There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/2/06/20 |
Objetivo General
? Disponer de un servicio de monitoreo y seguimiento técnico de proyectos que nos permita conocer con la mayor precisión posible de los resultados, efectos e impactos logrados con su ejecución, con el propósito de rescatar ( ... )
os sostenibles, oportunidades de inversión, conocimientos y experiencias exitosas y difundirlas en la perspectiva de su continuidad y réplica.
Objetivos Específicos
- Garantizar un coherente proceso de evaluación técnica y metodológica en función a parámetros previamente establecidos en los proyectos en etapa de ejecución.
- Contar en forma oportuna y eficiente, con el control,
Phase 3
Project Number: MAR/SGP/OP3/25 |
The proposed action is concerned with a semi-industrialised outer lagoon fishing project. 20 dedicated and committed artisanal fishermen grouped under the Innovative Fishermen Association (IFA), a registered association from Grand Riviere Sud Est ( ... )
village, have decided to embark on this challenging project as beneficiaries. This project is in line with government policy to encourage artisanal fishermen to explore offshore capture fisheries which should provide them major economic benefits. Relocating fishing efforts to offshore areas should be translated through financial assistance and capacity building to artisanal fishermen as
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/06/17 |
La proposition vise globalement à améliorer les activités d?IEC dans les projets en cours d?exécution par la formation sur les techniques d?animation des agents de terrain et l?élaboration d?une approche méthodologique pour conduire les ( ... )
nes de sensibilisation sur les thèmes du FEM.
Le projet consistera d?une part à apprendre aux agents des projets à bien mener les séances d?animation et à concevoir des messages adaptés sur les thèmes du FEM. D?autre part, il permettra de dégager pour chaque projet un Plan de renforcement des activités d?IEC
- Objectifs spécifiques : Rendre les agents de terrain
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/06/21 |
Esta comunidad indígena quiere relevar el tema del turismo, como una forma de integrar la biodiverisdad con la genrecaión de nuevas oportunidades a las comunidades. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TUN/OP3/Y2/07/04 |
1. Résumé :
La Tunisie a développé différents programmes d'éducation environnementale. Aussi, des projets et des programmes de protection de l'environnement et de l'amélioration de la qualité de la vie sont développés partout sur le ( ... )
oire national. De plus en plus des programmes sont développés sur les changements climatiques et l?économie de l?énergie
L'AAB, et dans le cadre de ses activités voudrait se joindre a cette politique nationale pour réussir ses programmes environnementaux. Dans ce cadre et pour capitaliser sur les projets PMF.FEM (le projet Education Environnementale et le projet Maîtrise des Energies dans
Community Based Adaptation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAR/SGP/OP3/24 |
The goal of this project proposal is in the overall sensitization of the population to care for the environment and to instill a sense of environmental stewardship
This project consists of three parts:
A. The first part will involve the ( ... )
ry of about 300 talks/presentations to primary schools, colleges, youth organizations, women organizations and fishers organizations so as to sensitize them on various topics related to the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources with emphasis on the problems of climate change.
B. The second part will be the dissemination of about 10000 copies of the booklet
Phase 3
Project Number: TUR/OP3/2/07/10 |
The Custodians Association intends to be the custodians of seeds for the next generations. They aim to give increasingly improverished small producer a new sense of hope and responsibility towards our eroding agrobiodiversity as a basis for ( ... )
ful, tasty, and low-cost (low-input) food production that, in addition, protects both local economies and the environment. Their project supported by the GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) relies on taking out inventories of landraces cultivated in 8 villages of the Balıkesir Ivrindi and Savastepe regions, encouraging a new appreciation for traditional farming practices, including seed
Dominican republic
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/06/29 |
Establecer 30 parcelas agroforestales de 20 tareas c/u, 30 literas productoras de abono orgánico para fertilizar c/u de las parcelas y 3 kilómetros de barreras vivas para controlar la erosión, desarrollar capacidades humanas, integrando los ( ... )
ltores y las familias a actividades agrícolas sostenibles y promover y motivar los agricultores y amas de casa al reciclaje de materia orgánica para la producción de abono de lombrices en la cuenca alta del río Panzo, en la Provincia
Community Based Adaptation Land Degradation
Phase 4
Project Number: KHM/UNDP/07/29 |
This project project was fully funded by UNPD TRAC fund through country SGP team.
The ?Small Scale Irrigation System to Support Livelihood Security Project (SISL)? will be based in the Ou Reang Ov and Tboung Khmum districts of the Kampong Cham ( ... )
ce areas as the top-up grant to Sustainable Land and Biodiversity Conservation Project which is funded by UNDP GEF SGP for a period of 2 years starting from August 2007 to July 2009.
