There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: PER/06/20 |
1.- El Proyecto pretende ?proteger la diversidad biótica y abiótica existente en el bosque de Santa María con la finalidad de promover el turismo cultural y el ecoturismo, además aportar a la medicina alternativa transformando las plantas ( ... )
nales existentes en el bosque, asimismo, contribuir con servicios ambientales a la población de la ciudad del Cusco a través de la captura de carbono y mejora de la calidad de aire?; para lo cual, previamente tiene que lograrse los objetivos específicos:
a)Implementar el turismo cultural y el ecoturismo involucrando a las comunidades vecinas. El proyecto tiene previsto que en los 20 meses
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: 21/06/2/HND/OP3/SGP |
El proyecto tiene por objetivo general mejorar las condiciones de vida de cinco comunidades de lepaera a traves de la generacion y uso de energia limpia. |
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/OP3/2/07/012 |
El Proyecto busca luchar contra el problema de la escacez en las fuentes naturales, las cuales no abastecen a la población. Para lograr esto, se tomarán varias medidas, como la protección de las microcuencas a través de la plantación de ( ... )
es maderables nativas en las cimas o partes altas de las fincas, así como la reposición de caña guadua en las riveras de sistema de esteros. También se planea la construcción de "tapes" en donde se acumule el agua.
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: ELS/OP3/Y2/07/013 |
El Área Natural Protegida San Diego-La Barra, es una área natural estratégica de conservación y protección para los intereses nacionales y regionales debido a las características biofísicas que presenta. Es considerada el relicto de mayor ( ... )
ión de bosque seco tropical a nivel nacional y contiene una diversidad de ecosistemas los cuales están dominados por la presencia de dos grandes cuerpos de agua. Se ubica en la cuenca binacional del Lago de Güija, constituyéndose en una importante región de conservación transnacional, cuenca binacional compartida entre El Salvador y Guatemala.
A pesar que se ha trabajado en área
El salvador
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: ELS/OP3/Y2/07/009 |
Los(as) habitantes de la zona de amortiguamiento carecen de una alimentación balanceada y la mayoría de niños(as) presentan algún grado de desnutrición lo que les impide desarrollarse en su plenitud; las familias de la comunidad carecen de los ( ... )
entes recursos para satisfacer la dieta de proteinas y vegetales. Es acá que surge la idea de establecer 8 módulos de gallinas criollas, 4 parcelas de hortalizas en forma demostrativa con manejo orgánico, y un jardín de plantas medicinales. De forma complementaria se pretende trabajar con un grupo de ganaderos de la zona para que conozcan de las técnicas de uso de los potreros en base a la
Dominican republic
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/06/26 |
Creación de conciencia ambiental y adiestramiento a los comunitarios para la restauración forestal de las cuencas de Zobacón y la Zurza, promoviendo el crédito para la producción y la organización de cooperativismo. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: CUB/OP3/2/06/08 |
El proyecto ?Protección y rehabilitación del ecosistema y los recursos naturales con participación comunitaria en áreas del asentamiento rural Hoyo de Padilla en el macizo montañoso de Gumauhaya? se ejecutará en el referido asentamiento rural ( ... )
eciente al Consejo Popular Las Moscas municipio Cumanayagua, provincia de Cienfuegos.
Entre los principales problemas ambientales con reconocida incidencia de la Comunidad se destaca uso de portadores energéticos fósiles como combustible domestico, situación que origina un consumo anual estimado de combustible domestico de 24 TM, cuya combustión emite al medio ambiente de un estimado de
Phase 4
Project Number: ECU/SGP/OP4/RAF/07/10 |
El proyecto busca disminuir los impactos ocasionados por la ampliación de la frontera agrícola y potenciar la restauración de los ecosistemas alterados en base al uso de los recursos naturales suelo, agua y vegetación protectora, fomento de la ( ... )
zación comunitaria y generación de capaciades técnicas locales, mediante un sistema de planificación, de alternativas de manejo participativas, aplicando la equidad de genero.
Multifocal Area Biodiversity
Phase 3
Project Number: JAM/OP3/2/06/21 |
Environmental awareness is low amongst Jamaicans, particularly with regard to the legislative framework. In 1991, Jamaica?s first piece of overarching environmental legislation, the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) Act, was passed ( ... )
he intention to consolidate various laws and responsible government agencies into a single regulatory framework. In 2001, the NRCA was then merged with two other government agencies to become the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA).
Monitoring, enforcement of and compliance with environmental laws is inadequate in Jamaica. Without effective environmental monitoring and
Phase 3
Project Number: BAR/OP3/YEAR2/07/21 |
This project focuses on the conservation of biodiversity in a forest ecosytem while simultaneously generating alternative livelihood opportunities in the community of Colonarie. The project also includes an environmental education component, the ( ... )
uction of a nature trail, and capacity building for the grantee. By the end of the project the grantee expects to have in place a well managed nature trail whch illustrates sustainable management and use of tropical forest ecosystem in SIDS.
