani (Ward 4) and Muumbe-Zamuchiya Ward 23) in Chipinge district. They will benefit by way of increased food production diversified sources of