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 4
Project Number: MAR/SGP/OP4/CORE/07/03 |
The aim of this project is to provide an alternative source of income for the fishing community in Rivière Banane and to develop a demonstration project for sustainable land-use and integrated watershed management in Rodrigues. The project will ( ... )
arine biodiversity by reducing fishing pressure in the lagoon, allowing fish stocks and degraded habitats to recover, while preserving popular diving and snorkelling sites which have healthy coral cover and are home to endemic species of coral and fish. It will also benefit the community in Rivière Banane by improving their income, providing a better standard of living for the fishers and their
Phase 4
Project Number: NAM/SGP/OP4/RAF/07/07 |
The goal is to promote access of orphans and vulnerable children to holiday camps on Farm Nooitgedach, to learn the importance of local environments and how to protect, promote and utilize Namibia?s natural resources sustainably. The mission is to ( ... )
s the needs of orphans and vulnerable children in their distress and preserve the plants and animals that represent the biological diversity of life in Namibia. This will be achieved through partnerships with churches, government ministries, family units, orphanages, corporations, organizations and individuals.
Phase 3
Project Number: MOZ/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/BD/2006/16 |
A project that aims to promote soil, water, and wildlife resources conservation in Costa do Sol area within the north-east parts of Maputo Municipality. The project will involve groups of small farmers in conservation of coastal vegetation, control ( ... )
l erosion, conservation of water streams, and protection of birdlife. It will promote farming for subsistence and livelihood support, and income generation activities for community groups to reduce pressure over natural resources. Part of the project benefits of noticeable impacts will be at the level of awareness raising at community level on the need to protect the environment, conservation of
North Macedonia
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MKD/OP3/02/07/19 |
Project Description
Macedonia is an agricultural country and agriculture is the biggest employer. Through out the country there are different fruit and vegetables processing capacities which run on conventional fuels. Dehydration of the ( ... )
ltural products in Macedonia is done only in dryers which use heating oil, wood, electricity and coal as a fuel. The project goal is to reduce green house gasses (CO2) through an integration of sustainable solar drying capacity in two organic farmers? associations. Within the project the following activities were envisioned:
? Construction of two industrial Solar Food Dehydrator capacities in
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 4
Project Number: EGY/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/2007/263 |
1. Spreading the use of solar water heaters as clean energy
2. Training a group of technicians to install and maintain solar heaters
3. Installing 50 solar water heaters in Giza governorate.
Project Activities:
1. Organizing 6 seminars to ( ... )
e the project
2. Printing brochures and handouts to promote the project
3. Practical and theoretical training for young technicians (25 ? 30) on the plumbing works and the necessary conditions for solar heater installation
4. Arranging with the best youth centers to establish maintenance centers
5. Installing 50 solar water heaters in youth centers from the GEF fund
6. Forming committees to
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 4
Project Number: EGY/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/2007/319 |
1.Increasing the income of 30 families through energy conservation and the use of renewable energy
2.Water conservation through the use of water regulator that is available with solar heaters
3.Sensetizing citizens of the benefits of using ( ... )
ble energy
Project Activities:
1. Installing 30 solar water heaters from GEF fund + 15 solar water heater from the community conribution and revolving fund
2. Organizing 15 seminars to advertise the project
3. Training 25 young people on installation and maintenance of solar heaters
4. Printing publications to advertise the
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/06/25 |
Description sommaire
.Il s?agit d?impulser une dynamique partenariale et de collaboration entre les autorités d?une part et entre les organisations villageoises des deux communes d?autre part.
Cette approche à l?avantage d?impliquer tous les ( ... )
s institutionnels de façon permanente à la recherche de solution aux problèmes de développement .Elle offre l?opportunité aux fédérations paysannes des deux communes de voir consolider leurs efforts par les autorités des deux communes
Le projet se déroule en deux temps :
A) Mise place et renforcement du partenariat entre les communes qui se termine par l?élaboration de plan
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 4
Project Number: EGY/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/2007/295 |
Creating the awareness of the benefits of using bicycles as environment friendly mode of transportation
1. Creating the awareness of the benefits of using bicycles as environment friendly mode of transportation
2. Creating the awareness ( ... )
dangers of exhaust gases of old vehicles
Project Activities:
1. Providing 660 bicycles for transportation to replace old vehicles
2. Preparing a questionnaire to determine the extent of public awareness regarding the problem
3. Organizing 12 seminars to promote public awareness
4. Dissemination of awareness raising publications
5. Forming a committee to follow up on the implementation of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: UGA/06/80 |
SSECODA Solar Energy Scale-up is aimed at upgrading and expanding solar power installation for purposes of removing barriers to energy access and improving on a sustainable basis the livelihoods of the rural poor by ensuring that more households, ( ... )
utions and public facilities have access to clean renewable electricity from the sun for lighting, learning, communication and
International Waters
Phase 4
Project Number: UGA/SGP/OP4/CORE/07/02 |
The project is to promote sustainable utilization of the wetlands on the shores of Lake Victoria for fish farming including introduction of cage fish farming |
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: LEB/OP3/2/06/04 |
The Project aims at the establishment of a natural barrier of fast growing trees within a mountainous newly reforested area in Cedar trees endangered by the avalanches. The natural barrier will protect the already existing trees ( ... )
ally trees of 1 to 3 meters of height. It will protect the biodiversity in the region (flowers, trees, plantations).
The area of Arid Al Joura at Becharre (municipal land of 40 hectares) has been rehabilitated by the Ministry of Agriculture and several reforestation projects were carried / or are still being carried in the area: The Casino forest that includes 1500 cedar trees, the forest of