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/30 |
Biodiversity International Waters
Phase 4
Project Number: ROM/SGP/OP4/CORE/07/02 |
The general goal of the project is to promote sustainable development in the communities in the Portile de Fier nature reserve, particularly by means of eco-tourist activities, with special focus on the micro-region Dubova-Berzeasca.
The project ( ... )
s to empower the local communities, confronted with economical problems, to start using the natural potential of thir region for developing small tourist businesses, and at the same time to learn more about the importance to protect the natural heritage of their region. Consequently, the project's approach will follow three dimensions:
? To clean the area by domestic garbage and prepare the
Phase 3
Project Number: THA/06/16 |
Target Population/Location of project:
176 families (1,050 people) living in two villages adjacent to Mae Far Luang National Park (an Indo-Chinese sub-region and Mekhong River watershed area). Project members are farmers and laborers. ( ... )
ropping and cultivation of non-native species has become the norm in the project area; as a result, indigenous species and practices are dwindling. Additionally, the chemical-intensive nature of mono-cropping is affecting community health. Major stakeholders include:
? Akkha Women?s Foundation (USA)
? Association for Akkha Ecucation and Culture in Thailand
? Center for Alternative Health
North Macedonia
Phase 3
Project Number: MKD/OP3/02/07/23 |
Project aims to protect the autonomous domestic Bovinae ? Bu?a on the territory of the Malesevo region and to promote organic production through creation of a regional identity and Brand. This will be achieved through organising ( ... )
ng/reproduction of the autonomous domestic Bovinae ? Bu?a, by organizing and holding of two workshops (Biological Variety and Organic Production? Reality and Perspectives in the Malesevo Region & Branding ? an inevitable step for launching the agricultural products on the market) and by raising public awareness (publishing information leaflets and
Phase 3
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/PH2/2/06/06 |
Riversdale is a traditional fishing community comprised of approximately sixty (60) residents. The Riversdale Fishermen Association was formed in January 2006 and the members of the group harvest lobster, conch and scale fish which are supplied to ( ... )
cal resorts in the area and the fishing cooperatives. This is the group's first project and the goal is to involve residents of Riversdale in sustainably using and protecting the marine resources and biodiversity of the South Water Caye Marine Reserve as a part of the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve World Heritage Site. This will be done by creating awareness and providing training for residents to
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/06/12/Y2 |
Le projet a pour objectif principal la protection et la conservation de la biodiversité dans la wilaya du Gorgol par les préventions des feux de brousse destructeurs et émetteurs de gaz à effet de serre.
L'objectif général est la protection ( ... )
hectares de pâturages.
Les objectifs spécifiques sont :
- renforcement et pérennisation des capacités des communautés de base et des coopératives pastorales à travers des ateliers de sensibilisation, formation, information sur les causes et les conséquences des feux de brousse sur les pâturages et les mesures préventives et curatives de lutte.
- Ouverture de tranchées pare-feux par
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/20 |
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: NEP/OP3/2/07/16 |
Kathmandu valley is located at the heart of Nepal covering total area of 899 square kilometres. This valley is divided into Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur districts of Bagmati Zone and provides habitat for more than 3 million populations covering ( ... )
ropolitan city, one sub-metropolitan city, 3 municipalities and more than 100 village development committees (VDCs). Since Kathmandu valley has been the capital city and the central administrative region of Nepal, the urbanization process has been very rapid in the past few decades. With the increased urbanization process, the demand of boulders and gravels from stone mining and stone-crosser
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: BOT/OP3/2/06/25 |
Tshole Trust aims at educating the public on environmental and health effects of used oil and its proper disposal as well as providing the public with easily accessible and identifiable means of used oil disposal to safe guard the environment.
It ( ... )
n documented worldwide that where used oil is processed the product has higher energy content than the virgin lubricant oil. Therefore, recycling used oil could protect the environment, save energy and help decrease dependence on foreign oil since Botswana does not mine any crude oil. The project will protect the environment from used oil, and save forests, water resources and disturbance to the
North Macedonia
Phase 3
Project Number: MKD/OP3/02/07/14 |
With the increase of the buffalo population, the AC Biosfera intended to initiate activities for sustainable development of the village of Debreste (central part of Macedonia). All activities in the project are in direction of protection of the ( ... )
buffalos as endangered species, boost production of dairy products (mozzarella cheese) as an important source of income and create possibilities for rural and eco tourism. 20 families? breeders of the water buffalos had direct benefit from the project, especially women that are involved in dairy production and dairy products. Within the project the following goals were set:
Protection of the