There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: BUL/OP3/1/06/03 |
Justification: The pilot project will guarantee the implementation of all good practices in the application of this unique know-how, including also changes of the local policies and legislation on regulation of the activities in truffle collection ( ... )
ginal ?hunting without rifle? and functioning of the public-private partnership. This will be the basis for using this project as a successful model for multiplication in many other regions and municipalities with similar characteristics.
The project implementation will enhance the protection of forest terrains with available naturally grown truffles and the restoration of the productivity of
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/OP3/2/07/018 |
Este proyecto busca soluciones a los múltiples problemas del sector, a partir de la conservación y racional aprovechamiento de la naturaleza, la que debe ser integrada como el mayor capital que poseen los miembros de la comunidad. La organizacion ( ... )
fortalecida administrará mejor sus recursos, lo que mejorará sus condiciones económicas, pero con ciudadanos y ciudadanas que respetan y armonizan su entorno.
En la práctica el proyecto busca poner en práctica las principles acciones propuestas en el Plan de Manejo del Manglar, desde la gestión de la propia comunidad. Desarrollar acciones de difusión y socialización de los contenidos del
Phase 3
Project Number: CUB/OP3/2/06/06 |
El deterioro del medio ambiente, causado por la actividad antropogénica y natural, aconsejan establecer medidas de mejoramiento del principal medio del que dispone el agricultor; el suelo. Por todo lo expresado anteriormente con respecto a los ( ... )
, es que se hace impostergable rescatar, proteger y desarrollar variedades y cultivos de plantas más adaptables y productivas bajo las condiciones de suelo y clima de la provincia. En la comunidad existen poblaciones de palmas conocidas como ?guanos?, las que juegan un papel ecológico de gran importancia dentro del ecosistema ya que sirven de alimento y refugio a diversas especies de la
Syrian arab republic
Phase 3
Project Number: SYR/OP3/2/06/15 |
The project addresses the problems of deterioration of the flora biodiversity in the areas surrounding Nabek city due to population and environmental pressure, degradation of agricultural land, and lack of plant resources of local wild origin, by ( ... )
ishing a nursery for local wild plants. The project aims at providing plants of local origin that can survive and adapt with the local environment, in addition to protecting endangered wild types and making them available for the local community.
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/06/03 |
This is a training project which is intended to give future economic sustainability, with the technical tools for the project productive breeding queens. Increasing production capacity that will cover the demand for queen bees that has been in the ( ... )
by supporting it with the producers to counteract the negative effects of African bee and achieve higher levels of production. Training of technicians, who operate the farm queens, training producers, on the biology of bees and how to perform the exchange of
Multifocal Area Biodiversity
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/06/06 |
This project is aimed at preparation of the Cerrado Network of NGOs for participation in the Ninth Conference of the Parts (COP9) of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which will be held in Germany in 2008. Warnings are planned for countries ( ... )
spective companies acquiring products which have negative impacts on the Cerrado biome during their production (mainly soy, beef and steel). Among specific objectives, the following stand out: planning and participation of the Cerrado Network team in COP9; monitoring definition of public policy at the international level with impacts on the Cerrado; disseminate in the national and international
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/06/15 |
Obtención de etanol a partir de jugo de caña bajo el sistema de fermentación anaeróbica. Se destila hasta los 90-95 grados Gay Luzca. Para biodiesel a partir de desechos de aceite de palma africana, se empleará la técnica de ( ... )
sterificación Doble
Papua new guinea
Phase 3
Project Number: PNG/05/15 |
The proponent will assist the CBO to develop a conservation area within the Ogayo project area. The current threat is the potential of large scale logging and mining operations north of the project area.
The other activities include the ( ... )
vation of clay pots, tapa cloth making and awareness programs that will promote conservation of the lush and lowland tropical rainforests in the area. The project committee anticipate to replicate this project to other nearby villages.
The NGO will also conduct legal trainings and workshop as part of its capacity building component. The project is anticipated to cover the whole Wanigela and
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/12 |
Project ?Old trees and wood in forest ecosystems of Poland? is a continuation and development of OTOP?s project ?Assessment of biological value of forests? project from 2005, which goals are: identification of natural valuable forests and lobbing ( ... )
eir proper protection and use.
The main goals of project co financed by GEF are:
1.Evaluation of forest biodiversity in Poland and strengthening monitoring system of nature;
2.Activization of volunteers helping in monitoring of environment;
3.Training of local community members (employees of National Parks and other parties) about the role of dead wood in forests (informing about project
Phase 3
Project Number: UGA/05/60 |
The aim of the project is to conserve the environment, increase biodiversity on the agricultural landscape, improve household incomes and reduce poverty among the local communities in Kole County, Apac district.
