There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/06/19 |
This project is run by the small agroextractive producers of Chapada das Mesas region, in the municipality of Carolina, in Maranhão state. They are organized in the Small Farmer Agroextractivist Association of Carolina-? AAPPC. Around 22 families ( ... )
t from the project.
The objective is to encourage development of a sustainable regional model through ecological actions that use local land cultivation practices and wild collection. The products will be sold under the FrutaSã brand in Carolina.
Specific objectives are:
? To make a rapid participative diagnosis about agroextractive potential and use of natural resources by the local
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: NAM-05-06 |
The goal of this project is to reduce the rate of soil erosion and gully formation within the Kunene-North Region. Agriculture results in many adverse environmental impacts, including soil degradation. Although degradation comes in several forms; ( ... )
st prominent in this region is soil erosion by water. Topsoil is washed away, and new landforms are developed into gullies. Part of the failure to halt or reduce the rate of soil degradation has been due to poor understanding of the pattern and processes of soil degradation by the local communities.
The project aims to reduce soil erosion and improve soil cover, by using agronomic measures.
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: KEN/NTEAP/06/012 |
1. To mobilize and sensitise the community of East and South East Alego on the importance of establishing Tree Nurseries and Educational Woodlots
2. To facilitate formation of Project Implementation Committee (PIC)
3. To produce ( ... )
0 multipurpose seedlings in two years
4. To approach and work with 27 schools in East Alego in the establishment of Educational Woodlots
5. To identify 8 women groups to establish tree nurseries
6. To identify 2 groups to produce 180 energy savings Jikos
Main outputs:
1. 180,000 seedlings produced
2. 8 Women groups establish tree nurseries
3. 60 people trained on environmental
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN/NTEAP/06/015 |
Phase 3
Project Number: BZE/OP3/2/06/06 |
Communities perceive the laws established to protect and conserve forest resources, which is essential to their survival, as an obstacle to their development. The viability of the protected areas is threatened by the unsustainable survival ( ... )
gies carried out by communities around them. The 2002 Poverty Assessment conducted by National Human Development Advisory Council showed Cayo having 27.4% of its population being poor and this situation arises as a result of the communities? limited capacity to pursue sustainable livelihoods and limited actions to develop capacities and alternatives.
The goal of the proposed project is, ?to
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: UGA/NTEAP/06/010 |
The organization has been awarded a planning grant to enable it identify the environmental issues in Mutukula Parish, collect baseline information and develop a project proposal that will address the issues. The organization had submitted a project ( ... )
l whose purpose was to improve the conservation of Sango Bay Forest Reserve by constructing valley dams so that the pastoralists do not go to the forest reserve in search of water. The project also plans to reduce the felling of trees for charcoal by providing solar ovens at a subsidized price for the town dwellers who are currently using charcoal. The original project proposal will be
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/06/12/Y1 |
Ce projet rentre dans le cadre d'un programme qui couvre plus d'une dizaine de villages situés dans la zone du département de Magta Lahjar particulièrement dans la zone de l'Aftout. Ce programme a pour objectif d'aider les populations locales à ( ... )
orer leurs productions agricoles tout en reconstituant leur milieu par la mise en place de plusieurs diguettes en terres pour freiner le phénomène de l'érosion hydrique observée dans cette zone et favoriser ainsi l'infiltration des eaux de surface. En plus de la mise en place de ces diguettes des travaux de CES/DRs sont effectués en amont pour ralentir la vitesse des eaux; certaines
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: RWA/OP3/2/06/11 |
The project objective is to fight against intensive erosion of the Mukunguri bassin by promoting organic coffee as a multiannual crop that can be associate with antierosive and Integrated Pest Management practices and generate sustainable incomes to ( ... )
owers actually exploiting the Mukunguri marshland.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/NBI-NTEAP/06/11 |
The project purpose is to create awareness to the community members on the use of solar energy as an alternative source of energy in ten wards of Bukoba and Muleba districts respectively. Most of the remote areas in Kagera region have no access to ( ... )
ectricity power. The community members in these areas despite of their low income have been incurring high expenses for domestic energy use that is provided through fuel wood and kerosene respectively. Most of the people in Kagera region are unaware of the use of renewable energy they therefore spend a lot of money on kerosene and firewood for cooking and lighting. In the process they are led to
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/06/02 |
This project aims to contribute to sustainable development of family farming in the Mid Northern Mato Grosso by means of projects bringing together generation of income and conservation of natural resources in settlements of the Ribeirão Grande ( ... )
in Nova Mutum, Mato Grosso. The project seeks to meet this general objective through wild collection of copaiba. Specific objectives are as follows: learn to collect copaiba oil with minimum impacts on woods; adapt production and processing to market demands, as well as expand the market; generate income for settler families, particularly women; implement a set of initiatives for support of