The specific objectives are ( ... )
i. Carry out community-based survey to provide data for development planning purposes in the County.
ii. Conserve biodiversity on the agricultural landscapes through improved management of the environment and realistic use of the environmental resources.
iii. Increase on-farm biodiversity through planting of selected multipurpose tree species and fruit trees.
iv. Improve the livelihood of the
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/06/02 |
El proyecto se desarrolló en 7 micro-regiones clasificadas como de alta y muy alta pobreza. Las principales actividades productivas son la agricultura comercial y de subsistencia, la silvicultura, la cosecha de látex, la ganadería y el polo, y la ( ... )
ura. Entre ellas, la apicultura orgánica representa una opción para el desarrollo sostenible, ya que contribuye directamente a la conservación del ecosistema, proporcionando ingresos a la familia y es respetuoso de la cultura local. las organizaciones que practican la apicultura orgánica contribuyen a conservar grandes extensiones de selva y cientos de especies de néctar poliníferas. Se
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/05/18 |
El sendero de Chile en la V región contempla una ruta de importnete belleza pasisajistica, bosques nativos. en este sector es importante la presencia de bosque esclerófilo, bosque muy poco representado en las ASP. |
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: JAM/OP3/2/06/12 |
This project seeks to build capacity in a vulnerable community ? Mocho in Clarendon ? to raise awareness and participate in debate on land degradation, climate change issues and its impacts.
Information from a study on attitude and behaviour ( ... )
s climate change done by the Meteorological Office in April 2005 shows that there is a general feeling of complacency and indifference among the population when it comes to climate change and its effects. This complacency is also reflected in their attitude to disaster management. According to the study which used the insurance of home and property as a measure of people?s preparedness for
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/05/06 |
Mediante la realización del proyecto, se tratará de disminuir los índices de pobreza que actualmente se registran en la comunidad de Kaukira, a través de la venta del producto obtenido de la pesca, ya que este generara mas empleo para la ( ... )
dad de Kaukira. Con una estimacion de produccion de 1000 libras de carne de pescado por cada lancha pesquera lo cual se espera que genera ingresos de L. 144,000.00 por cada remporada de pesca.
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/06/05 |
Conservar el ecosistema forestal mediante el manejo comunitario y la implementación de prácticas de manejo forestal de bajo impacto. Aplicación de la tecnología y el bosque de formación, reducir los costes y el impacto de las operaciones ( ... )
ales, el desarrollo de un sector empresarial, una combinación que permite a los ejidos abordar el problema de la reducción de la tasa de extracción sin afectar su economía y el medio
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/OP3/02/06/02 |
The 50 project beneficiaries will produce corn, faba and native beans and potatoes on a total of 6.5 ha, using organic agriculture and soil conservation methods. They will also establish a tree nursery for the production of alder, cypress and pine ( ... )
which will be reforested on 4 ha of land. Part of the tree seedlings will be sold.
Training workshops will be given in tree nursery, soil conservation, organic agriculture, forest management, administration and gender issues.
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/OP3/02/06/07 |
The Xepiacul project is run by a community organisation consisting of 25 women and one man, with a strong emphasis on empowering local women. The community is indigenous K'iché. The project focus is on producing local faba bean and potato crops, ( ... )
self-produced organic fertilisers and pesticides. The group will also create their own tree nursery and reforest pine and alder trees.
Training workshops will be given in soil conservation, lombriculture, tree nurseries, gender themes, organisational skills and commercialisation. The group will sell part of the tree seedlings to sustain the nursery and the project in the long run.
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/OP3/02/06/03 |
The project will include the organic production of potatoes, corn, native and faba beans on 0.2ha by each of the 40 project beneficiaries. Organic fertilisers and pesticides will be produced locally and soil conservation techniques will be ( ... )
enbted. The community organisation will establish a tree nursery and reforest 10,000 trees on 3.5 ha in total.
Some of the agricultural produce and tree seedlings will be sold on the market. Training workshops will be given in tree nursery, soil conservation, organic pesticides and fertilisers, natural disasters, commercialisation and gender issues.
Phase 3
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/08 |
in Zimbabwe soil erosion is high and the use of agro chemicals particularly for tobacco the largest crop in Zimbabwe is rampant. this has left many areas infertile and with high POPs. the project is aimed at promoting proprietary ( ... )
logy that provide exception opportunities to mitigate against persistent organic pollutants and climate change by offering carbon sink while promoting extensive cropping using little external inputs.
with organic farming it is possible to eliminate inorganic fertilizers and chemical pesticides and insecticides that contribute to POPs
project goal
to bring the practice f organic
Phase 3
Project Number: THA/06/10 |
Target Population/Location of project:
115 families living in Mae Tha District; participants come from:
? Chiangmai Organic Farming Cooperatives
? Chaingmai Agricultural Development Cooperatives,
? Hod District Organic Farming ( ... )
? Doi Tao District Green Housewife Network,
? Samerng District Sustainable Development Foundation, and
? General consumers in Chiangmai
Planned activities:
1. Train project members about organic farming and food production standards
2. Conduct random land and water quality checks
3. Produce handbooks on agro-product processing
4. Building organic compliance inspectors?