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: CUB/OP3/2/06/02 |
La Comunidad de Corralillo, se localiza en la precordillera de la sierra maestra, a noreste del municipio Guisa quedando dentro de los limites del Gran Parque Nacional Sierra Maestra y el plan Turquino ? Manatí, además forma parte de la cuenca ( ... )
uto. Tiene una extensión territorial de 69 Km2, limita al norte con los municipios Bayamo y Jiguaní, al sur con el Consejo Popular Bombón y Palma del perro, al este con el Municipio Jiguaní y el Municipio Tercer Frente de Santiago de Cuba, al oeste con los consejos Urbano 1 y Loma de piedra. Su base económica fundamental lo constituye el sector agropecuario representado por la ganadería, el
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/1/05/14 |
La comunidad de Bella Vista está ubicada en el "Codo de los Andes" lugar hasta donde llegan las ultimas estribaciones de la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes, proveniente del noroeste, llegando a su punto mas oriental para desviarse en dirección ( ... )
te, hacia Chile y la Argentina. Zona de influencia de tres macro regiones del continente Suramericano Andes, Amazonía y el Chaco. Es el lugar de intersección entre el corredor Vilcabamba - Amboró y el corredor Amboró - Tariquia. Posee caracteristicas muy importantes en cuanto a potencial turistico, principalmente por ser el portal hacia una extensa area de imponentes farallones, profundos
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: 005/06/ELS/OP3/SGP |
Con el presente proyecto la ARDM pretende desarrollar acciones participativas de protección y aprovechamiento racional de los recursos naturales del área natural protegida "Montaña de Cinquera", con el propósito de perpetuar su diversidad ( ... )
gica y lograr una distribución equitativa de los beneficios generados del uso sostenible de los mismos.
Objetivo Específico n° l
Para fortalecer los espacios comunitarios de discusión y análisis de la problemática ambiental en la búsqueda de propuestas consensuadas de gestión que promueban un uso sostenible de los recursos naturales, se realizara un proceso de 8 jornadas de discusión
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: BUL/OP3/1/06/12 |
Agroforestry includes all production technologies in which crops, trees and shrubs and domestic animals or game are grown by employing exact spatial arrangement and consecutive time disposition. Agroforestry is based on the positive biologic ( ... )
ction among the separate components in the progress of their mutual development. Large number of agroforestry systems- alley cropping, shelterbelts, silvopasture, forest farming, riparian buffer strips and so on, have been developed according to their components, location and functions.
In the period of intensive agriculture agroforestry has been forgotten despite that in its essence it was the
Viet nam
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: VN/06/010/P |
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/CWI/06/03 |
Construction d'un château d'eau et de bornes fontaine |
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/06/09 |
De plus en plus, le Secrétariat de Concertation des ONG maliennes (SECO-ONG) se positionne par rapport aux questions spécifiques de l?environnement et de gestion des questions environnementales. Se fondant sur les expériences capitalisées par ( ... )
part des ONG dans la protection de l?environnement, le SECO a initié des actions ayant abouti à la création du Groupe de Réflexion et d?Action des Intervenants en Environnement (GRAINE).
Considéré comme un outil technique, les ONG et OCB membres ou non de SECO envisagent de faire de GRAINE un cadre de plaidoyer lobbying à même d?influencer les lois et les politiques sur les
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/30 |
Le projet « Appui à la conservation de la biodiversité dans la forêt inondable de Konosoro et aux initiatives de réduction de la pauvreté en faveur des communautés riveraines, communes rurales de Socoura et- Soye, cercle de Mopti » ( ... )
a protection et le maintien de la forêt inondable de Konosoro et la biodiversité en appuyant les initiatives de réduction de la pauvreté des communautés locales. Les principaux villages et campements concernés par la gestion de la forêt sont : N?Gomi, Konadaga, Guimbé, Djebitaga, Dena (commune de Socoura), Téké, Tondoukou, Toumoura (commune de Soye).
Les activités du présent
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/29 |
Le projet s?exécute d?une part dans une des zones éco ? stratégiques du programme de micro ? financement du fonds pour l?environnement mondial ? savoir le Delta Intérieur du fleuve Niger (DIN). Le DIN est classé en février 2004 par le ( ... )
nement du Mali ainsi toutes ses pleines inondables comme site RAMSAR. D?autre part le projet ? travers les objectifs, activités et résultats assignés, contribue ? la conservation de la diversité biologique. Il s'inscrit parfaitement dans les orientations des programmes opérationnels 01, 12 et 13 du FEM et dans l'axe d?orientation 3 du cadre stratégique de lutte contre la pauvreté au Mali
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/21 |
Le projet à travers les objectifs, activités et résultats assignés, contribue à la conservation de la diversité biologique et à la lutte contre la dégradation des terres. Il s'inscrit parfaitement dans les orientations des ( ... )
mmes opérationnels 01, 12, 13 et 15 du FEM et dans l'axe d?orientation trois du cadre stratégique de lutte contre la pauvreté au Mali (CSLP).
Par ailleurs, le projet contribuera à la lutte contre le changement climatique correspondant aux programmes opérationnels 05 et 06 du FEM par la création des puits d'absorption de carbone et la vulgarisation des foyers améliorés.
Contexte :